Ron X Muggle!Reader

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Your information:
House: none
Blood status: muggle
Happens in: 4 years after Hogwarts
Warnings: mention of abusive parents, mention of suicide, nothing detailed, mention of Fred's death, again nothing detailed.
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 20/11/2020


I sighed as I walked on board of the cruise ship that I work on, I've been working on this specific boat for about three years. I get along with most of the staff that I work with and then the staff that I don't work with I can identify but nothing more really.

I put my small bag with only essentials into my room, I shared one of the bunk staff rooms with my best friend Y/B/F/N (your best friends name). I threw the bag on the top bunk since that's always where I am and I put my uniform on and my name tag.

As soon as I was done Y/B/F/N walked in, "hey, ready for another month out of sea?" She/he asked and I groaned quietly, "no" I mumbled. She/he knew just how sea sick I could get when far down, even on such big ships I would still usually be throwing up outside my window.

"Come on and hurry up, we need to be out on dock in two minutes" I said pushing my best friend to hurry up. As soon as she/he was finished the two of us ran up the stairs and into the dock, our captain was there already and smiled warmly at the two of us.

We were his favorite, we would always snitch out if we knew someone had been trying to smuggle drugs or anything on board. We always did what we were told to do without complaints and always had smiles on our faces.

We all got the plan for the next month and hurried to get everything done that needed to be done. All the main staff was at the entrance of the boat welcoming everyone while us lower staff were getting drinks ready, both juices and sodas for those who didn't drink alcohol and then some alcoholic drinks for the people that did drink.

When most of the guests had come a board of the ship I took a try and started to walk around offering people seconds of their drink. A small kid pulled on my shirt and I looked down taking the tray in front of me and bending down to his level.

"Hi little guy, did you lose your parents?" I asked when I didn't see a adult anywhere close by. The little boy nodded, "I lost my aunt" he whispered, I smiled friendly at him before Y/B/F/N walked by us, "hey, grab my tray will you?" I asked and she/he nodded taking my tray.

"Come on let's try finding your aunt shall we?" I asked the boy and he instantly smiled brightly at me and nodded, "what's your name?" I asked him and he smiled shyly at me. "Eric" he said in a low voice and I smiled, "well Eric, I'm Y/N, I'm going to call into this microphone over here and ask your aunt to come get you, what's your aunts name?" I told the boy that I now knew as Eric. "Hermione" Eric told me and I nodded.

"Listen up, I want Mrs. Hermione to come to the front desk of the boat I've got your nephew (I think that's the correct form)" I said into the microphone. Soon a woman with brown bushy hair came running in my direction, a very handsome guy with red short hair following right behind her and a guy with black unruly hair behind him.

I smiled at them and the woman scooped Eric up holding him tightly to her, "I told you not to run off" she scolded glad to have her nephew back. "Thank you, so much" the woman said, "it's not a problem at all" I answered, "I'm Hermione, that's Ron, and that's Harry" she pointed to the two boys, first the red headed and then the black headed.

"I'm sorry aunt Hermione, I saw a kitten" he said and smiled sweetly at his aunt, "I'm Y/N, just call me if you need anything special and I'll get it for you" I said smiling before Karen my boss came over. "Y/N, I need you down in the laundry" she called over the talking people and I smiled and nodded a small smile.

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