Hermione X Reader

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Your information:
Your house: Slytherin
Blood status: a half-blood
Sexuality: none binary but uses the term girlfriend
Happens in: 6th year
Warnings: bullying, hate on LGBTQ+ (I have nothing against LGBTQ+ and am myself part of the community)
Requested by: Sunnyjim21


You sighed as you walked down the corridor trying to get to the library to study with your only friend and crush Hermione Granger. Yes you were a Slytherin and were supposed to hate all Gryffindor's and muggle borns but you yourself were just a half-blood.

You were a none binary female, on top of that you were a Slytherin, the other Slytherins bullied you badly. Some times you had ended up in the hospital wing with scars and black eyes after they had gone physical.

You sighed happily as you reached the library not having bumped into anyone on the way there. You found the table Hermione was at and sat down opposite of her, "hey" you said putting your bag down.

"Hey" Hermione smiled at you happily, "what has gotten you so happy?" you asked her smiling slightly. "I heard a rumor that the girl I like likes me back" then she frowned, "I don't think the rumor is true but I really hope they are" she said happily.

You smiled at her trying your best not to let her see the hurt and disappointment in your eyes as you started your homework. The two of you sat in silence just working on a potions essay that was due in a week.

"I tried getting the boys down here with me, they just won't come" Hermione sighed sadly. You smiled up at her reassuringly and put one of your hands on top of hers "come on, they'll just get the detention then" you smiled at her.

Hermione chuckled a little and you smiled, you loved her laugh and smiles. "Thank you Y/N" she said and you smiled nodding your head and looking back down to continue your essay.

Once the two of you finished all your homework for the next week or so you walked together until you had to separate. Hermione had to go to the Gryffindor common room and you - sadly - had to go to the Slytherin on.

"Good night Y/N" Hermione Said smiling and waving at you while skipping up the steps. "Good night" you called after her and made your way to the Slytherin common room while your head hung low.

The next morning it was a Saturday so you slept in. You woke up just before early lunch so you got dressed and hurried up to the great hall to get some food into your stomach.

There were only a couple of students in there eating their lunches but you didn't mind. You sat down as far away from the rest of the Slytherins and served yourself a sandwich.

After eating your lunch you went out to the black lake with your book and sat down by a willow tree and starting to read. When you were about halfway through the book you felt someone sit down beside you.

"Hey" Hermione's voice said and you nodded still stuck in your book. "I like you" Hermione blurred out, that got your attention and your head snapped up to look at her.

"W - what?" You asked surprised, Hermione chuckled a little at your surprised face before speaking again. "I really really like you Y/N would you like to go with me to Hogsmeade tomorrow?" Hermione asked you and your eyes went big.

"You, you like, me?" You asked surprise written all over your face. Hermione's smile faded a little and she nodded not as confident as before.

You decide to be brave and you cupped her face with your hands and pressed your lips onto hers. You felt her kiss you back after a couple of seconds of shock, you melted into her touch as she pulled you closer to her.

Once you pulled away you were both out of breath but smiling, "I like you too, I'd love to go to Hogsmeade with you" you said.

Hermione smiled even brighter and kissed you again, "thank you" she said and took your hand in hers. As an afterthought she looked back to you "be mine?" She asked and you smiled even brighter if that was possible.

"Always" you said and you both chuckled a little at each other.

A/N = okay sorry it's short!😭

Word count: 751

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