Harry X Reader

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Your information:
House: A Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 6th year
warnings: a bit awkward
Requested by: Bob7877778
Posted on: 10/01/2021


I looked out the window where Ron and Harry, my crush, had a snowball fight, I looked out to them with envy, Hermione was pestering me to do homework. I had been best friends with those three since our first year here at Hogwarts, although Harry had always felt like something a bit more than just a friend. I had hoped he would have asked me to the yule ball these two years ago but he hadn't, now it was Christmas time at Hogwarts and everything was decorated in tinsel and other cute classical Christmas decorations.

"Hermione come on, we have been studying for hours, why can't we just go out there and have fun with the boys? I promise we won't be long" I told Hermione while putting huge puppy dog eyes up and looking at her in the eyes. Hermione sighed but nodded, "fine, but we'll only be 15 minutes, we need to finish this" she said and I jumped up instantly starting to get dressed in my winter cloths.

Once I was dressed I ran out telling Hermione I'd go out before her, I heard her chuckle as I ran down the stairs from the girls dorm taking them two steps at a time, when I was down in the common room no one was there so I hurried out. Once out of the common room I ran down the halls trying to get to the courtyard as soon as absolutely possible, I made a snow ball without the two boys having noticed me and I threw it at the back of Harry's head. I hit, he turned around sharply looking for whoever had thrown the snowball at him but I hid behind a tree just before Harry could see me.

When Harry had turned back to Ron I made another snow ball and attempted to throw it at Ron, although Harry saw me and I put a gloved finger up to my lips asking him to not say a word, then just as Harry threw his snowball I threw mine. Both of the snowballs hit Ron and he instantly turned around to see who had thrown the ball at him other than Harry, although I was ready and just as he turned around I threw another snow ball at him.

Harry laughed as I hit Ron for the second time, the game was on, one against one, more correctly everyone against everyone. After we had been playing for a good time, I had completely lost track of time when Hermione came out and we hall went to throw snow balls at each other, I was pushed down and into the cold snow.

When I looked at who had pushed me down I was met with the emrald green eyes I knew as Harrys eyes, I smiled a little and he chuckled, "either one of them pushed me on you sorry" Harry said and I noticed his cheeks became a bit redder than the cold had made them. Harry attempted to stand up but fell back down and his lips got pressed up against mine, we were both frozen to the spot like that for a second or two before I started kissing Harry, Harry instantly kissed me back.

When we pulled away Hermione dragged me back into the castle to continue studying even though we had all Christmas break to do the homework.

That evening I sat in the common room just thinking, looking into the fire, when I heard someone walking down the stairs from the guys dorm rooms, "Y/N, what are you still doing awake?" Harry asked as he noticed me sitting on the red couch. "Well I was just thinking" I admitted "you?" I then asked as an afterthought, "yeah same here" Harry said and I nodded in understanding.

"What has got you thinking so hard you can't sleep?" Harry asked and I sighed "it's a who, but if you really want to know it's you" I said not looking at Harry but at the flames. "Was it okay, you know when I kissed you out in the courtyard?" I asked a bit nervous of the answer I would get, "of course it was, merlin Y/N I've had a crush on you for years" Harry admitted to me and I blushed a little.

"I like you too Harry" I said now looking into those perfect eyes if his that shone with some sort of mischief or something of that sort, then Harry leaned in and his lips were on mine again, I instantly kissed back. The kiss was sweet yet passionate and it sent shivers down my spine, Harry was gentle as he rested a hand on the back of my head deepening the kiss by just a little bit.

When we pulled away we rested our foreheads together and smiled at the other, both of us out of breath, "be my girlfriend then, I mean I like you and you like me, why not just date, we don't know how much more time we have" Harry said and I smiled even brighter at him. "Of course" I said throwing my hands around his neck and pulling him into a passionate kiss, Harry instantly kissed me back, his hands went down to my waist pulling me closer to him.

That was until we someone clear their throat, Hermione and Ron both stood in front of us with an expression that said 'really', Harry and I chuckled and he pecked my lips again. Nothing more needed to be said between the two of us as we all sat down on the couch in front of the fire, all of us thinking and knowing a war was about to happen, all of us were scared we would loose our closest people.

WC: 998

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