Professor!Remus X Professor!Reader

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Your information:
House: former Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: Harry's 3rd year
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 26/10/2020


It was three days before the first day of tearm and you were sat in your muggle studies classroom trying to figure out the seating plan for that semester. Unlike other teachers you would put seats where the students would sit throughout the year.

You had gotten a lot of complaints about it from the first years as they didn't always want to sit with whoever they were made sit beside. Although often you would find your students that had complained in the beginning of the year be best friends with their sitting partner.

There was a knock on the door that pulled you out of your train of thought, "come in" you called out to whoever was out there. "Y/N?" Professor Snape asked sticking his head inside the door.

"Who do I put with Harry? I don't want Ron or Hermione anywhere near him" you asked. Sure you and Snape had been almost enemies while in school although after working for this long together you had grown on each other and were almost friends.

"Draco and Longbottom" he said and you scrunched your nose up thinking about it. "You're just suggesting that to make your godson dislike me even more aren't you?!" You accused Snape with a bit of laughter in your voice.

"What no! I would never" Snape said his tone was almost a laughing one. You shook your head and the two of you laughed a little.

"Anyway, what was it you needed?" You asked him, "Dumbledore got a new DADA professor and he's arriving tonight. I was supposed to greet him but you know me well enough by now. Plus I hate the guy" Snape said.

You scrunched up your eyes until the realization hit you. "Remus" you mumbled under your breath as your eyes went wide both with excitement and scare.

You had fallen in love with Remus after you had found out by yourself that he was a werewolf. The two of you had always been very close through your time at school but lost touch after graduation.

You shook your head trying to rid it of all thoughts about your crush, yes even after all this time you still had a crush on the man. Merlin you didn't even know if he was still single or if he had settled down with someone already.

You nodded and turned your back to Snape hoping he didn't see the blush and tears of excitement and happiness threatening to fall. "Y/N you okay?" Snape asked, he never really cared like that, you nodded again "yep" you said thankful that your voice didn't break.

"I'll leave you to it then, good luck with Potter" he said and you chuckled a little, "thanks" you said your back still in his direction. Once you heard the classroom door close you hurriedly put all your things into your bag.

"Wait, when is he coming?" You whispered to yourself trying to wonder if Snape said anything about it. Then it hit you. He'll be here in an hour.

You ran to your office to get ready, you took a shower and put a casual summer dress on with some flats. You look at the time and decide you would have to hurry if you wanted to be there on time.

You hurried over to the main gaits, once you were closer to them you could make out the figure of Remus Lupin standing there. You smiled as you saw his back, you instantly knew him by his unruly soft hazelnut hair.

Once you were by the gaits you cleared your throat and he quickly turned around his wand held in your direction. "Please lower the wand" you said and smiled as the gaits opened up for him to step into the grounds.

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