Draco X Reader

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Your information:
House: Slytherin
Blood status: muggleborn
Happens in: 4th year
Warnings: short
Requested by: Leeza101
Posted on: 15/06/2021


I looked at the back of her head as she seemed to be studying something on the table on the other side of the bookcase. Her Y/H/L  Y/H/C  hair falling into her face slightly contrasting with the green of her Slytherin robes, she had something that the muggles call a water bottle sitting in front of her on the table.

Her hand drifted across the parchment with the Phoenix feather quill in her hand before she seemed to tickle her chin a little with the feather. I groaned in my mind, I couldn't have fallen for her, sure she's a Slytherin but she's a muggleborn, my parents would never approve.

I heard her groan and I quickly put my eyes back on her as her head dropped back and her Y/E/C eyes fell upon my silver ones. "Malfoy, what are you looking at?" Her soft voice and her eyes seeming curious, of course she was curious I was very rarely in here.

"I, um" I kicked myself for stammering "I'm here to borrow this book" I said the first thing that came to my mind as I grabbed a book from the shelf and going over to her. She nodded slightly "do you want to sit down?" She then asked and I almost froze, "umm sure" I said as I quickly sat down in front of her.

She went back to her homework and I continued my creepy stare, "do I have something on my face?" She asked and I realized she was looking at me as I had gotten lost in my thoughts. "Oh, um, no" I told her averting my gaze away from her and hurrying out of the library leaving the book behind on the table.

When I got out of the library I hurried to an empty corridor resting my back against it and sliding down. Why did I have to fall for a muggleborn, why couldn't I have fallen in love with a pureblood like myself.


Malfoy ran out of the Library seeming to be hurt by something, he left the book behind and I grabbed it seeing it was a book used in muggle studies. Why would Malfoy be looking at a muggle studies book? I thought to myself as I looked at the library doors.

I quickly packed my school bag and hurried out of the library trying to find Malfoy.

I heard some half sobbing in one of the empty corridors and I quickly stopped my looking for Malfoy and went into the hallway seeing who was hurt. There a first year Slytherin sat crying into his legs, covered in what looked like glue and red glitter his hair a bright pink color and I realized it had been the Weasley twins.

I slowly went over bending down to his level, "hey, do you want help cleaning up?" I asked the poor boy who continued to sob quietly. The little boy looked up and nodded when he saw my Slytherin robes and I took my wand out, gently smiling at the first year.

I cast the spell and he smiled, his hair getting light brown, all of the glitter and glue getting instantly removed from his robes and skin as he smiled. "Thank you" he said cheerily as he stood up and so did I, "you're welcome, let me know if those Weasley's do anymore pranks on you" I told him and he nodded.

The boy ran away and I looked behind me to continue trying to find Malfoy, although when I turned around there he stood at the end of the hallway. "Why are you so nice Y/L/N?" He asked and I smiled, "I guess it's just in my nature" I told him and he seemed to smile, the first time I saw him smile an actual smile.

"What are you doing here? I was about to look for you, you seemed upset when you left the library" I asked and told him. "Well, I" he stammered out not sure what he should say, "yes?" I asked kind of impatiently, I was an impairment person.

I tilted my head like a lost puppy waiting for him to say something, I noticed a slight blush form on his cheeks "I like you" he stumbled out his cheeks becoming as red as Weasley's hair. I felt the heat rise onto my own face as a blush started to form, "I like you too" I whispered back to him and he smiled then frowned.

"We can't be anything though, if anyone found out I was dating a muggleborn I'd get my head decapitated" Draco whispered as he took a step closer to me "what if we stay hidden?" I asked also taking a step closer to Draco. Draco took another step closer to me, our lips almost touching, I felt butterflies start to form in my stomach, my mind went crazy, my heart went up to my throat.

Then he kissed me, the kiss was sweat and passionate, one of his hands cupped my cheek while his other held me gently behind my head.

One of my hands rested on Draco's chest and the other was in his stiff hair, when we pulled apart for air we were both smiling "you should stop using so much hair gel, it's not good for your hair" I commented and he chuckled. "See you're amazing" he mumbled against my lips and I smiled pecking his lips again.

WC: 946

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