Veela!Draco X Reader (part 3)

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 7th year
Warnings: Draco is a Veela, smut, teen pregnancy, this one starts RIGHT after the last one!
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 20/05/2021


All too soon Draco and I were moaning and groaning from the pleasure implanted in both of us. "Draco, I'm about to" I tried "I know me too, let go" Draco just so managed to mutter out between groans and moans of pleasure.

At that I let go, the knot that had been forming in my abdomen was let loose as I cum on Draco's dick, just as I let go so does he and we cum into each other. Our cum's getting mixed together inside of me as we both groan and moan as loud as we possibly can, not worried weather or not someone can hear us.

When we both get down from our highs Draco stays inside of me for a little while as we both catch our breathing again. When we both have our breathing just about down to normal Draco pulls out of me and lays down next to me.

I cuddle into his bare chest using him as a pillow, just as I'm about to fall into some sleep I hear a muttered "you were amazing love" from Draco and I fall asleep with a smile on my face.

⚠️Smut over⚠️
A month later (about late May beginning of June)

I woke up just so managing to see the time to be 4:30am as I run into the bathroom in the girls dorm room and throw up. Hermione and Ginny must have woken up to me throwing up as they come into the bathroom and help me with my hair while the other gets me a glass of water to clean my mouth afterwards.

"Y/N are you okay?" Hermione asks from my side as she rubs calming circles onto my back. When I look up I see a smirking Hermione and Ginny, "let me guess you two didn't use the condom?" Hermione asked me.

I rolled my eyes "he used a spell that should have protected it" I said "I think" I added afterwards in worry. "Oh my merlin what if he didn't Hermione? What if he forgot? I can't be pregnant, I'm just 17 I'm about to graduate from here in half a week" I said panicking quite a lot.

"Okay let's start by you calming down Y/N, you may just be getting sick, how about we go to Madame Pomfrey when we can leave the common room again?" Ginny asked trying to comfort me. I nodded glad to have Ginny having thought of that.

We all went back to sleep until it became 5:30am then we all woke up so we could be out of the common room by 6:30am, which thankfully worked out for us. Instead of going to breakfast we went straight to the hospital wing, Madame Pomfrey came out of her own chambers when she heard us out in the wing.

"Girls, what Are you three doing here this early?" She asked us as she wrapped a fuzzy robe around herself. "Madame Pomfrey, I woke having to throw up around 4:30am and I was just worried something might have gone wrong about a month ago" I said blushing furiously.

Madame Pomfrey chuckled at me "too many girls come in here with that problem around this time, thankfully none is ever pregnant, although lay down over here just in case" she said. I did as told, Ginny and Hermione coming over with me and sitting down in the chairs on the left of the bed while Madame Pomfrey went on my right side.

Madame Pomfrey waved her wand over my stomach and then a shocked gasp came from her, "you're, you're pregnant" she stuttered out just as shocked as I was. Thankfully Madame Pomfrey left to give me and the girls some privacy.

After I had calmed down we left the hospital wing and went down to the great hall for breakfast. When we arrived there Draco was throwing a Veela tantrum of not knowing where his mate was.

I instantly rushed over to his side grabbing his arm calming him down instantly, Draco pulled me tightly to himself. While Dumbledore announced that the two of us would get a break from all tests today and that the two of us would take the tests privately some other time.

That day Draco and I spent all day in the ROR (room of requirement) just talking, Draco had attempted to get some sex but I had pushed away. "Okay what's wrong? You're acting strange and you came VERY late to breakfast" Draco said confronting me.

"This is your fault! All your fault" I cried and screamed at him all of a sudden loosing my temper at him. Draco looked shocked at my studded outburst before he took a step closer to me.

"Stay away! You were supposed to use a spell to prevent a pregnancy! I can't do this, I'm only 17 Draco" I cried out at him backing away every time he tried to step closer to me. "I'm so sorry my love, please let me hug you, my Veela is going crazy wanting to kill our selfs for hurting you" he exclaimed.

I took one step closer to him and he wrapped his arms around me in a protective manor, "I'm really sorry my love, we'll get through this together. If you want to get rid of it I will support you through that as well but I'd prefer to keep it" Draco said rubbing my back calmingly.

"You promise to help me raise and keep the baby?" I asked sobbing into his shoulder, "of course my love, you're my mate I'd die for you" Draco said. When we pulled out of the hug I smiled at him and kissed him softly on the lips.

WC: 1003

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