George X Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: 7th year
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 09/11/2020


When you were 2 years old

You sat in your high chair at the burrow with Fred and George Weasley while being babysitted by Molly Weasley. Your parents were Auror at the ministry of magic, they would often work with Arthur so the Weasley's were good family friends and your god parents.

Then all of you noticed Arthur walk in with a sad expression on his face, "they're gone, the Y/L/N's, they're gone, Voldemort didn't even hesitate" Arthur said. You realized what was going on by Molly's gasp of surprise and sadness.

Time skip till your 9 years old

You sat at the dinner table at the burrow, you had been living with the Weasley's since you were only two years old. You laughed at George's facial expression when Molly turned her back to the boys after scolding them.

You had started to grow a crush on George Weasley, it was really scary for you, everyone saw you and the twins as just triplets. Although your crush for George made it hard for you to be as open with him as it was to be with Fred.

7th year

You walked into a DA (Dumbledore's army) meeting with Fred and George laughing. "Hi Harry" you said flashing him a huge smile and then continuing to laugh with the twins.

You were practicing the stupefy spell today, sure all you in 7th year knew the spell, although Harry used you and a Ravenclaw 7th year -you didn't know the name of- to show how it was done.


I watched Y/N get hit with stupefy and I felt something in my stomach turn, like I needed to make sure she was alright, make sure she wasn't hurt. I had gotten used to feeling like this, I had been in love with her since my 5th year either way.

Although Fred had been quicker to ask Y/N to the ball as friends, at that time Fred didn't know about my feelings for Y/N. He had found out right after the ball when I had lost it in jealousy.


You smiled at George when you had stood back up, he looked to be fast in thought. "Alright, get into pairs of two and start practicing" Harry said and you smiled at Fred who nodded at you before walking away from his twin.

You walked up to George and waved a hand in front of his face, his face was so relaxed, one would think he was asleep if he hadn't been standing up. You had fallen in Love with George shortly after your second year had started, you never said anything afraid of ruining your friendship with him.

You lightly slapped him in the arm and chuckled as he looked around the room confused as to where he was. "What are we doing?" He asked you with one eyebrow raised, that look you could swear would be the death of you someday.

"Were practicing the stupefy charm in pairs of two" you told him and he nodded looking around the room only to find Angelina and Fred laughing together. "Partners?" George asked you and you chuckled a Little taking your wand out, "get ready" you said a smirk on your face.

That meeting went well, George and you were laughing like lunatics when you left the ROR (room of requirement) and when Fred came he didn't understand a thing.

Once the three of you entered the common room your legs killing you, "can we not just sleep here?" You asked the twins while the three of you sat in front of the dying fire. "No sorry, come on" Fred said although George didn't stand up, "I agree with Y/N" George said.

You smiled a little to yourself and then looked at George, "we could share the couch" you said laying down waiting for George's answer. Although you didn't hear George answer you anything although you felt his hard chest press up against your front while you kept your eyes closed.

"I will never say no to cuddle with you" George whispered after he thought you were asleep and you smiled into his chest. You could feel George breath your cent into his nose and you smiled even brighter, "you know I'm awake" you whispered to him and you felt him hold his breath.

"I love you George Weasley" you whispered again and you felt him draw a deep breath "I love you too Y/N Y/L/N" George said and you looked up at him a smile playing on your lips. You kissed George softly on the lips, he let his hands slither around you waist while yours made their way into his flaming red hair.

"Don't ever leave me Y/N" George said and you nodded, "I wouldn't dream of it" you said and kissed him again before the two of you fell asleep in each other's arms.

Time skip till 5 years after the war

You smiled at your wedding pictures of you and George Weasley, you were now officially Y/N Weasley and expecting your second and third child. George and you had been married for about three years now.

You waddled down watching George play with Y/D/N (your dad's name) and you smiled. "Good Morning" you said smiling at the two boys sitting on the floor, George picked Y/D/N up and came over and gave you a quick kiss on the lips.

Y/D/N was still only one and half years old so he wasn't walking although he did crawl, and crawl he did, it was like he was always crawling someplace. "Good morning Love, how did you sleep?" George asked "I've had better nights, these two just wouldn't stop moving" you admitted stretching out and sitting down at the couch.

"Here, take Y/D/N and I'll go make you some coffee and toast" George said and you smiled at him and put your hands out wanting to hold your little boy.

WC: 1036

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