Harry X Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: 4th year
Warnings: tiny bit of swearing
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 30/05/2021


I sat with Hermione, Ron and Harry in the great hall in a homework session with Snape, these sessions usually happened around Christmas or spring exams. "Y/N, you're a girl" Ron said after he had attempted the same line at Hermione and she had gotten mad he asked.

I rolled my eyes and nodded "finally realized did you, although no, I'm waiting for someone special to ask me" I told Ron before standing up and turning my work in to Snape. Harry and Ron still didn't have dates for the Yule ball and had been trying to get anyone to go with them for weeks.

I had been waiting for Harry to ask me, I had been friends with the trio since we all started Hogwarts although Harry, Harry had always been a bit more than a friend. I had always had a bit of a crush on him and that crush only grew as the years passed.

I had hoped to merlin Harry would ask me but he hadn't. That evening Ron came into the common room with Ginny trying to comfort him, "what happened?" Harry asked as Hermione, Harry and I made our way over as quickly as we could.

"He asked Fleur Delacaure to the dance" Ginny explained, "what did she say?" Harry asked astoundish, "no of course" Hermione said. Ron shook his head a little as Hermione and I gashped "she said yes?" I asked "don't be silly" Ron said.

After that I noticed Harry go over to the Patil twins who had just walked passed us, I noticed him ask one of them to the dance. I felt my heart drop a little at that, I excused myself from everyone, Hermione seemed to look in Harry's direction and then to me as she realized what happened.

She had been the only one to ever know about my crush on Harry, thankfully she never said anything though.

As the days passed I noticed Ron still didn't have a date, that breakfast I decided to ask him if it was too late to accept the offer of going with him. I walked into the great hall to see the trio sitting at the far back of the table, I plucked up my courage and strode over to them.

"Ron we need to talk" I said as I approached them "what's up?" Ron asked his mouth full of food and I frowned, "in private" I said and he groaned before standing up grabbing a toast and his bag as he did. "What's up?" Ron asked when we came into the entrance hall of the school.

"Is it too late to reconsider the offer to go with you to the dance? You see the guy I was hoping would ask me asked someone else and I know you don't have anyone else to go with so" I explained a bit awkwardly. Ron smiled "not too late no" Ron said and I sighed in relief "then can we go together?" I asked and Ron nodded as the other two came out of the hall.

Hermione smiled a sad smile at me as she knew what I had just done, Hermione and I were a bit in front of the boys on our way to potions.


"So what did Y/N want earlier?" I asked Ron, Y/N and Hermione were walking a bit in front of us talking about something among themselves as we made our way to potions class. "She was reconsidering the dance offer" Ron said and I felt anger and jealousy boil up inside me.

I had fallen in love with Y/N just as this school year had started, I had seen her at the quidditch World Cup and she had a glow up so bright and it was like her personality changed. It was like she had gotten a thousand times more fun, not like she hadn't always been fun, she was just more fun.

Her laugh seemed to have changed and become more like music rather than just another laugh around me.

I tried to not show my jealousy and hatred that Y/N was going to the dance with Ron, after all she probably didn't want to go with me anyway. I was just me, sure I was the golden boy, the boy who lived but other than that I wasn't really anything special.

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