Young!Remus X Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: 7th year
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 17/09/2020


You sat in the library waiting for your best friend, study partner in every subject and Crush. Remus Lupin, the nicest, sweetest, most handsome guy you had ever met despite him being a werewolf.

You sighed, Remus didn't know that you knew about his furry little problem. He probably would never know that you knew.

You sighed thinking about Remus always brought some red to your cheeks, your heart to flutter and the butterflies start to turn in your stomach. You heard the big heavy doors to the library open up and Madame Pince (I hope I wrote that correctly) shushed someone.

"Hey" Remus said as he approached with his three friends, the marauders as they called themselves. You weren't a huge fan of studying with Remus' friends because they would always be too loud for your comfort.

Although you always put up with it when they came with Remus because you knew how much Remus liked those guys. "Hey" you said and smiled at Remus as he sat down in front of you.

James and Sirius sat dow on either side of you while Peter went beside Remus. You had been sitting so that you could watch the door so now the other two boys were doing the same.

"Hey moony, look who just entered" Sirius said and Remus looked behind him, you had looked up to only see a couple of Ravenclaw girls enter. "Isn't she pretty moony?" James asked half laughing.

"Look moony your blushing" Sirius joked, all the while you were looking down having realized they were talking about Remus' crush. You were trying your best to hold back the tears, you had fallen in love with Remus not too long ago.

You had tried your best to not fall in love with him because you knew it would never happen but you fell anyway. You quickly packed your bag excusing yourself from the library and you hurried up to your dorm.

Once you got there Lily was sitting at her desk writing a letter to someone, you gave her one glance before breaking into tears. Then first did Lily notice you had entered, she hurried over to you and helped you stand up from the floor.

"What happened?" She asked, she was the only person who knew about your love for Remus.

"He, he" you couldn't say it, "he likes someone else" you just so managed out between sobs of cries. You felt Lily's strokes on your back become hard as she became angry.


I sat with the boys after Y/N left the library, I had scolded them firmly for making her leave, I loved her and she looked to have been in pain when she left. The I heard the door to the library open and the fiery red hair of Lily Evans came into my sight.

"REMUS LUPIN WHERE ARE YOU!" She screamed not caring how hard Madam Pince was trying to shush her down. She saw me and the boys and strode angrily over to the table we were sitting at.

"Who do you think you are! Breaking her heart and not giving a shit what your doing?!" Lily screamed are me. "Lily, what's going on?" James asked trying to sound calm but he sounded really scared to me.

"What's going on, what's going on?!" She screeched into his face. "What's going on is that you Remus Lupin are too blind to see what has been right in front of you for years on end now!" Lily screamed at me.

"What?" I asked confused, "Y/N! She's bloody in love with you! And here you and you stupid friends go ahead and talk about your crush in front of her" Lily was still screaming. "Y/N loves me?" I asked in shock, once Lily saw my facial expression she looked to calm down a bit.

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