Draco X Potter!Reader ~part two~

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Your information:
Your house: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Warnings: a lot of time skips at the beginning
Happens in: 8th year
Requested by: BestShipsAreGayShips
This is part two of the Draco X Potter!Reader and it happens in 8th year!


You were walking into Hogwarts on your first day back after a long and hard summer break. Fred was dead, Severus was dead, Harry wouldn't allow you to write to Draco, -who you were still dating- and it had been miserable.

You saw the platinum blond hair walking down the hall his head hung low, you looked over to see Harry stuck in a conversation with 'Mione and Ron. You snug off before Harry could see you leave his side, you walked up to Draco and took his hand in yours.

Draco looked at you and you smiled weekly at him before stopping and stopping him with you. "I'm so sorry I didn't write this summer, Harry wouldn't allow me to write to anyone" you said looking down.

Draco hugged you tightly to him and you instantly hugged him back. You sighed happily at feeling his slim, strong arms hold you to him, the feeling always gave you butterflies, even after five years.

You looked up at him and kissed him passionately, "I'm so sorry about your dad, I heard what happened" you said. Draco smiled weekly and pecked your lips, "it's okay, he deserved it, thank you" Draco smiled and you nodded.

"What are you thanking me for? I didn't do anything" you said stilling holding Draco's hand as you sat down on a bench in the courtyard. It was a bit dark and everyone was at dinner, everyone except for you and Draco.

"Thank you for standing up for me at the hearing" Draco said looking down, "you know, I thought you hated me when I didn't get a single letter all summer" Draco said. You looked down a frown appearing on your face, "then I had the hearing, and you stood up for me. That was when I knew you still loved me, even if I had the, the" he couldn't say it.

"The dark mark" you finished for him quietly. Draco nodded his head as to say 'yes', you sighed and turned to look at him, "I don't hate you, Harry does though" you said looking rather sad.

Time skip till two months into the year

You sighed sitting down in the library with your potions books, Draco sat down in front of you putting a hand reassuringly on yours.

Harry hadn't talked to you all year, he realized you were still dating Draco and he hated it, so he removed himself from your life. You smiled sadly at Draco and started on your homework, you had always wanted to be a healer so potions was important for you.

Time skip till 19 years later

You smiled as you ran through the barrier onto platform 9 3/4, you were taking your son Scorpius to go to his first year. You were currently pregnant with your forth child and life was good.

Draco stayed home with your twins who would have tried sneaking onto the train. Your twins were eight years old so they still had a couple of years left till they would go to Hogwarts.

"Come on Scorp, there are only five minutes till the train leaves" you said to your oldest son who looked exactly like Draco. "I'll miss you mum" he said before hugging you tightly to himself.

"I'll miss you too my little angel" you said and kissed his head, "now go on, and remember to write" you called after him as he entered the train. Once the train had left you saw a head with a nest of black hair, hair that was oh so similar to your own.

You walked slowly over to the infamous Harry Potter and tapped his shoulder. Harry turned around gripping his wand as he did, he visibly relaxed once he saw it was you. "Y/N?" he asked and you nodded slightly, Harry hugged you tightly to himself.

"Y/N I am so sorry for stepping out of your life just because of Draco" Harry whispered in your ear.

"Daddy? Who's this?" a little girl who looked exactly like Ginny Weasley asked him, Harry smiled at her and then looked at you. "Y/N this is my daughter Lily, she's nine, Lily, this is my twin sister, Y/N" Harry explained to the little girl. You bent down to her level and smiled widely at her, "hello, it's nice to meet you" you said and she smiled shyly at you.

You put a hand in your rope pocket before finding what you were looking for, "you know I have something for you" you said. You smiled at her and then looked at Harry who nodded, you took the chocolate frog out of your pocket and handed it to her.

"Here you go" you said and she smiled brightly before looking to Harry and then Ginny -who you assumed to be Harry's wife- "go ahead" Harry said. "Thank you" she smiled at you before opening the frog and catching it almost instantly.

She ate it with a happy smile on her face, "how would you feel about coming over for dinner tonight? We have twin girls who are eight" you said smiling at Harry. Harry smiled brightly before looking at Ginny who nodded, "we'd love to, thank you" Harry said.

He still got that excitement in his eyes when he got offered something good. You chuckled and left after saying goodbye.

Once you arrived at home you called out and your twin girls came running over, "mum!" They called out hugging you tightly. "Come on girls, give your mum some space to breath" Draco said before coming over and pecking your lips.

"Eewww" was heard from the two girls and you giggled, "what took you so long?" Draco asked worry filling his face.

"I saw Harry" you smiled at him, "he apologized, he, Ginny and their daughter Lily who's nine will be coming over for dinner" you said. "What?" Draco asked surprised, "but, but, you sure he won't be like he was in school?" He asked you.

Draco always worried too much about you, by this point the girls had left up to their room for some sort of play. "He won't I'm sure of it, he got that excited gleam in his eyes the one he always gets when offered something good" you said.

Draco sighed and nodded, and you went into the kitchen to start preparing the dinner.

Soon you heard a knock at the door and you went to answer. Draco had took over the kitchen after you being in there cooking for 10 minutes.

You smiled as you saw Harry, Ginny and their girl Lily standing there. "Come on in, dinner should be ready in just a couple of minutes" you said.

"Thank you" Harry said as the three of them took their coats off and hung them on the coat rack. "Lily, Narcissa, come down here!" You called up the stairs at your two girls, they came running down pushing past each other.

"Girls, This is mum's twin brother Harry, his wife Ginny and their daughter Lily" you said. Lily frowned, she always hated it when someone was named the same as someone in the family.

The two said hi and instantly the three girls got together and started having fun. You lead the other two adults into the dining room so you could catch up. Soon Draco was putting the food onto the table and calling the girls in there for the dinner.

"What do you want honey?" Draco asked you and you smiled at him before taking the spoons and serving yourself. You saw the slight frown on Draco's face, you were only just three months into the pregnancy and Draco didn't want you doing anything by yourself.

The rest of dinner was good, the four of you talked, Draco and Harry talked and got to know each other a bit. Harry saw how good Draco was to you and you smiled as they left, "oh Ginny, Harry, can I have a word in private please?" You asked your sister-in-law and twin brother.

The two smiled at you and nodded, once you were in the sitting room, out of earshot for everyone else. "Do me the honor of becoming this once god parents?" You asked and their eyes went big.

"You, you're pregnant?" Harry asked surprised, you nodded and smiled at them putting your hand on your stomach. "Of course we'll be the godparents" Harry said hugging you to him.

A/N = Okay that's that! I hope you liked it! I know it isn't a lot of Draco X reader but it's something

WC: 1483

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