Ginny X Fem!Reader

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Your information:
House: Slytherin
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 5th year
Warnings: girlxgirl! (Do not judge the requester! I do NOT have anything against the LGBTQ+! I am part of that community myself!) this might not be good because of the AN I posted earlier but I got this some time ago so I wanted to do this...
Requested by: luna_malfoy_potter
Posted on: 12/12/2020

I sat in the quidditch stands watching a game between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw, I played myself for the Slytherin team and always loved to watch it. I played as chaser and I am pretty good at it if I say so myself.

I watched the female Weasley score and I saw just how good she was, I knew she was good from playing against her a couple of time, I just didn't know she was this good. I sat there watching the game, when the game ended 200-140 for Gryffindor I made my way out of the stands.

The rest of the Slytherin quidditch team kept going until my best friend Y/B/F/N (your best friends name) noticed that I wasn't following them but I was waiting by the Gryffindor stands. She/he came over and stood beside me "who are we waiting for?" She/he asked and I chuckled at her/him.

I looked at her/him and smiled, "did you notice how good female Weasley is? I was act planning on asking her if she could show me some moves" I told her/him. She/he looked at me like I was crazy, "you must be kidding" she/he said as she/he started at me in surprise and shock.

I shook my head "no I'm not kidding, I know we're different, I mean she's a Gryffindor for Merlins shake but she's good, like really good" I told my best friend as she/he looked even more confused. "Okay well I'll see you in the common room" she/he told me as she/he walked away and in the direction of the school.

Soon after she/he left I saw the whole Gryffindor team leave the changing room, I quickly caught up with female Weasley and cleared my throat, she turned around with her friends she seemed to look around for a second until she looked at me. I smiled friendly at her and her friends, "can we talk for a second?" I asked her not looking at her friends as to make it obvious that I was talking to her. 

She looked at her friends but they all just shrugged and she nodded "okay, what's up?" she asked as her friends left, she seemed to notice the color on my robes and seemed to be looking out in case some other Slytherins came to prank her. "Well I know our houses aren't exactly the best of friends but I was wondering if you could show me some moves? I play chaser on my team" I told her smiling friendly the whole time. 

She seemed surprised at my request but she nodded warily, "this isn't a prank?" she asked like she was surprised at something but I shook my head, "of course not, not all Slytherins are mean" I told her and she nodded. "Okay, well when do you want to meet up then to practice?" she asked and I shrugged, "Saturday just after lunch?" I asked her and she nodded, "do you want to walk with me to the castle?" she asked and I nodded smiling at her. 

We walked to the castle just making some easy conversation about our favorite quidditch team, we did support and love the same team so we had a lot of fun talking about our favorite players in the team and favorite games they played. When we got to the castle we saw her friends laughing by one of the willow trees at the grounds and we said our good bye's before she ran over to her friends, they seemed to tease her about something and I left inside to find my own friends. 

I looked around the common room and quickly found Y/B/F/N sitting at one of the tables apparently doing homework, I made my way over and sat down, "what did she say?" she/he asked without looking up from her/his homework. "She said yes" I told her/him and she/he quickly looked up at me with as much surprise as I had ever noticed on her face and I chuckled. 

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