Harry X McGonagall!Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: just after graduation
Warnings: Ginny is a bad character in this one as she cheated on Harry, you are 2 years younger than Harry, you're McGonagall's daughter
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 06/06/2021


I sat at the funeral of Fred Weasley as tears fell slightly from my eyes, I had remembered the twins ,Fred and George Weasley, complete trouble makers. Mom put an arm around me in a comforting manner before she stood up, "come on sweetie, there's going to be coffee and some cakes up at the castle" she said motioning me to Hogwarts.

I found my way to the castle as I found myself a table with my cake and cup of pumpkin juice, I sat alone at one of the tables as I looked around. Mom was talking to professor Slughorn, I noticed Harry Potter talking to Hermione Granger and Ron Weasley while the Weasley parents and George were talking among themselves at one of the table.

I looked back down to my cake as memories of the twins together running around school doing a prank, sitting in detention with mom or just sitting in a corner quietly whisper together. "Excuse me, do you mind if I sit?" Harry Potter stood in front of me motioning at a chair around the table.

"Hm, no not at all, go ahead" I told him and smiled slightly at him, Harry sat down and smiled slightly at me "I'm Harry" he said holding his hand out and I shook it. "I think everyone knows who you are" I said smiling after retreating my hand "I'm Y/N" I said smiling slightly.

We sat in quite for a couple of minutes until Harry started asking me questions such as 'how I knew Fred' 'what Hogwarts house I'm in' and other things similar to that. We had started talking and getting closer than we had been until I asked about why he had been giving Ginny a cold shoulder.

Harry signed and looked at Ginny with cold eyes "she cheated on me with Dean" he told me and I froze "she didn't, she liked you so much" I said in complete shock. Everyone knew how much Ginny liked Harry while Harry was still in school so hearing she cheated on him was a shock to probably everyone that knew about this.

"Y/N dear we should get going, it's getting late" mom said and I smiled up at her, "it was nice meeting you officially Harry" I said waving to him "you too Y/N" Harry said and I smiled. "Since when have you and Potter been friends?" Mom asked and I chuckled at her "he asked if he could sit down and I said yes, then we just started talking" I explained to mom.

She seemed to accept that excuse so I didn't say anything about Ginny cheating on Harry or anything like that.

As the weeks passed, Harry and I had started to send letters back and forth with his new owl who he called barn, it was a barn owl and he wasn't the best at naming, I smiled as I saw him fly through the open window of my dorm room in the Gryffindor tower.

I took the letter from him handing him a treat before opening the letter and reading it over before replying to him.

Time skip till 2 years later (your graduation)

Harry and I had been talking since Fred's funeral almost every day we would send at least one letter to the other depending on our time schedules and the things we had to do. I had started to grow a crush on Harry through our time sending letters and occasional meetings on Hogsmeade weekends.

Graduation time was a hard time for everyone. I looked at myself in the mirror (this is what you wore feel free to change it if you don't like it)

I heard the door open up and mom walked into her private chambers "Y/N dear you look absolutely amazing" she said and I smiled at her through the mirror

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I heard the door open up and mom walked into her private chambers "Y/N dear you look absolutely amazing" she said and I smiled at her through the mirror. "Mom can I ask you something?" I asked her and she nodded as she did a tiny touch ups on my hair that was down but slightly curly at the ends.

"Of course sweat heart" she said and I smiled a little "Harry, do you think, well do you think he'll be here?" I asked and mom smiled at me through the mirror. "I don't know sweetie, why?" Mom asked and I blushed slightly "you like him don't you?" She asked and I nodded slightly.

"Well, I guess we will see if he likes you or not later on then" she said before winking at me "come on, you have to hurry, they're starting with the Gryffindor's" mom said and I smiled kissing her cheek.

I hurried out of moms office and down to the entrance hall, just outside of the great hall, so all of us graduation students could walk in at the same time. "Come on now, get in a single row, in alphabetical and house order, Gryffindor, Hufflepuff, Slytherin and then lastly Ravenclaw" mom called over us.

We all went into that single row, as soon as the row had been formed mom was opening the doors and we were walking into the great hall to be graduated. All too soon, what felt like only five seconds, I was about to be graduated as mom called my name up for me to come and graduate.

I went up, shook my moms hand and got handed my graduation slip before slipping off of the stage to see Harry standing there with a boutique of red roses in his hands and a smile on his face. "Congratulations" he said as I approached him a smile on my own face, "thank you" I said slightly awkwardly "um those are for you" Harry said handing the roses out to me and I blushed a little.

"Thank you Harry" I said smiling, "umm, can we get out of here to talk?" Harry asked and I nodded before we left the great hall and were out in the courtyard. "Y/N, I have to tell you something, I really really really like you, like I really like you, and I was wondering now that 1. Your of age and 2. Are graduated if maybe you'd go on an actual date with me?" Harry asked and I froze.

Was THE Harry Potter actually asking me out on a date, it seemed so, "Harry I'd love to" I said smiling at him before pecking his cheek, the two of us spent the rest of the graduation just talking and laughing together while walking around outside.

WC: 1138

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