Ron X Reader

517 11 1

Your information:
House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 6th year
Warnings: fluffy? And short
Requested by: dino_nugget09
Posted on: 21/12/2021 - 10:15pm

I looked at the astronomy chart I had from my class as I rushed out of bed, there was supposed to be a shooting star in only about an hour. I ran through the hallways and to the Gryffindor common room before knocking on the portrait as loudly as I could, the portrait complaining quite loudly at me for having woken her up.

As soon as the door opened I rushed inside not caring who had opened the portrait, I saw Ron sitting on the couch with Hermione as she was studying and Ron was attempting to study. "Well hello to you too Y/N" Harry said chuckling a little as I nodded and dragged Ron out of his chair and out of the common room.

"Y/N, where are we going? What's going on?" Ron asked me quite nervous, I chuckled as I kept dragging him behind me through the corridors "you'll see, trust me, it'll be worth your while" I told him. Ron being the good and loyal Gryffindor he is decided not to question me on it and just let me drag him all over the hallways and up staircases.

Soon we were at the astronomy tower entrance, "Y/N no, what now?" Ron asked a groan in his voice. "Trust me, it'll be amazing, I promise" I told him giving him my best puppy dog eyes, Ron signed and nodded before we started to climb the staircase up to the tower.

I huffed and puffed when we got upstairs before dragging Ron with me to the railing, we stood there and watched the stars until.

The shooting star shoot down from the sky, Ron and I both closed our eyes and made a wish.

I thought about Ron as I wished for him to be mine, Ron had been my crush for years by now, he had always been so nice and kind and sweet. He wasn't like his siblings, Percy the stuck up, Fred and George constant jokes, Ginny the constant confidence. He was noble and loyal to the people he cared for, he didn't judge anyone based on anything, he didn't care for it when people were different, he always was there for me when I needed him.

I had always thought he and Hermione would have ended up together by now, I saw the way they acted around each other, it was as if they were already a couple, although I made my wish thinking it never hurt anyone to dream. We looked at each other and Ron chuckled, "fine, okay, yes it was worth my time, that was absolutely beautiful" Ron exclaimed and I smiled while nodding.

"I told you" I told him smirking a little and he gently nudged my shoulder as we stood there in silence watching the other stars, the night sky being calm and relaxed. I mind started to wander before thinking about Ron "why do I have to love you so much Ronald Weasley?" I thought out loud.

As I realized I had just spilled my love for the red headed boy out I freaked out, stumbling away from him almost falling off of the astronomy tower in shock. Thankfully I felt myself in Ron's strong grip, his arms felt calm and relaxing around me as I took in a deep breath of his heavenly sent before I realized what was going on and I pushed away.

"Y/N I love you too" he said gently taking a step close to me again and I felt the blush become vibrant on my cheeks as Ron pulled me into his arms pushing his lips gently onto my own. Butterflies started to form in my stomach as his lips moved in perfect sync with my own lips, I felt Ron move closer to me and push me up against the railing as the kiss got a bit heated.

As we broke apart for air we both took deep breaths catching some air into our lungs again "what did you wish for?" Ron asked me his voice no louder than a whisper as I took in a deep breath and almost choked on my own salvia. "I, uh, I" I stumbled taking a deep breath as Ron moved away from me a bit and a disappointed expression clouded his gorgeous face.

"I wished I could have you as my own and not be worried someone else might claim you" the words left my mouth like a river in a storm and I sighed, a look of relief flooded over Ron's face. "Good, Are you willing to make both our wish come true tonight?" Ron asked and I froze, that was his wish as well.

I couldn't seem to find my voice from pure shock so I just nodded my head before feeling Ron's lips back on my own. After we separated we realized the time and hurried down the stairs joking around a bit.

Ron walked me down to the Hufflepuff common room and I kissed him gently on the lips before wishing him a good night, I went inside the common room feeling like I was floating, I entered the dorm room and fell onto my bed, falling asleep with the happiest smile on my face.

WC: 908

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