Draco X Reader

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Your information:
Your house: was Slytherin
Blood status: pureblood
Warnings: arraigned marriage
Requested by: nobody


It's been a week since I graduated from Hogwarts mother had said that Y/N was coming over for some time sometime today. I had to say, I was excited to see my best friend after Hogwarts, see what she had been doing.

Y/N had been the only one that stayed by my side when I got the dark mark. Her family has never been a supporter of Voldemort but she didn't care about me having the mark and that was kept us close this last year at Hogwarts.

"Draco, Y/N is here!" mother called upstairs to me and I ran downstairs instantly pulling her into a hug. "I missed you" Y/N said excitedly after we pulled apart, her parents came through the floo not long after her.

"Draco" her mother said before hugging mother. "Come on, let's have tea" mother said and me and Y/N smiled at each other before following out to the outdoor tables.

Some house elf's came with tea and while the older people were talking quietly together me and Y/N were catching up. "Kids?" mother asked us and we turned our heads in her direction.

"Yes Mrs. Malfoy?" Y/N asked so politely, mother smiled at her and then at her parents that nodded their heads telling mother to continue. "You two have been engaged since you were just one years old" my and Y/N's mouth dropped to the floor.

"What?!" I screamed while Y/N just sat there with her mouth hanging down. Mother smiled a little at us, "well you two are good friends aren't you?" Y/M/N asked us.

"That has nothing do to with this, what if Draco or I had fallen in love with someone?" Y/N asked a bit too calmly. I knew her well enough that she was holding her anger in until she was alone.

"Both of you stop it! This decision is final!" Y/D/N said to the two of us. Y/N and I looked at each other and knew there was no use arguing so we left into the sitting room.

"I can't believe them!" Y/N said frustration falling from her tongue. "Me neither but it is what it is, we might as well accept it right?" I asked surprising both of us with how calm I was about all this.

Y/N sighed and sat down beside me, "yeah, I guess your right" Y/N said, "it's just weird, your like my brother" Y/N exclaimed. She put her head in her hands and I chuckled letting my head fall back on the couch. "Yeah I know, your like my sister, it's weird" I told her and we both laughed quietly.

Time skip 2 months

We -me and Y/N- were moving into the house mother had made for us. I smiled a small smile at Y/N and took her hand in mine, "come on, it could be worse!" I said dragging her inside.

"How can this be worse?" Y/N asked me, I chuckled a little at her, "they don't have to let us plan the wedding like they're doing. At least now it's up to our wants" I said smiling at her, "yeah I guess that's right" Y/N sighed.

"Come on, it's late, we should go to sleep" I told her and she nodded gasping a little from tiredness. Almost as soon as Y/N had put her head on her pillow she was asleep, back at Malfoy manor we hadn't shared a bedroom and this was my first time seeing her sleep.

She looked so peaceful while just laying there and I couldn't help the smile that crept up my lips. I laid down beside her facing her so I could see her face, her mouth was open slightly and small snores that I could barely hear cane from her mouth.

Damn I thought to myself, she's so pretty I continued to let my mind wander until I fell into a dream filled sleep.


You woke up before Draco, you and him were all tangled together, like you had started cuddling while sleeping. You smiled a little to yourself at his peaceful figure before going out of bed in your silk pajamas to make breakfast.

You pulled your hair up in a messy bun so you wouldn't get any hair into the pancakes you were making for breakfast. You had put some muggle music on and were kind of dancing to the music while flipping a pancake over.

Almost as soon as breakfast was ready Draco walked down the steps of the way too big home for the two of you. "Hey, how did you sleep?" You asked Draco as he sat down at the breakfast bar.

He smiled weekly at you "I slept fine, you?" Draco asked, "oh I slept fine thank you" you said putting a plate of pancakes down in front of Draco. "Come on, eat up" you said trying to conceal the blush that was starting to form on your cheeks.

Draco didn't have a shirt on and only some striped pajama pants. You didn't know why the sight was making you blush but it was and you couldn't help it as much as you wanted to.

The two of you ate in silence, "come on, why don't you go get dressed while I clean the dishes?" You asked Draco sensing that he was still tired. "Thank you" Draco said and smiled at you, you smiled back and went to work with the dishes.

"Here, let me help" Draco said five minutes after he went upstairs, now he was completely dressed. You smiled up at him and motioned for the drying cloth, "will you dry?" You asked and he chuckled taking the cloth and starting to dry the plates.

You opened the fridge again before making a self writing quill and paper fly your way as you started to tell the quill what to write down.

"Why is the quill writing all this down?" Draco asked and you gave him a pointed look. "Really Draco? What day is tomorrow?" you asked him offended.

"Wait, nooooo, it isn't!" Draco exclaimed shaking his head, "yes it is!" You said pointing an accusing finger at him. Draco had forgotten your birthday was tomorrow, when you looked back into the fridge a frown appeared on your face.

"Will you join me to the store? I need some muggle things?" you asked Draco and he instantly smiled. "Sure" he said and grabbed his jacket handing you yours, "Draco, look outside" you said hanging your jacket back up.

It was sunny and warm out there, "oh" Draco said and you saw a slight pink form on his cheeks but you brushed it off as nothing. "Come on" you said dragging Draco out of your home.

Once you reached the muggle store you sighed glad to be back in the muggle world. "Come on" you said pulling Draco along with you, he had been staring at a security camera.

You bought everything you needed to make yourself a (your favorite cake flavor) cake, you smiled confidently at Draco. "Can we get this? It looks fun!" Draco said holding a box of twister in his hands.

Your eyes lit up at seeing the game and you nodded enthusiastically, "yes!" You screamed too loudly as people looked in your direction. You and Draco just rolled your eyes and laughed before going to pay.

You paid with some muggle money and went back home, "can we open this?" Draco asked with box of Twister in his hands. You chuckled and nodded, you set the game up and got ready, Draco was going to start spinning.

You played for hours until you both became hungry and had to eat dinner. After dinner you sighed tiredly and wandered up the stairs, "come on? I want to cuddle" you said without realizing it.

Draco smiled to himself and walked after you, "of course" he said and you both put your pajamas on. You cuddled up to Draco and sighed happily, Draco kissed your head, "I could get used to this" he whispered.

You smiled into his chest, "yeah me too" you said and looked into his eyes, Draco's eyes looked at you with nothing but love. You smiled and decided to be brave and you kissed him lightly and gently on the lips. "Happy birthday" Draco mumbled to you and you realized it was past midnight.

You smiled at him, "thank you" you said and Draco kissed you lightly on the lips again, "this arrangement wasn't so bad after all" Draco said. "No, no it wasn't" you said and fell asleep your head resting on Draco's shoulder.

Word count: 1482

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