Fred X singer!reader

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Your information:
House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: Half-blood
Happens in: a year after graduation
warnings: this story is based on a song and the reader does sing,
'you singing'
, you getting drunk, long
Requested by: nobody

posted on:29/10/2021 at 10:57pm


Y/N'S POV:  

I looked at the door to the back room of the three broomsticks, Professor McGonagall had asked me to come and sing something for the students while they were celebrating Godric's birthday, she had been told that I was just starting my singer career and she wanted to help me get onto my feet. I took in a deep breath as I sang over the notes in my head before walking onto the stage in front of a full bar of fifth - seventh year Gryffindor students, all of them ha drinks in front of them, when I walked out onto the stage everyone got quiet since some of the students recognized me. 

Of course the students would recognize me, I was the Y/H/C one with the two red headed Weasley twins while we were at school, I took a deep breath and noticed the twins walk in. "Hi everyone, and congratulations to your founder, I just wanted to mention that I wrote this song while thinking about someone who's very special to me" I said to all of the students.

A/N = listen to the song above if you want to hear the notes with the text but the song is 'bad habits' by Ed Sheeran in the nightcore version.

'one, two, three, four' I whispered to no one inn particular.

'Ooh ooh' I gently sang out as I noticed the twins take their seats with some of the students.

'Every time you come around, you know I can't say no
Every time the sun goes down, I let you take control
I can feel the paradise before my world implodes
And tonight had something wonderful' 
I sang the first revers as I gently moved my hips around, students had stood up and were dancing with their significant others while other sat with their friends talking. 

'My bad habits lead to late nights, endin' alone
Conversations with a stranger I barely know
Swearin' this will be the last, but it probably won't
I got nothin' left to lose, or use, or do' 
the lyrics came so naturally for me because this was one of my favorite song to hum to myself when I was bored or doing other things.

'My bad habits lead to wide eyes stare into space
And I know I'll lose control of the things that I say
Yeah, I was lookin' for a way out, now I can't escape
Nothin' happens after two, it's true, it's true
My bad habits lead to you'
as I sang this part I noticed Fred and George were standing up to dance with some other students, I noticed a girl with black hair getting quite close to Fred and I felt jealousy bubble up inside of me.

'Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
My bad habits lead to you
Ooh-ooh, ooh-ooh
My bad habits lead to you'
 I tried my best to ignore the girl while I concintraiting on my singing.

'Every pure intention ends when the good times start
Fallin' over everything to reach the first time's spark
It started under neon lights and then it all got dark
I only know how to go too far'
 now George was dancing with some other student to me it seemed to be Dean but I wasn't quite sure. 

'My bad habits lead to late nights, endin' alone
Conversations with a stranger I barely know
Swearin' this will be the last, but it probably won't
I got nothin' left to lose, or use, or do'
 I sang the revers as I continued to keep a close eye on the girl dancing with Fred, sure Fred and I weren't dating but I have had a crush on him for years now and so I allowed myself to be jealous that the other girl was dancing with him. 

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