Fred X Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 5th year
Warnings: bullying, self harm!
If you guys get triggered by self harm I am begging you to stop reading and seek help from someone! I love you all too much to see any of you go!
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 22/09/202


You walked into the shower trying to hold back the tears that were threatening to spill from your eyes until the water was running. Once the shower water was running you fell down the wall of the bathroom and you cried.

Yet another prank had been done on you by none other than the guy you had fallen in love with Fred Weasley. He had been pranking you all day, every day since your first year, yet somehow you managed to fall for him.

You dried your tears as you went into the shower to wash off, he had thrown you into the black lake. Thankfully you had been learning to swim recently, if he had done it a week ago you would have drowned.

It hurt you to think that he hated you enough to probably want you dead, you would always go to all his quidditch games. Even though you hid away from view you still went and cheered him on.

You never pranked him or made it look like any of the pranks affected you in any way, although when you were alone you would cry and cut. You had been cutting yourself for a couple of years now, it made you feel less emotional pain.

You transformed a little lock of your own hair into a small blade so you could get to work on you arm. You were almost out of space on both your arms by now, although you found some space further up.

You cut, one, two, three, that's when the doors opened, "Y - Y/N?" You heard Ginny's voice. Yes she may have been three years younger than you but she was your only friend, she was the only one who knew about your crush on Fred.

She must have seen the blood come from your shower stall because you heard quick footsteps and soon the shower curtain were being drawn away. You looked down as you heard a gasp escape from Ginny, "Y/N, why?" She asked, she knew the answer and you knew she knew.

"Fred" was all you said as a tear fell from your eye, Ginny had never know you had been cutting yourself. Ginny slowly approached you and she took the blade, "clean up, I'll wait by the door" she said calmly.

You nodded embarrassed she had caught you.

You did as she told you and you cleaned off, once you were done cleaning your arm you dried off and got dressed. You walked over to the door where Ginny - true to her word - was waiting for you.

Once she saw you she pulled you into one of her famous bone crushing hugs. You smiled sadly as you let a tear fall, "I'm sorry, I'm sorry he has to be such a jerk" Ginny said.

"Gin, it's fine, it's not your fault" you assured her trying to stay calm. "I'll kill him" Ginny said furiously.

"Ginny" you tried but she ignored you before stomping away as angry as ever.


I stomped away from Y/N to find Fred and George, finally I found George in one of the empty hallways. "George Weasley!" I called and he turned to look at me, "shhh, you'll ruin it!" He exclaimed.

I took his ear like mom always did, and he instantly cowered for me, "where is your twin?" I asked my voice dangerously low. "Coming from detention with McGonagall" he said.

I let him go and stomped up to McGonagall's office, thankfully he was still there. I knocked on the door waiting for professor McGonagall to stop screaming at Fred.

Once she finished she called out to me telling me I could enter. "Ah, Miss Weasley" she said, "sorry to interrupt but I need to speak with Fred for a second" you said. McGonagall nodded, "that's fine, we just finished anyway" she said and nodded for Fred to go with me.

Once we were out of her office and at a empty corridor I pushed Fred against the wall, sure he was a lot bigger and older than I was but I caught him off guard. "What?" He asked me surprised at my sudden movement, "you better tell me why the bloody hell you want her dead!" I said.

"What? Why I want who dead?" He asked me even more confused, "Y/N!" I screeched at him, "what? I - I don't, no" He said shocked. "Why would I want the girl I love to bloody die?" He asked me and I saw the hurt in his eyes.

I loosened my grip a bit before shaking my head. "Because of you she could just as well be dying, did you know that if you had thrown her into the lake just a week ago. She probably would have drowned? Did you know she cuts her self after every single prank? Did you know she cries herself to sleep every night?. Did you know that she bloody fucking loves you and she thinks you want her dead?" I asked him angry.

"She, wait she what?" Fred asked me dumbfounded, "you hurt her and I swear!" I called after him since he had already started to run someplace.


I ran away from Ginny trying to keep the tears in, I ran past George, I didn't care, I needed to find Y/N I had to apologize.

I ran into the common room to see no one there except for one girl sitting in front of the fireplace. The girl had a Y/H/L Y/H/C hair and she was obviously looking down.

I knew her instantly, Y/N.


You sat in front of the fire looking down and playing with a loose strand on your sweater, you were just thinking there thinking. Your legs were crossed and all notices were blocked from your brain as your thoughts went back and forth.

"Y/N?" A soft voice asked you, you knew that voice, you instantly turned around to see Fred Weasley standing there. "What now? Are you here to throw fire at me? Make my hair pink? Throw the jelly legs jinx on me?" You asked.

You tried to not make it shown you had tears in your eyes but you were pretty sure your eyes were glassy with tears.

You saw Fred's facial expressions change into hatred, "no, none of that, no prank at all, I, I just want to talk, please?" He asked you. You stood there shocked for a second before slowly nodding.

Fred smiled a little as he sat down on the couch, although you sat down in the chair the furtherst away from him, although you were still in front of the fire. "I, I wanted to apologize, I should never have pranked you, not ever. I am so sorry" he said looking you right in the eyes.

You saw the sincerity in his beautiful hazel brown eyes and before you could register anything you nodded. "Okay" you whispered, you saw his face light up a lot at that.

You gave a small smile. "I love you" Fred then blurted out, you looked shocked, he didn't look any less shocked. "I am so sorry, I, I don't know why I said that, I mean it's true but" he mumbled his face becoming the same red as his hair.

You thought it was extremely adorable how his cheeks and hair matched colors, you chuckled a little and shook your head. "I love you too, don't ask me why but I just, do" you said a bit hesitant that this might all be just a silly prank.

That was until you saw Fred's face light up more than you had ever seen it light up. "Really?" He asked excitedly, you nodded, "Yep" you replied popping the 'p'.

Fred stood up, walked towards you and kissed you gently but sweetly on the lips, the kiss was short but amazing. It had felt like fireworks went on inside of you.

"Be mine?" Feed asked you and without thinking you nodded, the boy had taken your first kiss after all.

WC: 1413

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