Luna X Fem!Reader

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Your information:
House: Slytherin
Blood status: muggleborn
Happens in: 4th year
Warnings: LGBTQ+ relationship (I am myself apart of the community and have nothing against anyone in it), extremely short
Requested by: @jesusofficial_6BC
Posted on: 23/10/2020


You sat in the forbidden forest just relaxing while playing your guitar for the thestrals that were surrounding you. (The song you're playing is the song above). You smiled as a baby thestral came up to you to sniff your bag, you had smuggled some meet from the kitchens to feed the thestrals.


I was walking in the forbidden forest holding some mushroom caps, I was planning on telling Y/N how I felt. I had only been in love with her for a year now and was becoming extremely nervous as I came closer to her amazing singing voice.

I smiled as I saw her throw a pice of meet towards a baby thestral and emerged from the trees. Even though Y/N is a Slytherin she's still very nice and kind to everyone, sure she was sarcastic and ambitious but she was sweet and caring.

"Hi" I said to her when I came closer to her and she looked in my direction, her Y/E/C (your eye color) eyes looked at me and she smiled. "Hey, what are those mushroom caps for?" She asked me and I smiled.

"Us" I said and handed her one as I sat myself down on the rock she was sitting on, "thank you" she said and smiled at me "your welcome" I said back and we stayed in silence.

It wasn't a uncomfortable silence, it was more of a 'I enjoy being around you' silence, at least to me it was.


You smiled as you saw Luna sitting beside you on the rock you had been sitting on for some time now. You picked your guitar up again and started to play again (again the song at the top) Luna and you mumbled the lyrics with and smiled.

It was peaceful and Luna and you just stayed there enjoying each other's company until the song was over. "That was beautiful, you're very talented" Luna said and you could feel your cheeks start to heat up and you felt the blush take it's place as Luna your crush complimented you.

"Thank you" you mumbled a smile playing on your lips and then you grabbed your bag and handed Luna a pice of meet, "want to feed them?" You asked and she smiled taking the pice of meet from your hand and handing it to a thestral.

"You know I was planning on telling you something" Luna said once the two of you had finished feeding the thestrals. You smiled reassuringly at her and nodded, "okay go ahead" you said wanting to know what was bothering her.

"I, well I, I like you" Luna said and you sat there in shock for a second or two, "you, you, like me? As in you want to date me?" You asked still in shock. You saw Luna's face fall and shook your head and then smiled at her, "because if so then be my girlfriend?" You asked smirking at her a classic smirk.

Now it was Luna's turn to be shock but she was quick to throw her arms around you in a passionate kiss, you instantly kissed her back putting your hands on her waist pulling her in closer. Once the two of you pulled apart you were both smiling a huge smile, some would say you were smiling like idiots.

"I'll be yours" she then whispered and you both smiled even brighter.

WC: 617

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