Ginny X Fem!Malfoy!Reader

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Your information:
House: Slytherin
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: 7th year (let's pretend that Ginny and Ron are twins and you and Malfoy are twins)
Warnings: you're a Malfoy. Might make you cry. This is a gxg (girl love/lesbian) story if you have anything against the LGBTQ+ community then I am asking you to stop reading right now and start reading the next chapter instead. REALLY short
Requested by: anonymous
A/N = sorry this isn't exactly exactly like the request but I had to make some small adjustments to make it work with my ideas for the request.
Posted on: 29/09/2021


I looked at Ginny, she and I had been dating for about three years now.

Currently we were fighting because of the war, she wanted to fight but I wanted us to go away and stay hidden. She was pretty much telling me she wanted to go on a suicide mission.

"I knew it, you're just like the rest of this family of yours, you're all cowards that can't and are too scared to fight for the people you love" Ginny screamed and I froze. I looked at her big eyed as she realized what she had said, although it was too late, the words had been said and they had done their damage.

"Okay, good to know where you stand, don't bother calling me your girlfriend anymore" I told Ginny and she took a step closer to me the tears starting to form in her eyes. I stepped back and left her standing in the classroom we had been in fighting about this.

I entered the Slytherin common room to see Draco there studying, Draco my older brother and the only one who knew about Ginny and I's relationship out of our family. "Draco" I cried out and he instantly turned around to see my crying figure.

Draco instantly came over hugging me tightly to himself, he knew Ginny and I had been fighting a lot about the war lately so he figured out by my state exactly what just happened. "Do you want to talk about it?" Draco asked me quietly and gently and I shook my in a 'no' motion as I continued to sob gently into Draco's shoulder.

Draco stroked my back in a calming way as he gently lead me to the couch he had been sitting on in front of the fire. "She said I was just like all of you, a coward, I'm not a coward for wanting to go somewhere safe to keep her safe. Draco I can't loose her, I can't loose her Draco, she's my everything" I cried out onto his shoulder.

I had lost her.

I couldn't help the thought that if I had been born into any other family she wouldn't have said that, I would still have my fierce, loyal, fighter. I looked at Draco before I stood up not saying another word to him, he stood up with me putting his hand out to stop me.

I looked at him and shook my head, tears were still falling from my eyes, not as violently as before but still falling. Draco thankfully let me go and I left for the girls dorm room as client tears escaped my eyes.

I laid down in bed and cried some more by myself.

Time skip till after the war

I looked at the ruins, I had staid behind with the good side when Draco had left with our parents. I noticed Ginny sitting with her family and I looked the other way, I found a place in the great hall that was somewhat secluded and sat down by myself.

I looked down playing with my hands as I thought about everything that had happened in the last 24 hours.

"Can I sit down?" I heard Ginny's voice ask and I looked up to be met with her fiery red hair, freckled face and caramel eyes. I gently nodded my head and she sat down, "I heard what happened to Fred, I'm sorry" I whispered to her and she nodded "thank you" she whispered back.

"I'm really really sorry about what I said earlier this year Y/N I didn't mean it I swear, I was just mad and please forgive me?" Ginny asked and I heard her voice crack at the end. I looked up at her and nodded "I forgive you" I whispered and she broke out into tears.

The two of us sat there her gently crying beside me and I just thinking "leaving that day broke me you know, I didn't stop crying, I know this probably doesn't help. I just thought you should know" I told her before standing up my face in a resting position.

I felt her pull at the small part that was left of my sleeve I looked back at her but she didn't say anything. "Not as cowardly anymore am I? A mad man's words are a calm man's thoughts, you're forgiven but don't think we'll ever be friends after this" I told her.

She looked at me with big eyes and tears formed back in her eyes as I walked away leaving her alone on the steps.

WC: 876

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