Harry X reader

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Your information:
Your house: Hufflepuff
Blood status: half-blood
Warnings: a lot of cursing
Requested by: nobody
Important A/N at the end please read!!!


Why did Ron have to be so, so irritating I thought to myself, Ron had just left me, Hermione and Y/N to find the rest of the Hurcoxes. I felt the bed I was sitting on sink a little beside me and I looked up to see who had sat down.

"Harry?" Y/N asked me and I sighed, "why, why can't he understand?" I asked Y/N, she just sighed. Before leaving to go see what Hermione was up to.


"'Mione?" You asked her as you approached her, you had been running for months and were exhausted. Harry had become stressed and that was stressing you out.

Everyone thought that I had a crush on Ron, even Harry did, Hermione told you. "Still wondering why he's being distant with you?" she asked as you sat down outside with her.

You had always had a secret crush on Harry and only Hermione knew, she had found out by herself so you gave in and told her everything. "Yes, I don't know what I did" you said before sighing and letting your head fall into your hands from frustration.

"He likes you, he's just trying to get over you, you know he thinks you like Ron" Hermione said putting a hand on your back and rubbing soothing circles on it. You looked up at her and sighed, "I guess, I just wish he'd at least try to see that I bloody like him and not Ron" you said frustration falling off of your tongue.

Hermione chuckled and nodded, "I wish Ron would try seeing how much I like him, I guess were both gonna die alone" Hermione joked. You laughed at her and smiled, "thank you, how about I try to make us some food?" You asked her.

"Food sounds really good right now" she answered and you stood up entering the tent. You smiled sadly at Harry before going to turn the radio on before going to make some food.

"Why the bloody hell does everyone have to listen to this damn thing?!" Harry screamed at you and you stopped what you were doing. You had never been one to speak for yourself, you had always been way too shy to say anything back when others were angry.

At that moment you heard that you're parents had been murder'd, you looked at Harry and he didn't have anything but anger in his eyes. "Make your own food then" you said in a low voice before leaving the tent, you walked past Hermione and out of her protection wards.

You heard her calling you until you were out of the wards, tears were spilling from your eyes and you weren't looking where you were going. You fell down and just sat there, your back resting on a tree, your head in your hands and your tears streaming down.


Y/N walked past me, out of my protection wards, and completely ignored me when I tried calling behind her. I became furious, now Harry had done it bad, Y/N never let tears fall while someone could see her.

I made my way into the tent to see Harry destroying the radio, I looked at him with horror. "Harry James Potter, what the bloody hell did you do to Y/N?" I said my voice dangerously calm for anyone's liking.

"Nothing, I just asked why the bloody hell she listens to this bloody radio!" I looked at him shocked. "Your a fucking idiot!" I screamed at him, "she listens to it to make sure her parents are still alive. Now she left the protection wards, give me the locket and start packing up at this!" I screamed at him.

He took the horcux off of his neck and handed it to me, "what did I do? Why did Y/N leave?" Harry asked afraid he'd hurt you. I shook my head, "start packing this up, we need to find her before she gets into trouble" I said.

As soon as Harry had finished packing the tent into my bag and I finished taking all the protection wards off we left.

We were calling out Y/N's name when Harry called me over.


I saw the girl I love sitting on a tree trunk and it broke my heart, I was the reason she was crying. I looked over at Hermione who nudged me in her direction.

"Y/N?" I asked as I sat down beside her, she didn't look up, "their dead" she whispered, I could barely hear her. "What?" I asked rubbing soothing circles onto her back, "my parents" she said and my heart broke even more.

I had screamed at her just seconds before she found out through the radio that her only family was murder'd. I pulled her into my chest and she buried her head into it, trying to hide from the real world.

Hermione had started putting protection wards up so nobody would be able to see or hear us. "I'm so sorry Y/N" I said still rubbing her back as soothingly as I could, I had never been good at this.

Y/N looked up at me, her eyes were red and puffy and I felt even worse than before, "I love you" I blurted out without realizing I had.

Y/N looked at me with shock and, hope? "As a brother or lover?" she asked and I felt my cheeks and whole face heat up. "The second" I admitted to her and a small smile played on her lips.

I felt something soft touch my lips and I realized that Y/N was kissing me, it was exactly how I had imagined it. Our lips moved in perfect sync until we had to pull apart to breath.

"I love you too" she said and I smiled widely.

A/N = Hi okay this is important please read it!!!

So I had a bad car accident yesterday and I'm pretty much drugged with painkillers almost 24/7 so the next couple of one shots won't be the best I hope you guys don't mind!
- lots of love!

WC = 1058

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