Draco X Weasley!Reader

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Your information:
house: A Gryffindor
blood status: Pureblood
more information: You're Ron's twin sister
happens in: a month after the war
warnings: mention of Fred's death
requested by: nobody
posted on: 25/11/2020


I sat in one of the chairs at the funeral, I looked at the pale face of my older brother Fred, his face being the only thing visible of his body, the rest was hidden underneath the wood of the casket. I got tears into my eyes not understanding why I was sat at his funeral, George came and sat beside me, "hi" he whispered to me and I smiled sadly at him, "hi" I said and we sat there in silence.

"It'll be hard, how are you?" George asked me and I smiled sadly at him, "he was your twin brother, I can't imagine what I had done if it had been Ron" I told him as more tears welled up in my eyes. "I know, it's harder than you would expect" George said, I had always been closest to the older twins because of the three of us similar pranking behavior so this wasn't like loosing just any brother for me, I also lost one of my best friends.

All too soon the rest of the family came and sat down and the funeral started, George and I were the only once that had to leave the venue, everyone cried but we were sobbing too hard. After we got away from the venue I lost George in the hallways my eyes too blurry to have been able to follow him wherever it was he went to.

That's when I saw a platium blond hair in the shadows of the castle I had called a second home for six years. Draco Malfoy, what was he doing here, he hated us Weasleys, why would he want to be at Fred's funeral and in the shadows. I slowly walked up to him and cleared my throat to let him know I was there, Draco jumped up putting a hand on his chest like as if I had spooked him.

"Sorry, I didn't mean to startle you" I whispered to him, I didn't get a answer, we just stood there in silence, tears still falling quickly down from my eyes the sobs barely staying in. "I'm really sorry about how I acted back at school, I hope we can start again?" Draco whispered and I looked at him surprised at his sudden apology although I nodded my head.

Draco smiled a little at me putting his arms out a little offering me a hug, I greatfully walked into his arms as i let quiet sobs escape my body and my chest rose and fell quickly.

A month after the funeral

I saw my owl fly in the window of George's and my flat above the shop and I smiled at her as she sat down on the window sill, I was getting a reply from Draco, Draco and I had become friends and I had quickly started to fall for him without anyone else in the family knowing. Still nobody knew that Draco had been at Fred's funeral, nobody except for me of course.

I opened the letter and read it over.

Dear Y/N

Thank you for the words of support, I really needed them, anyway as you know mother is on house arrest and misses having people over so she told me to invite you for tea tomorrow at 1pm, I hope you'll be able to make it, yes she knows what your last name is but she doesn't care, she still wants to meet you, anyway sorry for the rant.


I read over the letter again and again before turning the letter around and writing a quick 'yes' before sending my owl back over to Malfoy manor. Almost as soon as my owl flew off of the window sill Ron, Harry and Hermione walked inside, they were all been good friends of mine, "who was Y/O/N going to with a letter?" Ron asked as he saw her/him fly out and I smiled at him. "A friend from school, he was offering me to go to tea at his place tomorrow at 1pm, I was just answering him" I told him although his eyebrows furrow in confusion.

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