Oliver X reader

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Your information:
Your house: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 7th year
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody
A/N = guys requests are open! Please don't hesitate


You turned in the mirror you had in your dorm room, you were about to go meet your boyfriend of two years Oliver Wood. It was your two year anniversary today and Oliver said he had something special planned for you.

You would be meeting him close to the black lake, he had told you to dress fancy but still casual so that's what you did. (This is what you wore! Feel free to change it!)

You smiled in the mirror at yourself, your dorm mate Alice has helped you do your hair and makeup

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You smiled in the mirror at yourself, your dorm mate Alice has helped you do your hair and makeup. "Do I look okay?" You asked Alice for the tenth time, "yes you do, now go out there and get your man" she said pushing you towards the door.

You chuckled at her and left out the Gryffindor common room door and made your way to the black lake. It was a beautiful summer evening, it wasn't really windy although there was some wind. It was warm and beautiful so you sat down on a bench where you would be meeting Oliver.

As you sat there you started thinking about how Oliver had been ignoring you a lot lately, putting quidditch before you. He hadn't even cared when you were crying because you're older brother who had graduated from Hogwarts two years prior had been murdered.

You sat there just waiting, you waited for three hours until you decide to go back inside, the sun had already gone down. You were walking back to the castle when you see Harry run past you.

"Harry, slow down, what happened?" You asked frantically, you had Harry had always been close friends. "Wood will kill me, he told me to be quick, I tried but McGonagall stopped me in the hallway" Harry mumbled on.

"Why are you hurrying to Oliver?" You asked a sad feeling flowing through your whole body once again that evening. "Quidditch" was all Harry called out as he had started running to the pitch.

You looked after him and then the tears started to fall, you slowly walked over to the pitch to make sure Oliver was there. Of course he was, of course he forgot your two years anniversary because of quidditch.

You ran back to the common room, your tears had destroyed your makeup and you plopped down by the fire beside your best friend and dorm mate Alice. She instantly hugged you tightly to her stroking the strands of hair that weren't up in either one of the buns.

"What happened?" She asked you, "he forgot" you said between sobs and cry's. After sitting there crying for half an hour and waisting for Oliver for another hour after that you gave up and went to bed.

The next morning you woke up determined to ignore Oliver all day, no matter what. You swung your legs over the bed and sighed sadly before quickly pulling your clothes on.

Today was a Sunday, that meant no classes, you strolled down to late breakfast and sat down in front of Alice. "Good morning" she said and smiled softly at you, "I didn't want to wake you. I figured you had a long night" she said and you smiled thankfully at her, "what would I do without you?" You said chuckling a little.

Soon you felt eyes on the back of your head so you turned around, a Hufflepuff guy that had tried asking you out last year was looking at you. You smiled to him and went back to your food, "hey" the Jack the Hufflepuff boy said, you didn't really know his name.

"Hey, Jack, what's up?" You asked happily, "I was wondering if you'd like to go to Hogsmeade with me today?" He asked. You were about to answer a yes when Oliver spoke up.

"She most certain would not like to" be said anger falling from his lips, at this you became angry and couldn't ignore him. "What's it to you? I didn't think we were still together after you not showing up last night. I mean, you picked quidditch over spending your two year anniversary with me" you said in a dangerously low voice.

His eyes grew to the size of cake plates, "that, that was" he was at loss for words, although when he had found his words again you had left the great hall. Alice followed you after telling Jack that you wouldn't go with him.

You sat in the Gryffindor common room in front of the fire as silent tears streamed from your eyes. You heard the common room door open and you assumed it was either Alice or some other student who wouldn't care.

You felt the couch sink beside you and you assumed it was Alice until the person put their arm around you and pulled you into their chest. You realized it was Oliver when you felt his sent, fresh air, grass, wood and the cologne you had given him last Christmas.

"Y/N, I am so so sorry, I know your mad at me but please try to forgive me" Oliver said as he drew calming circles onto your back. You looked at him your eyes tear stained while his looked like all the happiness had been drained from him.

"I'll think about it" you said and left him sitting there alone while going up to the girls dorm.

Time skip till a quidditch match between Gryffindor and Ravenclaw

You sat in the stands waiting for the quidditch game to begin, you hadn't told Oliver you had forgiven him, it had been about two weeks since your anniversary. "Y/N, please come help us, Wood won't stand up or do anything" Harry said.

You looked at the poor boy who was trying to get his captain to pull himself together for a big game they had. You smiled at him and followed after, "come on everyone, let's leave them alone" Harry said as the two of you entered the tent.

Everyone smiled hopefully at you and you went over to Oliver who was sitting with his back in your direction. Either he hadn't heard Harry, or he didn't care, you smiled sadly to yourself as you wrapped your arms over his shoulders.

"Come on, you have to win this game, it'd be a shame if I wouldn't forgive you correct?" You said to Oliver. He turned abruptly around to look at you, his eyes held a questioning glance in your direction.

"You win this game and it'll be like nothing happened, we'll celebrate a late anniversary and be happy. You loose and we will both be single, so go on and win this game for the both of us" you said and pecked his cheek.

You hurried out of the tent and gave everyone a look that told them they could go inside.

The game went smoothly and Gryffindor had won 200-160 you waited by the Gryffindor changing rooms until all the players had left. Once everyone was gone except for Oliver you snuck inside, "hello handsome" you said smiling at him.

Oliver didn't have a shirt on and he looked really good -like always-. He made his way over in your direction, "we won" he said and you nodded, "you sure did" you said.

You pulled Oliver in for a passionate kiss, once the two of you pulled away you smiled at him. "This is your only chance Wood" you said and he chuckled but smiled nonetheless.

"I know love" he said and kissed you again taking your breath away.

WC: 1291

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