Veela!Harry X Malfoy!Reader

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Your information:
House: Ravenclaw
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: 5th year
Warnings: smut (I won't put a warning before hand or after since the chapter will mostly be smut)
Requested by: AthenaGryffindor21
Posted on: 09/06/2021


I'm a 4th year Malfoy student, yes I'm Draco Malfoy's younger sister although I'm a Ravenclaw and I'm not as mean as Draco.

I'm also Harry Potter's mate, he's a Veela and I apparently seem to be his mate, he and I have been together since beginning of the school year when he found out about himself. As soon as he felt my smell he took me aside and told me about everything, about how he's a Veela and I'm his mate and how he would die if I rejected him.

Now I was getting ready to go loose my virginity since Harry had been dying to mark me with his Veela mark and I was ready to let him. He had been waiting for those 3 months for me to be ready so now that I was I had to let him mark me.

I still remember the excitement on his face and how his eyes started to change color into the black they always turned into when he got possessive over me.

"Come on Y/N, you should get going if you don't want to be late" Luna told me and I looked at the time, she was right. "You're right, I'll see you whenever Harry let's me leave" I told her before winking slightly.

I heard Luna chuckle as I left the dorm room to go down to the ROR (room of requirement). Thankfully it was already Christmas break so not a lot of students were in the common room as I sneaked passed the few that were and out to the school hallway.

I hurried up the stairways and to the seventh floor corridor before pacing back and forth 'I need the room with my boyfriend Harry Potter in it' I thought three times while pacing the wall. A door soon appeared in front of me and I smiled opening it slightly to see Harry there with a bed that had a lot of rose petals.

He had made a candle lit way for me to walk to him as he stood in front of the bed in a T-shirt and jeans that hugged him perfectly. "Hi" I said a little nervously "promise me that if I hurt you or do something you don't want you stop me, I'll have to let myself completely out to mark you" Harry whispered to me.

I looked Harry directly in the eyes before nodding "of course" I whispered back and Harry seemed to smile with some sort of relief. "Good" he then said as a smirk came onto his face and he put one of his hands onto my cheek while the other he put on my lower back.

Soon I felt Harry's lips touch mine as he kissed me sweetly at first until I kissed back, once I kissed back Harry took the kiss further, kissing me harder and more passionately. He lightly bit my lower lip making me gasp in surprise giving Harry the opportunity he needed to slip his tongue into my mouth.

Harry's tongue explored every inch of my mouth as he sucked on my tongue, after a minute or two we had to pull away to breath only for Harry to latch his lips onto my neck. He turned us around so I felt the back on my knees press up agains the bed as a moan left my mouth from Harry's sucking and nibbling on my neck.

Harry pulled back inspecting his work of what would eventually turn into a hickey before smiling in victory. "And you're sure you want this?" Harry asked and I nodded "yes, while Draco isn't here at school to scold me for it" I said and Harry smirked lightly pushing me so I fell my back onto the bed.

I gasped lightly as Harry ripped his T-shirt from his body coming over to rip mine off as well only to see I didn't have a bra on. I felt my cheeks heat up at that, this was his first time seeing me without a bra and I was starting to feel self concuss.

I couldn't imagine how I would be then when he saw I didn't even have any panties on "what, no bra, what about panties?" Harry then asked and I noticed his eyes had turned black. I lightly gave a half smile half smirk as I shook my head telling him I didn't have any on.

At that Harry took his pants and boxers off quicker than anyone could possibly have letting his dick spring free of the tightness of his jeans. I looked at him astonished, he was huge, I didn't know how I would possibly take that into me but I sure as hell knew I would try.

I didn't even notice as Harry took my pants off as well before he was sucking on my leg breast, his right hand kneeding the right breast and his leg hand stroking me up and down my inner left thigh. I felt goosebumps go through my whole body as the pleasure of Harry sucking on my breast like he was and I moaned quietly.

"Now now, don't hold those moans back love" Harry said huskily before changing the breast he was sucking on and going over to the right one. His left hand getting to work on my left breast as his right hand stroked my right inner thigh.

After he seemed satisfied with the work he did on my boobs he licked down my stomach as his fingers lightly brushed passed my folds and I moaned loudly as I felt the sensation of finally being touched where I wanted him. "So wet already?" He groaned out and I breathed as calmly as I could although I was starting to breath kind of heavily at the things Harry was doing to me.

Harry suddenly stuck a finger into me and I moaned out of surprise and pleasure as Harry moved his finger lightly, soon he was adding another finger into me. "Merlin you're tight" Harry groaned as his fingers moved a little in and out.

After a couple minutes he was adding a third finger into me and I moaned at the feeling while Harry's thumb rubbed circles on my clit. I felt a knot start to form in my abdomen and I moaned at it "Harry, I think" I just so managed out before a moan escaped me "I know let go" Harry said and I felt a huge orgasam come over me.

After I released I noticed Harry lick his fingers and start to lick my thighs as to clean my body off from the orgasam I had just had. "You taste delicious love" Harry complimented before he hovered over me.

"Are you ready?" Harry asked and I noticed in his eyes he was struggling to keep self control over the Veela in him and I nodded, "go all out" I just so managed between heavy breaths. I felt the tip of Harry enter me and I took in a deep breath, he was a lot huger than I thought he seemed to be.

"Just relax, it should help with the pain" Harry mumbled into my ear and I groaned nodding and trying to relax. Harry hit a spot that I knew would hurt to get passed and I noticed him use all his self control to not go passed it without my nod.

"Go" I whispered and he broke through the wall making me having lost my virginity officially. I felt the tears form in my eyes but I wasn't going to let them fall until I felt Harry go all the way into me.

Harry used his thumb to dry away the stray tears that seemed to have made their way out of my eyes. As more tears fell the pain slowly but surely turned into pleasure and I nodded giving Harry the 'yes' he needed to go and move.

At first Harry was careful and went at a slow pace until he felt I was ready for the real deal. At this point I was moaning out incorrect sentences along with Harry's name getting thrown out there in between.

"Fuck you're tight" Harry groaned every once in a while as he moved at an animalistic pace in and out of me, our moan's and groan's filling the room as a symphony would do to a music concert. "Ready?" Harry asked and I nodded at him giving him the go to mark me, his wings came bursting out like it was nothing and he bit slightly harsher down in my neck than he would do to give me a hickey.

After that everything was a bliss to me, the pleasure of three orgasams and the pleasure of Harry's touch drove me crazy. After we finished Harry didn't pull out right away but just stayed in me for a second or two.

"You were amazing" he whispered his wings covering both of us as we were both sweating like crazy. "Thank you" I whimpered back as he pulled out of me and lay beside me on the bed.

Harry pulled me further into his chest as I fought my eyes to close into a deep sleep.

WC: 1587

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