Harry X Black!Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: pureblood 
Happens in: 5th year, just after the ministry of magic accident 
Warnings: mention of Sirius' death 
Requested by: nobody 
Posted on: 01/30/2021


Harry Potter, my boyfriend since third year, my godbrother and the person everything is always about, it's not that his pain is anything less then mine, but it's like no one sees my pain. 

A week ago my dad and Harry's godfather Sirius Black got killed by Bellatrix Lestrange, it was killing me, yet it only looked like anyone ever noticed Harry's pain, in the evenings I would sit in the common room with Harry crying onto my shoulder and I would try to reveal him of his pain. Although when I was alone in bed at night I would cry myself to sleep and then put a healing charm onto my face so no one noticed just how little and bad sleep I actually get. 

I looked out the window of the Gryffindor common room, Harry sat in front of me, he was playing wizard chess with Ron, I was reading a book, I looked from the beautiful summer weather to my handsome boyfriend that smiled a fake smile while Ron laughed at a move Harry made. I smiled a little before closing my book, "I'm going out for a walk" I told the two boys, Ron waved me off while Harry stood up "I'll join you, please?" Harry said and I smiled a little but nodded at him letting him come on the walk with me. 

Harry and I walked out of the common room and out to the grounds and I sighed knowing I had to ask Harry how he was, of course I wanted to make sure he was okay but it was just hurtful that he never seemed to ask me if I was okay. "Harry, are you okay?" I asked him and he shook his head when he saw the Whomping Willow I took Harry's hand leading him to a tree where no one would be able to see us and I pulled Harry into a hug. I stroked Harry's back  in a calming manor "shh, it'll be alright, you still have all of us" I whispered to Harry as I felt his tears fall onto my robes. 

After Harry had been crying for a good hour he stopped and pulled out of the hug, "thank you Y/N" he said and I smiled sadly at him "it's the least I can do" I told Harry as I kissed his lips softly and then took his hand and lead him back to the castle before someone could worry about where we were. As we walked into the castle we realized it was already dinner so we walked into the great hall hand in hand as we found Ron and Hermione sitting at the table with Ginny and Neville around as well. 

We sat down in the seats that were available and we both put our fake smiles on and laughed with the others, we ate dinner, Harry having a roast pork slices and some mashed potatos while I had some chicken pie and some mashed potatos. After dinner we all went to the common room and plaid some muggle card games that Hermione had tought us, when the clock chimed midnight all of us went to bed, even Harry and I went up to our own rooms. 

I put my pajamas on and went into bed, closing the curtains on my four poster bed, I put a silencing charm on and then I let all the tears I had been holding in out, they came like a river, falling onto my pillow. 

After I had been crying for what felt like forever I felt the bed sink beside me and I looked up to see Hermione sitting there with sorrow written all over her face, "it's your dad isn't it?" she asked and I nodded slightly before she took me into a tight hug. "Why haven't you let your tears out sooner?" Hermione asked me and I looked at her with tear stained face and a surprised expression. 

"No one ever asks if I'm okay, it's always if Harry is okay, like I didn't just also loose the only family I have ever had, I cry every night, I guess my silencing charm wasn't strong enough tonight" I told Hermione and now it was her turn to be shocked. "Oh Y/N, I didn't realize, I don't think any of us realized that we never asked about how you were feeling, you always acted like it wasn't bothering you as much as it bothered Harry" Hermione said and I shook my head. 

"How about we both try to get some sleep?" Hermione asked and I nodded and we both laid down on my bed cuddled up to each other to be able to stay on the bed. 

When I woke up I realized it was already lunch time so I hurried to get dressed and down to the great hall, when I got in there I noticed Harry, Hermione and Ron eating at the other end of the table so I walked over to them. "Why didn't you wake m up?" I asked Hermione as I sat down "good morning to you too, but I didn't because you seemed to need it" Hermione said as I pecked Harry on the lips as a quick 'good morning'. 

"Hey Y/N, can we talk once lunch is over?" Harry asked and I smiled a little at him and nodded since I had food in my mouth Harry smiled a little at me and continued eating his own lunch. When both Harry and I finished out food we left the great hall hand-in-hand, we walked in quiet until we were at the same tree as we were at yesterday, "Harry, are you okay?" I asked him and he shook his head. 

"Y/N why didn't you say anything? Hermione told me about your little talk last night, why didn't you say anything about how you were feeling?" Harry asked me and I felt a tear fall from my eyes "no one asked" I whispered and Harry sighed pulling me into a hug, we stood in the same position as yesterday just the roles switched around. When I stopped crying Harry still held me close and I felt his calming scent go into my nose as he kissed the top of my head in a loving way, "you still have all of us and your feelings matter too, we need to find a good balance" Harry said and I nodded into his chest.  

WC: 1110

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