Veela!Draco X Reader (part 2)

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 7th year
Warnings: Draco is a Veela, smut, part 3 will continue off right where we left off so there won't be a warning before the smut begins
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 20/05/2021


All too soon it was Saturday morning, I woke up to the sun shining on my face, I lightly peeked out of my eyelashes, only for the sun to hurt my eyes. I groaned as I turned around in bed "good morning to you too, now will you at least tell Ginny and I what all that was with you and Malfoy yesterday?" Hermione asked referring to me accepting Draco.

I groaned again "am I not even allowed to wake up properly?" I asked her while she and Ginny chuckled "of course not, you promised you'd tell us" Hermione answered. I sat up and motioned for them to sit down on my bed as well, the two hurried over excitedly like a child about to hear a story from their grandpa.

I laughed lightly and shook my head at them but took a deep breath, "Ginny I'm presuming that Hermione told you about the fact that Draco is a Veela?" I asked and she nodded. Both of the girls moving just the tiniest bit closer to me, "I'm his mate and I accepted" I said quickly and hurried into the bathroom while the news were sinking in to the girls.

I did my usual morning routine starting with taking a shower and using some good shampoo, conditioner and body scrubs before drying off and brushing my teeth. I put a tiny bit of makeup on and put my hair up a bit before leaving the bathroom and ignoring the girls constant questioning about Draco and I.

"Shut up! Both of you, I won't answer any questions! The only thing I'm saying is I'm spending the weekend with Draco" I screamed the first part but said the second part quite loudly. They were both too surprised to say anything so I left the dorm room, and saw the two boys sitting there "morning, the girls will come in a minute, I'm leaving" I told them and left the common room.

I arrived at the great hall and sat down at the Gryffindor table before turning to look Draco in the eyes and smiling, I turned back to the front of the table and ate some quick breakfast. I noticed Draco leave the great hall just as I was about to stand up and just as the other four came into the hall.

Ginny again went over to her own friends while Hermione stopped me just before I stood up, "here a small gift" she whispered and winked before handing me something in a black tiny bag. I raised an eyebrow at her before opening the bag "Hermione" I screeched out at her and she just laughed.

I left the great hall only to be pushed up agains the wall, I screeched again "what was granger giving you in there?" Draco asked his voice husky and protective. I chuckled at him before opening the bag and show him, "what's that?" He asked taking the condom packaging out of the tiny bag.

⚠️Smut warning!⚠️

"That my dear Draco is a condom, a muggle sex protection" I told him and I growled, "I'll show that granger that I do not need some muggle protection" Draco growled into my ear before taking my hand and dragging me lightly behind him. I laughed at him, "Draco you went up one too many floors for the ROR" (room of requirement) I laughed at him.

Draco turned around and went down one floor before entering the ROR, as soon as the door closed behind us Draco pinned me against the wall. He looked me in the eyes for a second before his wings sprouted out and his lips crashed with mine in a passionate kiss, his tongue licked my lips before he nibbled on my lower lip earning a gasp from me.

Draco slipped his tongue into my mouth and explored it like he hadn't had any food like if he stooped he'd loose his life. Eventually we both had to pull away for air a tiny bit of salvia connecting us, "go to the bed, now" Draco commanded me and I of course did as told.

I laid down on my back on the bed and waited for Draco to come over to me, I saw him walking over slowly while examining me laying on the bed. "You look gorgeous" he said in that husky voice of his while he loosed his belt on his jeans, I loosed the buttons on my blouse, Draco looked over me as he removed my blouse gently.

"I put a trash blouse on, just rip it" I told him seeing the need and want to just rip and tear the cloths off of me, Draco was quick to do just that. Suddenly I lay beneath him without any clothes on and he was throwing his pants and boxers off.

I looked him over, he was already extremely hard and he came over me "already this wet for me?" Draco asked and I nodded my head not finding the words to speak. Draco kissed me again before moving his kisses down to my neck, his lips moved from one spot on my neck to the other trying to find my sweet spot.

As soon as his lips met my sweet spot I was moaning out his name, "you ready for my mark love?" Draco asked sending shivers down my whole body "yes" I said out between gasps. Draco bit down on my sweet spot his Veela marking appearing on my neck.

"You good with keep going?" Draco asked again sending shivers down my whole body, "Draco get down there before I cum to your voice" I groaned out to him and I felt him smirk agains my neck. Draco's fingers traveled down my body stoping slightly at my left breast as his mouth worked on my right breast.

I moaned out as his hand and mouth were needing my breasts until his tongue went out and he started licking down my chest and then stomach. After that he went down onto my thighs, his wet kisses trailed up both my thighs, his fingers finding my folds.

His finger tip slipped slightly into me before he added his whole finger in, I moaned out loud as I felt his finger bend a little in me. He soon added a second finger and a third before his thumb started rubbing circles on my clit making me moan out quite loudly.

"Draco, ah, I'm, I'm about to" I couldn't finish as my sentence was cut short by a loud moan "just let go" Draco whispered to me sending a shiver through me as his fingers left my insides although his tongue took over. I let loose feeling his warm tongue on my vagina and inside me as his thumb was still rubbing circles on my clit.

My moans were the only thing you could hear in the room as my climax took over me, Draco taking all of my liquid down. When I finished Draco came up and kissed me passionately before letting me catch my breath.

"You ready for the real thing?" Draco asked and I nodded, Draco's tip went in between my folds teasing me. Draco put his tip just a little in before pulling out again, putting his tip inside me as far as he could letting me get used to his size.

Yes I was 17 and a virgin, when I got used to his size this far I nodded and he broke through the wall keeping him from reaching all of my eggs. When he was through the wall and completely in me he kissed away my tears until the pain slowly turned into pleasure.

I nodded at him to move, and so he did, he started at a slow pace until he felt I was ready enough then he went ruthlessly. His dick going in and out at an inhuman speed at a good pace and with a good rhythm to it.

A/N = yes I am ending this chapter here although there will be part 3 because I don't like making the parts more than 1.100 words

WC: 1410

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