Rita!Skeeter X Fem!Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: fifth year
Warnings: smut and I'll be EXTREMELY awkward because I'm awkward while writing this sorry in advance!
Requested by: BestShipsAreGayShips (she hates herself for requesting this)


You smiled as you walked through your home the summer after your fourth year at Hogwarts. You always used the floo to get home, or if you were lucky your B/F/N (best friends name) parents drove you. She/he is a muggle born so they had a car and were always able to drive you.

Thankfully they drove you this year, you had become sick on the train back to Kings Cross so you were thankful for not having to use the floo. "Bye, I'll see you after the summer" you called out to B/F/N before opening the door to your house.

"I'm home" you called out to your parents, both of them came and gave you big hugs before greeting you. "Y/N dear, we have the daughter of our friends over, her parents had to go on important ministry business. She's a squib so try not to do a lot of magic" your mother said whispering the last part.

"Okay, where is she staying? we don't have a guest bedroom" you stated, "well she has been sleeping in your bed this past week. The two of you can share right?" Your dad said.

Your parents didn't know you were a lesbian and it was uncomfortable for you to have to stay in the same bed as a girl you didn't know was. "But, but" you tried to argue but no argument went out of your mouth.

"Fine" you Said giving into their wish, "Rita! Come down here dear, our daughter is home" your mother called upstairs. A girl with blond short hair walked down the stairs, she looked to be around your age and she was hot.

You shook your head lightly trying to get the thought out of your head, you were going to share a bed with her for merlins beard. "Hey, I'm Y/N, I'm guessing your Rita?" You said smiling, you were exhausted but didn't want to disappoint your parents.

"Yep, that's me, nice to meet you" she said and smiled at you. "Well I'm a bit tired, I think I'll turn in early" you said after a minute of uncomfortable silence.

"Okay dear" your mother said kissing your head like she always did, you rolled your eyes a little and went up stairs. You got into your bedroom and put your trunk in one of the corners. You told yourself you would unpack tomorrow.

You found some clean pajamas in your closet and started to put them on when the door opened up. "Oh I'm sorry" Rita said as she closed the door and stayed out.

You hurriedly put your pajama pants and shirt on and opened the door, "sorry about that" Rita said blushing. Her blush was fairly obvious on her light skin, "it's fine" you said and went into the bed.

"Umm, I should probably tell you, I'm a lesbian, I mean just because we have to share a bed and everything. I hope it won't be uncomfortable for you" Rita admitted, you felt your cheeks warm up at that.

"Oh that's fine, I'm one myself, my parents don't know so please don't say anything" you said and she smiled a little. "Okay, I won't say a word" she said and you smiled, "good night" you said and fell instantly asleep.

The next day you woke up alone in bed, you looked at the clock and you saw it was already lunch time. You pulled your tired legs out of the bed and walked downstairs to see Rita in a over sized T-shirt and nothing else.

"You're parents had work today so they already left" she said as she saw you sitting down at the breakfast table. "Okay, that's nothing new" you said.

The two of you ate the pancakes and bacon that Rita had been making when you got downstairs in quite. "So, you got a girlfriend at Hogwarts?" Rita asked you, you were quite surprised with her question but shook your head nonetheless.

"How about you?" You questioned actually really curious. "No, although my best friend just lost her virginity and is pulling me into doing the same. I just don't know a girl that's lesbian, bisexual or Pansexual" Rita said.

You nodded your head although frowned a bit. After sitting in completely silence for a couple of seconds you felt eyes on you so you looked up from your plate.

You saw Rita staring at you, you raised your eyebrow slightly at her and she smirked. "How about some fun?" She asked, you spit out the pumpkin juice you had been drinking.

"What?" You asked surprised at her coming just straight forward and ask that, you two barely knew each other.

"I mean if you want to?" She questioned, by this time she was already moving her foot up your leg and was getting uncomfortably close to your vigina. You gasped a little and gave her a look that said I'm the dominant one.

You stood up and walked over to the other side of the table while swaying your hips a little to get her attention. You walked past her and through the living room, "you coming or?" You asked in your best sexy voice.

Rita stood up and walked over pressing her lips firmly onto yours while starting to walk up the stairs. Once you reached your bedroom you instantly took your wand out and locked the door before casting a silencing charm.

"Sorry" you apologized before pushing her onto the bed, you started sucking on her neck and you made a couple of hicky's appear on her neck. You made your way down to her collar bone taking the T-shirt off of her, you licked you lips as you bent down.

You started sucking on one of her breast while your hand was rubbing the other, Rita moaned loudly as you changed the breast you were sucking on. You moved your kisses further down until you were by her bellybutton.

At this point Rita was already tugging at your pajama shirt wanting it off of your body. You quickly pulled you shirt off before sliding down your pants.

Now both of you were only in your underwear and both extremely wet. You slowly pulled Rita's underwear off with your teeth as you started to thumb her clit.

She moaned loudly as you slowly put one finger into her "more" she screamed and you slowly put another finger into her while rubbing her clit with your tongue.

Your fingers made their way out of her vigina and your tongue replaced them. You rubbed her insides with your tongue for some time until she reached her climax.

Once both of you were finished you lay naked in bed until both of you fell asleep.

A/N = okay this is really bad although I hope you like it!! And please do request if you have any requests!


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