Sirius X reader

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Your information:
House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: just after the second wizarding war
Warnings: it's to a song (could have been me - Halsey cover), no one died in either the first or second wizard war.
Requested by: SelinaClarke2
Posted on: 17/01/2022 (11pm)


I looked through the curtains of the magical, makeshift stage in the backyard of the Weasley's home, Lily, Marlane and myself had started a band together and had been asked to perform at the celebration, we were celebrating the end of the second wizarding war. I went over to the girls wrapping my arms around them "are the two of you ready for this? There are a lot of people, I even think I noticed the Malfoy's out there" I told them and they chuckled "you're kidding right? The Malfoy's here?" Lily asked and I shook my head.

"Nope, I swear it were them, at least it was that Draco kid that Harry keeps talking about" I told them winking at Lily and she just laughed "I'll love him no matter what, he's always going to be my little baby boy" she said and the three of us laughed. "And the next people to give us some fun up here are the three witches" Molly said after having had to push Fred and George off of the stage for showing too many of their joke shop items.

"This is our cue" Mar said Lily and I usually just called Marlene Mar because it was shorter for us to say than Marlene. The three of us stepped out onto the stage and Lily's piano appeared as well as Mar's guitar and my microphone and the two girls started playing.

A/N = listen to the song above

"Don't wanna live as an untold story"
I sang the first line when it was my turn to start the song.

"Rather go out in a blaze of glory"
I continued my singing as I started to gently move my hips, we were all a bit tipsy already so singing correctly sometimes was a bit of a struggle.

"I can't hear you, I don't fear you"
I sang out as the girls plaid their instruments.

"I'll live now 'cause the bad die last
Dodging bullets with your broken past
Well, I can't hear you, I don't fear you now"
to me my singing sounded alright so far and the tipsyness didn't seem to be showing.

"Wrapped in your regret
What a waste of blood and sweat
Oh oh-oh"
I continued to sing alone as my hips moved a little to the rhythm of the song.

"I wanna taste love and pain
Wanna feel pride and shame
I don't wanna take my time
Don't wanna waste one line
I wanna live better days
Never look back and say
It could have been me
It could have been me, yeah"
By now Lily had joined me in the singing and the two of us sang together.

"Don't wanna wake up on a Monday morning
The thought of work's gettin' my skin crawlin'
I can't fear you, I don't hear you now"
I sang alone again as I swayed my hips more and more giving off a sexual vibe.

"Wrapped in your regret
What a waste of blood and sweat
Oh oh-oh"
By now my voice was starting to get tired and I thanked merlin that there wasn't a lot left of the song.

"I wanna taste love and pain (I wanna taste love)
Wanna feel pride and shame
I don't wanna take my time (no)
Don't wanna waste one line (hey)
I wanna live better days (better days)
Never look back and say
Could have been me (It could have been me)
It could have been me (it could have been me)"
All three of us sang this together while they still played their instruments.

"I wanna taste love and pain (I wanna taste love and pain)
Wanna feel pride and shame (wanna feel pride and shame)
Don't wanna take my time (I don't wanna waste my time)
Don't wanna waste one line (don't wanna waste one line)
I wanna live better days
Never look back and say
It could have been me
Oh, it could have been me
It could have been me"
The three of us finished the song together before we all bowed quite clumsily and leaving the stage to Molly to introduce the next person.

James, Sirius and Remus came over laughing as they all seemed a bit tipsy themselves, Lily, James, Mar and Remus went over to the side to talk about something, telling Sirius and I that it was a private matter. "So what have you been up to? I mean other than practicing with the girls?" Sirius asked me as he seemed a bit nervous and I just smiled.

Sirius and I went to the side away from most of the chatter and talking, dancing and singing, we were talking about this and that until I noticed Sirius had moved closer to me. "Has anyone told you what pretty eyes you have?" Sirius asked me and I felt a small blush appear on my cheeks "no, not before just now" I told him as I smiled, happy he was finally flirting with me, although I wasn't sure if it was just the alcohol in his blood that was talking or he himself.

I pushed that worry away before I gently let myself run my fingers through his hair "and has anyone told you how soft your hair is? It's almost like silk" I told him as I felt it's softness run through my fingers. Sirius's eyes widened as he smiled and i noticed light pink lit his cheeks up as he shook his head "this is what taking proper care of it does" he said quietly, the two of us had our faces almost touching by now and I noticed him constantly letting his gaze fall onto my lips.

"You know, I, I've wanted to tell you something for a while now" Sirius whispered to me our lips almost touching as he spoke, "what is it?" I whispered back to him and he seemed to smirk the same smirk he had been smirking for his whole life. The same smirk I had fall in love with all those years back while we were still in school, "I'm in love with you Y/N" he whispered and I took a deep breath before putting my hands gently onto his chest "I love you too Sirius" I whispered back.

Sirius's smile lit the whole world up into bright wonderful thoughts before he pressed his lips gently onto mine waiting for my reaction. I kissed him back after the initial shock, I deepened the kiss as Sirius's hands went around my waist and he pulled me closer to him as my hands went into his hair ruffling it up.

When we both pull apart we were smiling like idiots as we rested our foreheads together smiling at each other.

WC: 1180

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