Teddy X Reader

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Your information:
House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: muggle-born
Happens in: 5th year
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 14/09/202


You sat in the Hufflepuff common room on a couch in front of the fire, you read back over your letter. A tear escaped your eyes and you quickly dried them away as you heard the common room door open up.

"Y/N! I was looking for you!" Teddy your best friend and crush called as he saw you sitting on the couch. You turned around hoping it wasn't obvious you were trying to hold back the tears. "Hey" you said in a low voice hoping it wouldn't crack, to your luck it didn't.

"Is something wrong?" He asked you as he sat down on the couch, "what no!" You said a bit too quickly. "Okay" Teddy said not believing you entirely.

"You said you were looking for me? What's up?" You asked him putting on a fake smile. You saw Teddy's hair turn slightly pink and you chuckled, "what's so embarrassing?" You asked and he chuckled as well.

"You know me too well" he exclaimed, "anyway Harry and Ginny told me to invite one of my friends over for Christmas. They think I have a lot of them for some reason, anyway and since your pretty much the only close friend I have here. Well I thought, maybe you'd like to come?" Teddy asked you.

You smiled brightly a real smile this time and nodded eagerly, "I'd love to Teddy!" You exclaimed. "Great!" He said as he stood up, "I should go pack, you know, we leave tomorrow" he said his hair turning even brighter of a pink color.

"Me too!" You said excitedly as you stood up and went to your dormitory. You quickly packed everything you would need for example. Your Christmas homework, clothes, warm for being outside, some Christmas clothes. And a couple sets of underwear and the regular, you also managed to put a couple of books into your trunk before you shrunk it.

That night you fell asleep peacefully, with only the thought that you were spending Christmas with your crush on your mind.

The next morning you woke up early and hurriedly got dressed in some comfortable clothes. You hurried up to breakfast and found Teddy already there, you sat down in front of him and put some toast and bacon on your plate.

"Are you excited?" Teddy asked you, "of course im excited! I get to spend Christmas with my best friend!" You exclaimed. Teddy chuckled at you and smiled sweetly as his hair turned a bright pink color.

"Okay what is up with all that? Your hair is constantly turning pink while I'm around recently" you said. You knew there was no way he'd like you back so it was bugging you, maybe his crush just always happened to be around when you were.

"Nothing" Teddy hurriedly said. As he looked down scrunching his nose up in a adorable fashion to change his hair back to its original blue color.

Once the two of you finished eating you hurried to get your trunks and get to the Hogshead station. Once you arrived you found a empty compartment and sat down, none of Teddy's god siblings were at school so none of them would be on the train.

All too quickly you were stopping at Kings Cross station and you went off of the train onto platform 9 3/4. You saw a woman with long flaming red hair and Teddy dragged you in her direction.

"Ginny, this is Y/N, Y/N this is my godmother Ginny" Teddy introduced you and Ginny, "hello dear, come on, Harry is waiting outside with the kids" she said. Teddy smiled warmly at you and you smiled back, both of you were wearing your Hufflepuff sweaters.

Once you got out of Kong's Cross you saw a man with black unruly hair, two boys with the same hair as the man and a girl with the same hair as the woman. You knew that this was Harry Potter, you had learned about him in history of magic class.

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