Seamus X male!Reader

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Your information:
House: Hufflepuff
Blood status: muggle - born
Happens in: 4th year
Warnings: mention of homophobic people (no homophobic words) {I want to make it clear I have nothing against LGBTQ+ people and am myself in the community}
Requested by: BestShipsAreGayShips
Posted on: 11/09/2020
A/N = Hi so I'm going to try and write this a bit differently then I normally do! Please tell me which way you like better!


It was hard being a gay Hufflepuff guy at Hogwarts, the wizarding community didn't accept LGBTQ+ people as well as the muggle community. I had come out to my parents through the summer, my mom had been horribly against it.

Dad on the other hand, he well he accepted it completely, he actually divorced mom and moved me out with him. It had been a hard summer on me and it didn't help that the Slytherins were all making fun of me.

I sat at the Hufflepuff table while eating lunch, alone, I had gotten used to this after coming out. Nobody would talk to me, the boys in my dorm would look away from me and try and hid away.

Nobody talked to me anymore, it was a hogsmeade weekend so I decided I'd stay in and just have a cozy day. I had some popcorn and snacks that dad had sent me just a couple of days back.

I was currently in a comfortable T-shirt with the gay flag on the front and some black tight jeans. I was about to take my last bite of my lunch when someone tapped my shoulder.

When I turned around I almost dropped my pumpkin pasty, it was Seamus, my gay awakening, my crush. "Hey, umm can, can we talk?" He asked in a quiet voice his Irish accent showing through his nervousness.

Seamus and I had never really talked so that him wanting to talk to me was different.

I nodded and stood up following him out to the courtyard to a secluded place around the black lake. "How do you do it?" He asked quietly once the two of us were alone, "what?" I asked confused by his question.

"How can you be so openly gay, and well not care?" He asked and I stared at him confused. "Wait, are you saying?" I asked surprised, I had not seen that coming.

"Yes, I'm gay, only my parents know, they're okay with it, I'm just afraid what the kids here at school will say" he said. I stared at him in shock.

"I don't do it" I said after a moment of silence, "what?" Now it was Seamus' turn to be surprised and confused. "I don't do it, honestly, when I came out my parents got divorced because my mom wouldn't allow it. While dad was proud, then I came here and lost all my friends, how is anyone supposed to do that without breaking?" I asked.

Seamus looked at me shock showing on his face, "what?" I asked confused by his surprise. "I, I'm sorry, I didn't know" he said in a low voice, I smiled a little and nudged him a little in the shoulder.

"Don't worry about it, at least now I know I'm not the only gay kid here" I said laughing a little. Seamus chuckled a long and smiled at me.

"What? You're starting" I said blushing a little, "your laugh is adorable" Seamus said and I looked up at him in shock. "Wha, what?" I asked surprised and happy.

"I'm sorry I didn't mean, I didn't mean to" he said standing up and trying to walk away, I grabbed his sleeve before he could get too far ahead. He looked back at me with a shocked expression his eyes wide, "your laugh is adorable too" I said.

His eyes widened as I moved in and kissed him gently on the lips, I felt him instantly kiss back with passion. Once we pulled out of the kiss in need of air we both smiled, "be my boyfriend?" I asked Seamus and he nodded.

We embraced each other and were smiling from ear to ear. We walked together hand in hand around the school grounds and the hallways not caring who would see us.

We talked about this and that just getting to know each other.

Soon Christmas break started to get closer, I had to stay at Hogwarts through the holidays because dad had lost the apartment he had. Currently he was living with some of his friends and couldn't take me unless absolutely necessary.

I walked up behind Seamus slowly about to scare him, his friends were surrounding him and they were laughing. His friends had taken it well that Seamus was gay and took me into the group.

Neville noticed me but I gave him a sign to be quiet, thankfully he did and I managed to scare the crap out of Seamus. When he turned around he kissed me and turned back to Dean as he had been telling him about his plans for the holidays.

My smile dropped, Seamus was going home for Christmas, of course he was, he had two parents that loved him. I slowly made my way away from the group.

Later that week I hadn't talked as much to Seamus as usual, the parchment that you were to write your name on if you were staying was up on the wall by the Great hall. I had been one of the first people to put my name down and sadly walked away and to the common room.


I was going with Harry and Ron to put their names on the parchment with students who were staying for Christmas. My eyes scanned the list until my eyes quickly shoot back up to one of the names high up on there.

Y/N was staying for Christmas, no way, he was coming with me, I was not going to let him stay here for Christmas.


There was a knock on the common room door and some first year went to open it, "Y/N, it's for you" the first year said. I looked to see Seamus there and I smiled a bit of my fake smile and went over to him.

"Hey" I said and kissed him quickly on the lips before closing the door to the common room, "can we talk?" He asked and I nodded. The two of us walked away from the common room in quite.

"Come with me home for the holidays" Seamus suddenly just said, I stopped in my tracks and tried to fake a smile. "I'm going home to dad, I promised" I said, trying my hardest to sound reassuring.

"I saw your name on the list Y/N, please just come home with me, I don't want you to spend Christmas here alone" he asked me. I sighed and nodded, "fine" I said and smiled at him, "is this why you have been ignoring me this week?" Seamus asked.

I nodded ashamed of myself, Seamus stopped and kissed me passionately, "I love you Y/N" he said and I froze. We hadn't said that to each other yet so this was a huge step, I saw his face fall and I was quickly pulled into reality.

"I love you too Seamus!" I blurted out, he looked a bit shocked and I shifted, "you caught me off guard. I wasn't expecting that so I was just shocked, I really do love you Seamus Finnigan" I said and kissed him.

Seamus smiled at me and we kept on walking both very excited for the Christmas holidays.

WC: 1285

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