Scorpius X Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: your 4th, Scorpius's 6th
Warnings: cursing
Requested by: nobody
You are Lily Luna's twin sister
Posted on: 02/11/2020


You sat in the library with Albus your older brother and Scorpius Albus's best friend. Everyone in the family didn't like Albus as much as before he got sorted into Slytherin except for you.

You didn't mind that he was a Slytherin, it didn't matter to you. "Agh" you screeched at your parchment in frustration, "I won't ever get this" you sighed a frown on your face.

"Don't say that, I'm sure you will" Albus reassured you and you gave him a look telling him to not even bother. Then you heard the door to the library open up and Rose walked in.

Scorpius was quick to pack his bag and go see if he could sit with her while you sighed and smiled sadly after him. "What does he see in her?" You asked Albus, he was the only one except for Lily who knew about your crush on the older Slytherin.

"Don't" Albus said, he was very overprotective over you and Lily, it was hard for Albus to let you even tag along when he and Scorpius were studying. He wanted you as far away from Scorpius as possible at all times, especially after he found out you liked him.

You had liked him since first year when some other Slytherins were bullying you he had stood up for you and from there you two started to talk. He had been very sweet and kind to you and you instantly took a liking to him not caring about his house or last name.

You looked down at the table and the back up to where Scorpius was sitting flirting with Rose and you cringed a bit. "I'm going to the common room, I'll see you later" you said and walked out of the library.

Once you entered the Gryffindor common room you sighed sitting down beside your twin sister Lily. "Why is he so smitten with her?" You asked your sister, of course you wanted both Rose and Scorpius to be happy but you had fallen in love with Scorpius and you didn't just fall out of love with someone in one night.

"I don't know Y/N" Lily said and you sighed, "hey, did you invite Al and Scorpius to our birthday party in a week?" Lily asked you and you shook your head. "No sorry, I forgot to mention it, I'll go find them now and ask" you said sighing and leaving the common room.

It didn't take you long to find Albus and his best friend in the courtyard, it looked like Scorpius was daydreaming about Rose, like always, and Albus tried getting his attention. You felt your heart drop a bit when you realized he really was daydreaming about Rose once again.

You cleared your throat to make yourself noticeable for the two older boys. "Y/N" Albus said happy to see you, "Lily and I wanted you two to come to our birthday party next weekend" you said. Albus nodded while Scorpius was still daydreaming, "sure where and what time?" Albus asked.

"6pm on Saturday in the ROR (room of requirement)" you said and Albus nodded before you hurried away. Once you came back into the common room you saw Rose sitting with a lot of the girls around her and even Lily was there.

"And that is how Scorpius and I started dating" she said and you felt tears start to well up in your eyes as you backed away and out of the common room ignoring everyone calling after you. You ran to Moaning Myrtle's bathroom trying to hold the tears in until you were there, once you entered you fell to the floor and cried until Lily came in and rubbed your back and hugged you.

At the birthday party

You smiled at your mirror image and Lily came and hugged you, "here I got you this" Lily said holding out a small package. You smiled at Lily and took the package before going to your nightstand and bring a small package out and handing it to Lily.

She took the package and you two got ready, "one, two, three, go" you two said at the same time tearing the gift paper off of your own package. You saw a small jewelry box and you and Lily looked at each other before both opening the packages.

You two had gotten each other the same thing, a charm bracelet, the one Lily had got you had a small Y/F/A (your favorite animal), Y/F/F (your favorite food) and your and Lily initial's. Lily's had the same as yours and the two of you looked at each other before laughing.

"Come on, we should go, or we'll be more than fashionably late" you said and the two of you stood up from your bed and walked to the ROR together. Once you got to the room you walked inside to see everyone in there, "happy birthday" everyone screamed as the two of you entered into the room.

"Here you are Y/N, Lily" Albus said and then he smiled sadly at me and motioned his head in the direction of Scorpius. You sighed and nodded, there he stood with Rose who couldn't seem to care less about your and Lily's birthday.

You and Lily shared a look before you both decided that tonight you would enjoy yourselves. "My I have your first dance as a 14 year old?" Jason a Hufflepuff boy asked and you chuckled before nodding, "sure but I'm horrible on the dance floor" you said and the two of you laughed.

"Great! So am I" he said and you both laughed even more before going onto the dance floor, you could feel someone's eyes on you as you and Jason danced around with each other. When you turned around you only saw Scorpius looking in your direction so you brushed it off.

He wasn't looking at you Y/N you told yourself as you put your attention back to Jason.

Once you and Jason had finished dancing Scorpius came over to you, "hey" he said and you smiled "hey" you said back to him. "I was wondering if I could have this dance?" He asked and you laughed, "your girlfriend won't like it" you spat at him before walking past him.

"I didn't want that" he said to your back and you turned around sharply, "what?" You asked and he smiled sadly. "I wanted to be with you but because of Albus I was scared so I made it out to look like I liked Rose instead" Scorpius said and that just made you mad.

"Oh you do not get to say that! Merlin Scorpius do you even realize how long I've been in bloody love with you? Do you realize how hard it was to watch you trail after Rose all these years?! I can't believe your ruining my birthday" you screamed at him. By this time you had gathered a crowed watching interest filling the air around you and Scorpius before you ran out of the room.

You ran all the way to the Gryffindor common room hoping that you would get to stay there without a distraction. Although 10 minutes after you had gotten comfortable on the couch in front of the fire the common room door opened up.

When you turned around there Scorpius stood his face filled with regret, "what are you doing here?" You asked trying to not make your voice break. "I want you Y/N, I love you, I know I'm a jerk for trying to conceal my feelings by trailing after some else but please, give us a chance?" He said and you started in shock.

"Is that you trying to ask me out on a date while your dating my cousin?" You asked skeptical. "Well the first part was true, the second one not so much, I broke up with her as soon as you had left" Scorpius said and you felt tears threaten to spill.

"Fine" you said looking from the floor and up into his stormy gray eyes. Scorpius' face lit up like a child's on Christmas morning and he hurried over to you and pulling you into a tight embrace. "You're never leaving my embrace" he whispered into your ear, "but what if I want a kiss?" You asked a small smirk playing on your lips.

Scorpius pulled away although his hands were still fast around your waist before he smashed his lips onto yours, you instantly kissed back. The kiss was sweet and passionate, yet rough and full of need.

When the two of you pulled away you were both breathing heavily trying to catch your breaths again. The two of you smiled and then you were wrapped back into his arms.

WC: 1505

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