Charlie X Muggle!Reader

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Your information:
House: no house
Blood status: muggle
Happens in: 5 years after Charlie's graduation
Warnings: you're a muggle, long
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 24/05/2021


I looked at the scratch Charlie had gotten today at work, it was on his cheek, "come here love, let me clean that up properly for you" I told him and he smiled. We had been watching tv at my place when I noticed the scratch and it had been driving me mad not offering my help.

You see I'm a medical student, I'm working shifts at a hospital in town although while I'm not working I surround myself with Charlie. Charlie and I have been dating for almost exactly three years now, if you want me to be precise, two years and 10 months.

Charlie moved closer to me and kissed my cheek as I stood up to boil some water so I could sanitize the scratch properly with the things I had here at home. When I came back into the living room Charlie was playing around with his fingers.

I sat down on the floor in front of him putting my hand gently onto his cheek, the one without the cut, as I moved his head to look at me. "What's wrong love?" I asked as I took up the cloth and dipped it into the water.

"My family is coming the day after tomorrow" Charlie said and I smiled standing up to kiss his forehead "well I'm excited to finally meet them. I mean you've met my parents I think it's time I meet yours don't you think?" I asked but the look Charlie had when I turned around after putting the water and cloth away wasn't a good one.

"I don't think you should meet them" Charlie whispered to me and I froze in the doorway "and why not?" I asked raising an eyebrow. "Well they're a lot to handle" Charlie said and I smiled "you my love are a lot to handle yet I can handle you, why shouldn't I be able to handle them?" I asked.

"Well there are so many of them and mom and dad are very pushy about everything" Charlie said and I raised an eyebrow "I don't care, I want to meet them" I told Charlie. "But, but" Charlie seemed to be out of excuses, "but what Charlie? We have been dating for almost three years now and I haven't met anyone that is close to you. It shouldn't be like that, I should have met your parents by now" I told Charlie, it was safe to say I was upset.

"They don't even know I'm dating someone" Charlie said and I froze my pacing at that, "they, they don't know?" I asked and Charlie seemed ashamed. "I'm sorry Y/N it just never came up in conversation" Charlie said and I groaned, "are you even serious about this relationship? Because from where I'm standing you aren't. I think you should leave, now" I said quickly.

I wasn't going to let him see me upset, not now at least, Charlie slowly stood up from the sofa and tried to take a step towards me "I love you Y/N. Please don't do this" Charlie begged "Charlie, leave" I said pointing a finger at the door, "I love you" I heard Charlie whisper just as the door closed behind him.

After he left I broke down, I fell down the wall my knees not keeping me up anymore, my sight was blurry from the tears falling quickly out of my eyes. I quickly called up my best friend from medical school, she heard my son and was quick to tell me she was coming over with a pizza.

When she arrived she hugged me and let me cry out until I had calmed down, which took me about one hour, after I was calm she/he quietly piped up "what happened love?" She/he asked. I told her/him everything that had happened with Charlie and how I hated that he didn't want to let me meet his family.

Later I fell asleep in her/his arms on the couch while she/he was stroking my hair comfortably.

Time skip till a week later

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