Draco X Potter!Reader

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Your information:
house: a Gryffindor
blood status: a half-blood
happens in: the battle of Hogwarts
warnings: the battle of Hogwarts
requested by: nobody
posted on: 02/12/2020


"He put the place on fire, Goyle put the place on fire" Ron screamed at us as he came running back in mine, Hermione's and my twin brother Harry's direction, the three of us looked at each other then we saw a lion head from fire approach us and we quickly started running. "How are we supposed to get out of here?" I asked the other three hurriedly as the fire came closer and closer and we were closed off by furniture and other stuff.

"Brooms" Hremione screamed and we all looked at what she was holding and sure enough there where a lot of used school brooms, we all took one each quickly pushing off from the ground and into the air. I looked back only to see the one person I had fallen in love with, my boyfriend of three years in secret and Harry's most hated person.

I looked desperately back and forth between my twin that flew further and further away from me not having noticed my hesitance, "Harry" I called and he quickly turned around to see me stop. Harry was quick to fly over to me trying to drag me on my own broom forwards, "we need to save them" I told him desperately but Harry just shook his head, "no way, absolutely not" Harry told me while giving me a look telling me I was mad.

I ignored Harry quickly turning around flying over to Draco trying to reach his hand to pull him onto my own broom, I noticed Harry getting Blaise off while I went for my second try at getting Draco away from there. Thankfully I got him onto my broom in my second turn and I felt him hold on tight to me while I let a small smile go onto my face.

"Throw the crown into the fire" Ron called out noticing that Draco had it, I quickly grabbed it away from him and just as we were out I threw it into the fire. When we got out of the ROR (Room of Requirement) I landed on top of Draco and I heard the door close behind us and the fire and crown go down into nothingness.

"I love you" I told Draco just before pressing my lips onto Draco's not caring who could possibly see us and who couldn't see us, I instantly felt Draco press his own lips onto mine and I smiled into the kiss. Harry on the other hand instantly tried to pull Draco from underneath me and get our lips to unlatch, it wasn't until both Draco and I had to breath that we let Harry drag us apart but only for a second.

I quickly ran back into Draco's arms thankful that he was still alive before turning to Blaise and hug him, "thank you" he whispered to me before letting me go out of the hug. "Okay, what the bloody hell is going on over here?" Harry asked obviously angry at me for keeping a secret from him.

"Well, Draco and I have been dating for three years" I said keeping Draco a bit behind me knowing that Harry couldn't hurt me even if he wanted to although he wouldn't have any trouble hurting Draco. Harry's face dropped and he looked between us, "no, he's a bloody death eater Y/N! a death eater!" Harry screamed at me and I nodded, "it's not like he had a choose" I told Harry standing up for my boyfriend.

Time skip till after the war

The war was over, Voldemort was dead and everyone were a mess, everyone who were still alive were either sitting with their loved once or sitting over dead bodies of their friends or family members. I looked around the great hall where I sat with Harry, Hermione and Ron, I saw some healers carry Remus and Tonks out and I ran over wanting to see my parents friend one more time, the healers let me have a look at their limp bodies and I felt a tear roll down my cheek before thanking them and backing away.

I backed into someone's hard chest and I turned around to see my boyfriend, I instantly put my arms around his waist not wanting to let go of him ever, after he had not wanted to go with his parents I hadn't seen him and it had been killing me. We heard someone clear their throats and we both turned to see Harry standing there with his wand out, "you hurt her Malfoy and your dead" Harry threatened Draco his face as cold as I had ever seen it before in my life.

I heard Draco gulp a little before he nodded his head "of course I wouldn't dream of it" Draco said and I smiled a little up at him, tears still falling from my eyes. "I'm only doing this because I don't think Y/N has ever wanted to risk her life fore anyone that wasn't me, Hermione or Ron" Harry told Draco and he nodded, "understood" Draco said trying to stay formal.

Once Harry left I turned back to Draco and I kissed him, "I really love you Draco Malfoy" I whispered to him before peaking his lips softly, ashes on both our lips, my lower one cut in almost the middle from falling outside in the ruins. "I really love you too Y/N Potter" Draco whispered to me after we had pulled apart from the kiss and I smiled at him as bright as I had ever smiled at anyone.

I took Draco's hand and we walked out of Hogwarts walking in silence until we were far away from the castle, then Draco stopped me and smiling to me, "what?" I asked never having seen him glare so playfully at me. after a second I realized what was happening when he went down on one knee, "Y/N Potter, you are the love of my life, you stood by my side when no one else did even though you knew about the nightmare stuck on my left fore arm. You saved me, if it hadn't been for you throughout last school year I probably wouldn't be here right now, I know the future is going to be hard but I need to know, will you make me the happies man in the world by marrying me and becoming Mrs. Malfoy?" Draco asked and I felt the tears start to well up.

"Yes, yes, yes, a thousand times yes!" I screamed before throwing myself onto Draco and hugging him tightly to me before kissing him passionately and letting him put the engagement ring onto my finger, the ring had a Gryffindor red diamond with a Slytherin green diamonds on each side of the red one.

WC: 1166

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