Dudley X Reader

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Your information:
house: a Gryffindor
blood status: muggleborn
happens in: summer before 6th year
warnings: none
requested by: nobody
posted on: 05/12/2020


I sat down at the kitchen island grabbing the cup of hot coca my mom slid my way, "good morning honey" she said giving me a smile as she turned to look at me. "Morning mom" I said back after taking a sip of my coca, "where's dad?" I asked after mom and I had been in the kitchen in a complete silence for too long.

"He had to go fetch our suitcases, your dad has a unexpected work trip to go on, we won't be back until you're back at school" she explained and I almost spit the coca out of my mouth when she said that. "Where am I staying?" I asked her cautiously, "the Dursley's" she said plainly, my parents had been good friends with them since they were young so Dudley, Harry and I almost grew up together.

I hadn't seen them in years, I mean sure I saw Harry at school and all but the Dursley's I hadn't seen, it was safe to say that I was as nervous as I could possibly ever get, I knew the Dursley's opinion on the whole wizarding world so I wasn't exited to spend almost my whole summer with them.

The next morning I woke up early, the Dursley's were picking me up because mom and dad had to go at 7am to the airport so they didn't have time to drop me off at their house. After waking up properly I took a shower and did my things in the bathroom before going down to the kitchen and getting a bowl of cereal and eating it quickly.

after eating I put a T-shirt on and some light skinny jeans with some sneakers before throwing last minute things into my trunk and closing it up, almost as soon as it was closed I heard a knock on the door. I ran downstairs and opened the door to be met with the fat man I knew as Vernon Dursley, "ahh mrs. Y/L/N, ready to go?" he asked and I smiled at him before nodding, "yes sir, I just need to go grab my trunk and I'll be back down" I told him before running back up the stairs.

when I came back downstairs my trunk behind me Mr. Dursley frowned, and that's when he found out I was a witch. "Hurry up" he grunted all civility gone out of his voice when he spoke to me, "you'll share a bedroom with Harry" Mr. Dursley said and I nodded "okay" I said before he attempted to put my trunk into the back of his car.

after driving for an hour we were finally at their house and I stepped out of the car, Mr. Dursley opened the door before grunting for Harry to come take my trunk "Y/N!" Harry screached happily when he saw me standing there. Harry and the other two in the golden trio were very close friends of mine so Harry hugging me wasn't anything weird, "you two share a room" Mr. Dursley grunted at us and we both nodded.

Harry grabbed my trunk and helped me bring it up the stairs, "Big D, that's Y/N, YN that's Big D as he likes to be called" Harry said like I had never met Dursley before and I chuckled, "why Big D?" I asked him and he seemed to freeze. Harry and I both chuckled before Harry pulled me into now our bedroom, "it's definitely not much but you know how the Dursley's are right?" Harry asked and I nodded to answer him.

It's been three weeks and Dudley hasn't said one bad remark to Harry or I which was weird to say the least, although having to share a bed with one of my best friends was even weirder to be honest. I woke up from a nightmare, Harry had fallen to the floor without waking up so I tried sneaking past him, thankfully I got out of the room without waking him up.

I made my way down the stairs and to the kitchen, I grabbed a cup from the top cabinets and went into the fridge getting a 2L bottle of water and pouring myself some of it into the cup before taking a slow sip letting the cold liquid fall down my throat. Then I heard footsteps, Harry had told me what happened to him when he would go get water through the night so I instantly tensed up.

The food steps came closer and I felt my body tense even more than it already was, then Dudley came in and I felt myself relax, "what are you doing awake?" Dudley asked and I smiled sadly, "a nightmare" I whispered not wanting to wake anyone up. "Do you want to talk about it?" he asked and I looked at him surprised, "I'm not sure you would understand any of it to be honest" I admitted to him and he smiled a little "why don't you try me?" he then asked.

I chuckled a little at him, he was so sure he would understand all about Voldemort, "fine, this might take all night" I warned him and he smiled and to my surprise he sat down getting ready to listen to me, that's how I ended up telling Dudley all about all five years so far at school. Once I finished Dudley took me into a hug, I became stiff not having been expecting that from him, "I'm so sorry" he then whispered into my ear and I smiled a little, "it'll be alright, we have Harry" I whispered back into his ear.

A month after I told Dudley about all my years back at school he stopped hanging out with his friends and he stopped doing nothing but watch the tv, he would actually ask Harry and I if we wanted to just go out and do just anything. Harry would always hesitate until I would accept his offer kindly, the three of us had become pretty close by the end of summer when Harry and I went to shop for our school supply's.

After Harry and I had gotten everything we had been invited to dinner at the Weasleys and we had happily accepted knowing just how delicious Molly's food always was. We came home late that night, Dudley was the only one still awake when we came into the house, "where were the two of you?" he asked when he noticed us inside.

"We were offered to spend dinner with some friends" Harry explained pulling me up the stairs with him, I managed to sneak my hand out of Harry's grip without him realizing and I walked back down the stairs to find Dudley still sitting at his chair. "Hi?" I whispered my question to him, he quickly turned around and smiled at me, "why are you awake?" I asked as I sat down on the couch beside him.

"I was worried" he said after sitting and staring out into thin air for a second or two, "about what?" I asked, I hoped he had been worried about me but I was a witch, his parents hated Harry and I because of that small fact. "You" Dudley whispered and I stared at him in shock, "what?" I asked him surprise evident in my voice, "I like you Y/N, as in I have a crush" Dudley whispered again but I heard him and I felt the blush form quickly on my cheeks.

"Really?" I asked and Dudley looked at me, "really" he whispered and I felt myself lean in to kiss him, then our lips met and it was like fireworks went off inside of me, it was soft but passionate and hungry. "Does that mean?" Dudley asked and I nodded, "yes, and yes" I said and Dudley looked at me surprised, "I know you were going to ask me to be your girlfriend" I whispered and again he kissed me.

After the war

I smiled at Harry as we left Hogwarts with Ron and Hermione, as soon as we were at Kings Cross station I saw Dudley standing there putting his weight onto one foot and then the other in nervousness and I smiled fondly in his direction. Nobody knew about Dudley and I having been dating since that summer before sixth year, I looked to my side to see the other three in a hard conversation and I quickly ran up to Dudley tapping his shoulder.

"Excuse me sir, do you think you could help me?" I asked him and when he turned around and he saw me he smiled and picked me up kissing me hard on the lips, finally after all this time I felt his lips on mine again and I felt his arms around me holding me in a tight embrace. "You're okay" he whispered into my ear and I smiled into the crook of his neck where I had hid my face when he had hugged me.

"I have a broken wrist but other than that and some small cuts I'm fine yes" I whispered to him and he smiled kissing me on the lips once again.  "What is going on here?" we heard Harry's voice and we both chuckled "he's actually nice you know" I told Harry while smiling looking up at Dudley.

WC: 1576

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