Draco X Granger!Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: muggleborn
Happens in: 8th year (the year everyone came back after the war)
More info: you're Hermione's twin sister
Warnings: none
Requested by: _Angel_Malfoy
Posted on: 07/12/2020


I sat on the train with my two best friends Harry Potter and Ron Weasley and my twin sister Hermione Granger, we were all just talking and laughing when the bronze trio walked into the compartment. "what do you three want?" Ron asked the three and Parkinson sighed, "we just wanted to make a truce, maybe be friends?" she said and all our faces dropped to the floor.

I noticed Malfoy standing in the back, that was weird, he was usually in the front all confident and all, I shrugged trying not to care about it, even though Malfoy had been mean and rude to the four of us through all our time here at Hogwarts I still managed to grow a crush on the Slytherin. Before I knew it Hermione was shaking hands with Parkinson and the three others were walking in and sitting down in the compartment.

"It's Pansy, don't worry about the last name" Pansy said sitting down beside me and I smiled a little at her "well then it's Y/N" I said back and she smiled at me and the two of us got into a good conversation, she wasn't as bad as she had made it out to be. When I looked over to Hermione she was holding Ron's hand and laughing with Draco and I smiled, Hermione got her long time crush Ron, she was happy.

All too soon the train stopped and we were at Hogwarts, we found a carriage and all sat down closing the door so nobody else would come in here, the carriage started moving and we were all still in a deep conversation all of us. It seemed that Draco and I were the only single people in there unless Draco had a girlfriend after last year, Harry was with Ginny who had been sitting with her own friends on the train, Hermione and Ron were dating and then Blaise and Pansy seemed to be together.

We all laughed as we ran into the school from the rain that had started to pour down on our way up to the school. We found our way into the great hall and sat down at a table that had been added for all of us eight years, Draco, Hermione, Ron and I were on one side, while Pansy, Blaise and Harry sat in front of us.

Dumbledore came and made his start of year speech before letting everyone get down to eating dinner, Ron as usual was pushing more food into his mouth than he could fit, the three Slytherins gave him disgusted looks while us were used to him eating like that. "Does he always eat like that?" Draco whispered the question to me and I nodded and smiled at him, I had sadly felt a chill go down my spine when I felt his warm breath fan my ear.

After the feast us eight years went up to our own common room, there hadn't been a lot of people that had come back, there were two dorms for the girls and two dorms for the guys and then one common room.

A month into the school year the seven of us had become very close and were meeting in the room of requirement for a small game of truth or dare, we had of course invited Ginny, Luna, Neville, Cho and some other Slytherin students to come as well. When all of us were in the room we sat down in a circle, "who's starting?" I asked and Hermione put her hand up and we all nodded.

We all played for a while just doing dares and asking questions, "so Y/N" Harry said and I swallowed, he always had something bad. "yes?" I asked almost afraid he was actually picking me. "Truth or dare?" Harry asked me looking me straight in the eyes and I swallowed even harder, "umm, dare I guess" I told him and he smirked, I instantly regretted my pick and and cursed in my mind.

"I dare you to kiss your crush?" he said and I blushed, "what if he isn't in here?" I asked him and he smirked, "Mione told me who it was, you can't lie" Harry said and I glared at my twin sister and she shrugged "it was fair, he helped me with Ron" she said and I sighed. I went onto my knees and kissed Draco onto his cheek and blushed before going back to my own place, "you never said where" I whispered and Harry chuckled at me.

"Damn Dray, I don't think I've ever seen you this red" Pansy said and I looked up to see Draco blushing furiously, we continued to play like nothing happened although I could feel Draco looking at me more after that dare. When the clock became midnight everyone started to leave, when everyone except for the seven of us had left Harry gasped from tiredness "we should really get going to bed" he said and we all nodded in agreement.

"Hey Y/N, can you wait a sec?" Draco asked and I looked at Hermione and she nodded I smiled at Draco and we waited for everyone else to leave the room, "what's up?" I asked when we were alone. "Well I was wondering, about that dare, was it true?" he asked and I felt the blush form deeply on my cheeks and I didn't know what to do with myself, of course it was true, how could I tell him that, his whole life and his whole family he's hated muggleborns since first year, he's just now started to not hate us.

I sighed and nodded, "yeah" I whispered to him while looking down onto the floor when I felt his fingers underneath my chin, he gently pushed my head up so I was looking him in the eyes, "how about we try that kiss again then?" he asked and I blushed. I nodded and we both slowly started to move in closer, soon our lips were meeting, his lips were soft and the kiss was passionate but it held a lot of love and sweetness.

When we pulled apart Draco smiled at me, "I've liked you for years you know, I was wondering if maybe you would want to go to Hogsmeade with me?" Draco said and I smiled and nodded before pecking his lips again. "It would be my pleasure to go to Hogsmeade with you Draco" I told him and he smiled before pecking my lips again.

WC: 1131

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