Dean X Potter!Reader

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Your information:
House: a Hufflepuff
Blood status: a half-blood
happens in: 5th year
Warnings: you're shy, very long
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 15/01/2021


I walked down the hall on my way to potions, when I bumped into someone, I quickly looked up to see it were the Weasley twins and I signed so quietly nobody heard me. That was me, speaking so no one could hear me unless it was Harry my twin brother, even then I only spoke when I was alone with him.

I quickly looked down to the floor and hurried away from the two Gryffindors that had stood in front of me, I saw Harry with Hermione and Ron in front of potions and Malfoy was around them. I slowly approached them to see what was going on. When I came closer to them I heard Malfoy say some shit about our parents and I noticed Ron and Hermione trying to pull Harry away and I sighed, of course Harry would attempt to attack Malfoy.

I entered the classroom and sat down beside Malfoy, that was my assigned seat, I was fairly good at potions so I didn't mind it, I wouldn't be needing the help anyway. I smiled as I finished my potion and smiled into my cauldron before answering the questions that professor Snape got us, I put a bit of the potion into a small vile and handed it all in.

Professor Snape gave an approved nod and I smiled going to clean my station up, until, Malfoy bumped my shoulder and I dropped my ingredients and they went flying all over the floor. I sighed and looked around at the floor before trying to hurry to clean it up, although to my dismay professor Snape was in front of me before I even managed to start getting it up.

"Mrs. Potter, what is all this?" professor Snape asked and I staid quiet like I always did, nobody seemed to come to my aid of help and I looked helplessly around the room to try and find Harry or Hermione or Ron, not one of them was around and I wondered how they got out without being noticed. "I-I" I stammered out in my just under a whisper voice, "speak up, nobody can hear you" Snape growled out and I almost whimpered like a dog under his cold stare, thankfully for me a Gryffindor I knew as Dean Thomas came over.

"It was my fault sir, I accidentally bumped her shoulder and she dropped the ingredients" he said and I looked up at his tall figure and smiled thankful, "well, 20 points from Gryffindor and Hufflepuff, and clean this mess up" professor Snape growled out to us. I sighed thankful for his help as I went back down to my knees and started to pick everything up when I noticed a brown hand putting everything into their correct jars.

I looked up to see Dean helping me putting everything away, "t-t-thank y-y-ou" I whispered out to him and he smiled a little, "it's not a problem, hey, you're Harry's twin sister right?" he asked and I looked up surprised he had notice me in the flood of students that went to the school. I simply nodded my head and he smiled, "I'm dean" he said putting a hand out for me to shake, I gladly shook his hand "Y-Y/N-N" I stammered out to him.

After Dean had helped me pick everything up I notices Harry and the other two sneak inside without being noticed and I smiled in Harry's direction when he raised an eyebrow in the direction of Dean. When the class was over I was thankful that it had been the last class of the day and that I could just go and cuddle myself in bed, until, "Y/N" I heard Harry's voice behind me and I groaned so quietly that nobody once again could have heard me.

I turned around and smiled at Harry as he approached me, I nodded and he smiled before we walked together into the room of requirements. When we got in I sighed as I plopped myself down on one of the beanbags that had appeared there, "what's up?" I asked Harry being comfortable enough to speak just higher than a whisper to him.

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