Sirius X Young!Reader

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Your information:
Your house: former Hufflepuff
Blood status: half-blood
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody


You sighed happily, it was a sunny afternoon, you were stood outside of #12 Grimmauld place with Madeye Moody. You had just finished your Auror training and were about to join the order of the Phoenix.

You and Madeye walked into the house and you heard a wich call everyone down for dinner. "Come on, dinner time" Madeye said to you and you nodded following after him.

You saw a man you recognized as Sirius Black, everyone thought he was a mass murderer although you didn't believe it. Even though you had never spoken to him or anyone close to him for that matter.

There was just something about him that made you believe he was innocent. You had seen him while going to Azkaban for some Auror training.

You smiled as Moody introduced you to everyone at the table, there were a lot of red headed kids. You recognized them as the Weasley's, you had gone to school with Bill Weasley. The two of you had actually dated although you both ended it on civilized terms and staid friends for the rest of your time at Hogwarts.

You found the only available seat beside Sirius and you sat down, "it's nice to meet you, I'm Sirius" he said putting his hand out for you to shake. You smiled at him and shook his hand "Y/N" he smiled at you and his smile was mesmerizing to you.

Yes, you were a whole lot younger than him, you had just turned 25 and he was almost 36. You internally kicked yourself and cursed under your breath, you couldn't think he was handsome.

You tried not to talk to Sirius for the whole dinner and got some conversation with Remus who sat opposite you. Once dinner was done and all the plates had been cleaned the kids were sent out of the dining room.

Your first order meeting was starting, you smiled happily as you got assigned going to spy on the Lestrange pare. You would have Remus with you.

Time skip till the end of the week

It was the end of the week and you and Remus were getting ready to go to the Lestrange manor to spy. Once you reached the manor both of you dressed warmly and you had brought a thurmast with you for hot cocoa.

Once the two of you had found a place to sit down where you wouldn't be seen you sighed tentatively. You took a sip of your hot cocoa and offered Remus some to stay warm, he gladly took a sip and handed it back to you.

"So?" Remus asked you and you lift a eyebrow at him and nodded, your curiosity getting to you. "Sirius?" Remus asked again and you just got confused, "what about him?" you asked and Remus sighed.

"I know your age difference but what do you feel for the man? Please give me good news? He won't stop talking about you" Remus said. Your eyes became big and your mouth hung open from shook.

"He, he, can't stop, talking about, me?" You asked surprise falling off of your tongue. "Yes, Merlin, I hoped I wouldn't ever have to hear someone talk so much about someone after James had gotten Lily" Remus exclaimed.

You saw the hurt in his eyes when he mentioned his friends and you smiled weekly at him. "Well, I like him too, if that's what you were asking" you said smiling slightly, thankful for the cold weather.

After about four hours you and Remus had gotten a lot of things pointed down and apperaited back to head quarters. Once you got inside you hurried to the fire place trying to warm up, Remus not far behind you.

Sirius came down the stairs and looked expectantly at you and Remus. You smiled and dug out some parchment from your coat pocket.

"Here's what we got" you said getting back to warming yourself at the fire. Sirius smiled at you and went to give the parchment to someone in the dining room.

He came back with three blankets and wrapped two of them around you before throwing the last one at Remus. Remus chuckled and left the sitting room leaving you confused.

"Why'd he leave?" You asked Sirius who looked glad about something. "Because he got the message" Sirius told you, you looked confused, "what message?" You asked.

"Didn't he bring anything special up while you were spying?" Sirius asked a bit hurt. You chuckled a little before nodding your head, "yes he did, he brought you up into a conversation" you smiled at him.

Sirius blushed a little, something you never thought you'd see, you chuckled a little and kissed his cheek. "I'm going to bed" you said and stood up leaving Sirius sitting there alone on the couch.

You sighed contently as you laid down in your bed, you had been allowed to stay the night at Grimmauld place. You soon fell asleep peacefully, not waking up until a thunder sounded outside.

You had always been terrified of thunderstorms so you screeched a little and went slowly out of bed. You took your wand with you before finding Sirius' room and knocking on his door.

A extremely tired Sirius opened the door looking as tired as ever. "What?" He asked before he noticed the tears threatening to spill from your eyes.

You heard another thunder from outside and practically jumped into Sirius' arms. Sirius smiled a little before bringing you into the room and closing the door.

"I'm sorry for waking you up, could I please stay here?" You asked looking at the floor. "Of course" Sirius said looking lovingly at you before pulling you to the bed.

"You don't mind sharing do you?" Sirius asked and you shook your head and smiled slightly, "thank you" you said and crawled into the bed. Sirius following right after you, "you know, a little birdy told me that you can't stop talking about me" you said.

Sirius blushed furiously and nodded a small nod, you nuzzled yourself closer to him, "I hope that's a good thing" you then said. Sirius nodded again and you smiled before looking up at him.

His gray eyes met you Y/E/C once, "well I like you too" you said and kissed him softly on the lips before hearing another thunder and burying your face into his chest. Sirius smiled and kissed your head, "be mine?" He asked and you looked back up at him.

A huge smile plastered on your face and you nodded, "okay, I'll be yours" you said smiling at him.

WC: 1124

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