Sirius X Young!Reader

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Your information:
House: a former Ravenclaw
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: a year after the second wizarding war
Warnings: smut (there will be a warning before it starts), some smutty words (without a warning before hand)
Requested by: SelinaClarke2
Posted on: 30/11/2020


I smiled at Mrs. Weasley as she pulled me out of her famous bear hugs, Bill Weasley one of my closest friends had invited me to a celebration at the Burrow, Bill and I went all the way back to our first year at Hogwarts and we had always been as close as twins. "It's so good to see you again Y/N dear" Molly said happily and I smiled at her, "it's good to see you too Molly" I told her back.

The celebration had been going on for some time, we were celebrating that we hadn't lost anyone extremely close to us in the war, sure we lost people we knew but nobody close to us. "Y/N why don't you sing something for us?" Bill then suddenly asked and I laughed at his exited face when I nodded, Fluer his wife laughed at him as well and I went up to the makeshift stage there had been made in the center.

(A/N = play the song above) "He left no time to regret" I sag out as the song played in the background, I swayed my hips a little with the tune.

"kept his dick wet" I sang while everyone were cheering me on to continue.

"With his same old safe bet" I continued slowly.

"Me and my head high, and my tears dry" I sang even slower.

"Get on without my guy" I sang and I noticed someone come down the stairs.

"You went back to what you knew" I sang as I noticed that it had been Sirius Black that came down the stairs.

"So far removed from all that we went through" I continued my singing, I noticed how Sirius was looking everywhere except at me.

"And I tread a troubled track" I noticed how handsome Sirius looked even though he was a fair bit older than I was.

"My odds are stacked, I'll go back to black" I continued my singing as I noticed that Sirius kept glancing shortly at me and then he would shake his head and look away.

"We only said goodbye with words" I sang a bit faster than I had earlier.

"I died a hundred times" I sang and I noticed Sirius head snap in my direction then he shook his head again and look back out the window.

"You go back to her" I sang, now I had all of Sirius' attention.

"And I go back to... I go back to us" I sang and noticed Sirius lick his lips a little, I don't know if I was supposed to see that.

"I love you much" by now Sirius was watching me intently and I felt myself blush a little under his stare.

"It's not enough" I sang and Sirius shook his head still looking at me.

"You love blow and I love puff" I continued my singing and I saw Sirius still staring at me.

"And life is like a pipe" I sang and I saw Sirius frown a little, I didn't understand why.

"And I'm a tiny penny rolling up the walls inside" I sang and I saw Sirius smile a devilish smile and I internally chuckled.

"We only said goodbye with words" I continued singing, Sirius not letting his eyes leave me.

"I died a hundred times" the words left my mouth naturally as I sang the lyrics.

"You go back to her, and I go back to..." I continued, Sirius was still staring at me like I was a chine doll he wanted to touch but he couldn't.

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