Dudely X Reader

751 12 5

Your information:
House: Ravenclaw
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: just after hogwarts graduation (just after they get back after their 8th year)
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 25/12/2021 - 01:27am


I groaned as I heaved the muggle grocery bags onto the countertops, the bags were heavy since Harry had mentioned he was having someone over for dinner.

Harry and I had bought a muggle apartment together after our graduation since it was easier to afford if we were two paying and Harry and Ginny weren't ready to move in together.

When I finally managed all the bags inside from the car parking outside the building I started putting things away. By the time I had finished taking out of the first bag the doorbell rang, I looked at the clock on the kitchen wall and cursed under my breath.

Of course the clock had to be already six a clock, Harry mentioned this guest was going to be here around that time, I again cursed under my breath for him not being here as I opened the door downstairs for whoever it was. I opened the door into the apartment and went back into the kitchen to continue taking out of the bags that I had brought in.

When I heard someone at the door not walking in I signed "come on in, don't be shy, I don't bite" I called out to whoever Harry's guest was. I heard the front door close "I'm in the kitchen just hang your jacket in the closet, there should be an available hanger" I called out to the person as I groaned from the cheese falling onto the floor.

The person walked into the kitchen and I turned around to see who was going to be joining us for dinner, I noticed a shy guy standing there as i didn't recognize who it was. "Hey, I'm Y/N, Harry and I own the place together, it was cheaper than buying two cheep apartments only to stay at each other's place all the time" I told him happily as I swished my wand around for the cheese and other groceries into their correct place in the fridge.

"I-I'm Dudley, Harry's cousin, I-I'm not magical" I smiled warmly putting my hand out for him to shake, he shook my hand and smiled gently, his blond hair almost fell into his face as I chuckled. "I'm sorry dinner isn't ready, Harry was supposed to be here over an hour ago" I told him rolling my eyes at the mention "he probably got held up at work, it wouldn't be the first time" I said loud enough for him to hear me "hopefully it wasn't anything bad" I whispered to myself hopeful he didn't hear me.

"What?" He asked and I froze facing the fridge "nothing" I told him turning around and smiling before getting a pan out to start dinner "can I help with anything?" Dudley asked and I nodded "sure, could you cut these up for me?" I asked handing him a couple bell peppers. I heard the front door open up and I instantly let everything fall that was being levitated with my want hurrying into the entrance of the apartment hearing Dudley behind me.

"Where have you been?!" I screamed at him as he took a step back and I noticed a cut on his cheek "come here" I told him harshly as I snatched his face in my direction examining the cut on his cheek, "did you get this checked out?" I asked worry lingering in my voice. "No but I'm fine Y/N, I swear, it's just a small cut" Harry groaned at my overly worry nature.

"Harry James Potter, the last time you said that you were in St Mungo's for a week" I told him and he just rolled his eyes a fond smile on his face. That was when he noticed Dudley, "ohh hey there" he said gently hugging his cousin and I smiled as I noticed that he was actually bonding with some of his family.

I hurried into the kitchen to check on the chicken that was simmering on the pan, "dinner will be ready in about half an hour, don't do anything stupid, also Harry, Hermione sent you an owl, something about Ron's surprise birthday party" I called out to them as I heard them sit down in the living room.

As I was finishing up dinner I called out to Harry to set the table, Harry came almost jogging in and I smiled as he took down plates and handed them to Dudley who had walked in after him. I smiled as Harry took the forks, knifes and cups out of the cupboards, as I took the spaghetti Alfredo and set it down on the table for us to eat, "go nuts" I told them as I went to fetch pumpkin juice and some water.

"Would you like some pumpkin juice or water Dudley?" I asked as I handed Harry the pumpkin juice and poured myself some water to about half way up the medium glass that I had, Harry doing the same with his pumpkin juice "just water thanks" Dudley said so I handed him the water can. "Thanks" Dudley said as he poured water into his glass and we all dove right in and started eating our food.

Time skip till a month later

I looked at the time as I took a deep breath in, Dudley and I had been in contact through muggle phones since that dinner and he had asked me out for a proper romantic dinner. He was taking me to a fancy restaurant down town that was very popular amongst the richer people the doorbell rang and Harry opened it for Dudley "Y/N, he's here" Harry called into my bedroom to let me know.

I took another deep breath and a last look into the mirror before putting my powder and lipstick into my purse and leaving the bathroom. I was wearing a royal blue shirt dress with a bit of makeup and my hair tied back.

(This is what I imagine you wearing but feel free to change it)

I left the bathroom to see Dudley standing there in fancy pants and fancy button up shirt with his hair combed back and some black dress shoes

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I left the bathroom to see Dudley standing there in fancy pants and fancy button up shirt with his hair combed back and some black dress shoes. I smiled at his handsome figure as I walked over to him smiling, his smile seemed to brighten up the room as I walked closer to him. "You look absolutely" Dudley started but stopped "gorgeous" he whispered suddenly and I smiled looking down my cheeks starting to get red with blush, "you look handsome too" I whispered to him and he handed me his hand as I took it.

We walked out of the building and he helped me sit down in his car before he went around to the other side and drove off.

WC: 1166

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