Sirius X Reader part 2

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Your information:
House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: a pureblood
Happens in: 6th year
Warnings: part 2
Requested by: PippinofaTook
Posted on: 06/06/2021


I looked at the Gryffindor table, more correctly I looked at one specific Black boy, I had become close to Sirius these past couple of days. I had started to see him as a friend, and ONLY a friend, nothing more, Sirius turned to look behind him and I smiled waving slightly at him.

I looked back down to my food as a smiled came onto my face, after eating lunch I slowly left the great hall, it was a Saturday so no classes. I heard some screams and ran to the corridor that the screams came from, Sirius was laying motion less on the floor and I hurried over.

"What are you all doing standing around, go get help!" I screamed at everyone as I checked for any sign of a pulse. Thankfully I found one quickly and signed in relief, "what happened anyway?" I asked the other three marauders that stood still frozen in place.

"A prank" James managed to mumble and I realized one of their pranks had gone wrong.

I signed glad when I saw Professor McGonagall come running our way as she gashped when she saw Sirius laying there motionless. "What happened?" She asked "a prank gone wrong" I answered, "help me get him to the hospital wing miss Y/L/N" she said and I nodded picking Sirius up.

I was awfully strong compared to a girl as I practiced boxing while in the states. I ran with McGonagall to the hospital wing, she just in front of me and me just behind her.

When we arrived Madame Pomfrey was already out getting a bed ready, "put him down here" she said and I gently put Sirius down on the bed I was told to put him down on. I backed away letting Madame Pomfrey do her thing.

As I got out of the hospital wing I saw the three other marauders standing there seeming to be ashamed of themselves. "What even happened? I don't understand will you guys ever learn to stop doing pranks like these?" I asked annoyed that someone had gotten seriously hurt this time.

I had always know it was only a matter of time before someone would get seriously hurt, I had just hoped it wouldn't be Sirius. After we had been sitting outside the wing for about an hour the guys had finished telling me how the prank was supposed to go and how it went wrong.

Apparently they had found a spell but another student made spell was sent in Sirius' direction which did that to him, they didn't know who sent the spell or what kind of spell it was. Although all of us were as worried as ever, finally after another half an hour we were all allowed to go into the hospital wing to see Sirius.

James and Remus sat on either side of his bed while Peter stood behind James and I stood behind Remus my hand on Remus' shoulder. "He'll be alright, he's strong" I whispered to Remus who nodded, he knew I was telling him this to calm my own nerves down, in reality I wasn't sure if he would be.

"Come on, all of you have to leave" Madame Pomfrey told them, we had made a deal, James had given me the invisibility cloak so I could stay there with him without anyone knowing. We didn't want Sirius to be there alone, after the boys had left Madame Pomfrey closed the curtains around Sirius' bed and I quietly removed the cloak.

I sat down in the chair Remus had been sitting in just a moment before and I took Sirius' hand in my own gently running my thumb over the back of his hand. "Why do I suddenly care so much about you Sirius Black, it doesn't seem fair to me, you broke me and here I am falling for you again it seems" I whispered to him.

I hated myself for being this worried about Sirius, he had hurt me so much the first time he didn't deserve a second chance with me but I found myself wanting that second chance with him.

As morning came and after breakfast the three marauders came into the hospital wing, when they got to the bed Remus handed me a sandwich, a pumpkin juice in a cup with a no spill spell and a cherry scone. I smiled "thank you Remus" I said thanking him for thinking about bringing me food even though I didn't seem to have any appetite.

"How was he?" James asked and I smiled a little "not woken up at all" I told them sadness lingering in my voice. They all signed, "Y/N, go to sleep, we'll stay here with him" James said and I shook my head.

"No thanks, I'm good here" I told them and they all seemed to look at each other with what looked to me to be a knowing look. I shook the thought from my mind and looked back to Sirius, "did he just" I asked surprised, I could have sworn I saw his fingers move.

"He did" James said "Madame Pomfrey" Remus called frantically, Pomfrey came running frightened something had happened "he moved his fingers" I told her and she ushered us all away. I paced around the hospital wing doors while the boys sat down on the floor "Y/N stop that pacing, please you're making me more nervous than I already am" Remus said begging me.

I looked at him and sat down on the floor waiting for Madame Pomfrey to allow us back in the wing.

After half an hour, she came out and smiled "you can come in, he's awake" she said and we all ran in his direction. "Y/  Y/N?" Sirius asked and I nodded "it's me" I whispered to him and he seemed to smile as he instantly grabbed my hand in his own.

"She wouldn't leave your side man" James said gently patting Sirius on the shoulder, I blushed bright as Sirius seemed to smirk a little at that. "I was just worried" I told him and Remus and James nodded not believing a word I had just told the four boys around me.

"We'll leave you two alone, and pads, don't mess it up this time" James said winking at him a little as the three boys left the hospital wing. "Y/N" Sirius began, "you heard me didn't you?" I asked and he seemed to nod a little at me.

"Yeah, I did, I still like you too, please, please give us another chance" He almost begged me, I sighed, "this is your last chance Black" I told him and he smiled. "You won't need to worry about having to give me another chance" Sirius said grabbing my hand as he kissed the back of it gently.

"I really love you Y/N" Sirius said and I smiled knowingly at him "I really love you too" I told him and gently pecked his lips.

WC: 1202

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