Remus X Reader

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Your information:
House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: muggle born
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody


You were standing in front of #12 Grimmauld place dreading having to knock on the door. You were shy and usually didn't say a lot, your only friend from school that didn't die in the first wizarding war was Sirius Black.

Yes the Sirius Black, only a friend with a shy little Hufflepuff, that was a long time ago. You haven't seen Sirius for what felt like forever even though it had only been about 14 years or so.

Finally you pulled yourself together and you knocked on the door, soon the door got swung open and there stood Molly Weasley. She had been a prefect and in her 6th year when you had started at Hogwarts.

You and Molly had become acquaintances in your time while at school, "oh, Y/L/N, joining the order?" She asked as she saw you standing there. "Yep" you said a bit more confidently than usually, Molly smiled at you and stepped aside so you could get inside.

You smiled warmly at her and walked into the house that looked just as dark on the inside as it did on the outside. "Come on, I was just about to start dinner, you'll help right?" She smiled at you and you nodded.

You had lost all the courage you had had before you walked inside the house. You followed Molly into the kitchen and did as you were told to do.

"Molly, is that dinner I smell?" You Heard- someone call from the hallway "you stay patient while we cook!" Molly screamed back to the man that had called. Then someone popped their heads into the kitchen, you turned around and saw none other than Sirius Black.

"Sirius Black stay out of here! I will not have you destroy dinner again!" Molly screamed at him again. It didn't look like he had been listening to her, he just stared at you.

"Y/N?" He asked and you felt the blush come on your face, "hi" you said in your usual low voice. "Still as shy I see" he said and you smiled sweetly at him chuckling a little.

"Pads?" A voice rang from what you assumed to be the sitting room, "Molly I'm taking her from you! Sorry" Sirius said pulling you with him. You smiled apologetically at Molly as you let Sirius drag you out of the kitchen.

When you finally arrived at what you once again assumed to be the sitting room you saw none other than Remus Lupin. You had had a huge crush on Remus while in school and once you looked into his chocolate eyes your crush came rushing back.

Your face became hot and you staid silent like 90% of the times. "Moony that's Y/N, Y/N that's moony or as most know him Remus" Sirius said pointing a hand between us. You smiled gently and said a low "hi" Remus didn't hear you because his answer was.

"What? Sorry I didn't hear you" you sighed and looked up begging Sirius to say something for you but he just shook his head. Once again you sighed and mustered up all your courage before answering "I said hi" you said.

Even Sirius was surprised at that before laughing, "you don't need to shout my little puff" he said and you gave him a glare. "Don't call me that" you said your courage not leaving you hanging.

Sirius looked at you again with big eyes, "I've never heard you speak so loudly" he said and you smiled shyly. Sirius must have noticed his friends confusion because he started explaining. "Me and Y/N met in like what, second year?" He asked looking at you, you just nodded instead of speaking.

And Sirius continued, "I bumped into her and she fell, I help her with her books and we started talking" Sirius said. Before you butted in, "you started talking, I listened" you said smiling proud that you were able to speak.

"Anyhow we have been friends since then, I haven't seen her since well, you know" Sirius said and smiled awkwardly. "Sirius!" you heard Molly suddenly scream from the kitchen and Sirius flinched but walked away.

"So?" Remus said and you smiled awkwardly at him, "yes?" You asked and he started making small talk. At least it was a small talk until you two started talking about books, you told him all about your favorite book boy meets boy. While Remus told you all about his favorite book, it was a magical book you had never heard the name of.

You two laughed together and it felt nice not to have to be quiet and stuttering like you always were. You felt comfortable with Remus around and it felt weird to you, you had never felt like this around anyone.

Time skip till later that evening!!

You smiled happily to yourself as you laid down on one of the guest bed's at #12 Grimmauld place. You laid there for what felt like forever until you finally gave up and decided to go down and make some hot cocoa.

You took your wand from underneath your pillow and put a warm robe around you and walked down the stairs.

Once you were a tad closer to the kitchen you could hear small noice coming from inside. You immediately got scared as you though everyone was already asleep.

Although once you entered with your wand held high you sighed in relief when you saw it was only Remus. Remus has brought his wand out as well and you both put your own wands down slowly.

"Sorry, did I wake you?" Remus asked and you shook your head, "no, I couldn't sleep, too much going on inside my head" you admitted. Remus smiled at you and nodded, "same here, would you like hot cocoa with me?" Remus asked and you smiled.

"I mean I came down here for a hot cocoa so sure" you said smiling a warm smile at him and he nodded. "Sit down, I'll take care of it for you" Remus said and you smiled even wider before sitting down.

Remus looked really handsome in the kitchen just working away fiddling with the boiling water and cocoa. Finally after about 15 minutes Remus brought two cups over to you and you took the one he was handing you.

"You know, I always had a crush on you in school, I was too much of a chicken to tell you" Remus chuckled. "Sorry I shouldn't have Said that, I tend to say stupid things when I'm tired" he then added.

You put your cup down and smiled at him before walking over to Remus' side of the table. Remus watched you carefully not knowing what you were about to do.

Although when you got around the table I bent down and kissed him lightly but passionately on the lips. The kiss was short but sweet nonetheless and it was everything you had ever dreamt of.

"I'm sorry, I just couldn't help it" you said your voice back to almost a whisper and your cheeks as red as a rose. Remus chuckled and shook his head, "yes you should, you should have kissed me" he said standing up.

You looked at him confused, "what?" You asked and he looked into your Y/E/C eyes and smirked before kissing you again. "Be mine? I know I'm a werewolf but please?" Remus asked you and you couldn't help it.

You threw your arms around his neck and kissed him again, "yes, yes I'll be yours! I don't care about you being a werewolf" you said and smiled happily at him.

Remus Lupin was finally yours.

WC: 1301

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