George X Reader

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Your information:
House: former Gryffindor
Blood status: muggle-born
Happens in: half a month after the war
Warnings: mention of Fred's death, also really long
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 07/09/2020


It's been half a month since one of your best and closest friends passed away. Fed Weasley, you had always been best friends with the Weasley twins although George had always meant a bit more to you than Fred.

You were a year younger than them yet you three were so perfect together, the three of you always pulled pranks and jokes on teacher and students. You chuckled at the memories from school, although you smiled sadly.

Even though it's been two weeks George still hasn't talked to anyone, he sends all owls he gets back without looking at the letters. He doesn't answer when someone fire calls him, and he doesn't answer when someone makes a trip to his place.

The shop has been closed the whole time and you're getting extremely worried about the boy you have loved for years on end. You put your thin jacket over yourself and some sneakers on your feet.

You closed the door and locked it in the muggle apartment complex that you lived in. You walked down the stairs and to your luck the devil himself was there, Peter, he constantly flirted with you even though you gave clear signs of not being interested.

"Y/N!" He called to you happily, you rolled your eyes and ignored him, you tried to walk past him but he stepped in front of you. "Move" you Said harshly to him but he didn't budge, "come on, talk to me" he whined.

"I don't talk to boys that whine" you said and while he was shocked you snuck past him you were thankful to be on the smaller side. You found the dark alleyway you always used for apperaition and apperaited to Diagon Alley.

Once you got there you rushed to George's apartment above the shop. Once you got there you knocked carefully on his door hoping he'd answer.

"George? It's Y/N can I come in?" you called out to him, after a five minute silence you spoke again. "George Weasley, you open up or I'll break the door down!" You called into his apartment.

At that he opened the door his head hung low and he walked back to the couch where a lot of empty bottles of fire whisky was. You looked between the empty bottles to George and back at the bottles.

"Oh Georgie" you sighed and sat down beside him carfully if he was drunk you knew he probably wouldn't want you near him. He never did when he was drunk, it always hurt you because he would have everyone around him and nothing. Although as soon as you'd get too close he'd back away from you and try his best to run in the opposite direction.

You put a hand on his shoulder and you saw a tear fall from his face, you moved from the couch and stood in front of him. You pulled him into a hug, you were short enough that while he was sitting his head landed just beneath your boobs.

You stoked his flaming red hair calmly while he cried into your shirt. Once he stopped crying he pulled out of your hug and rested his back against the back of the couch.

You sat down beside him before plucking up all the courage in you and asking, "why, Georgie? Just why?" You asked as tears welled up in your own eyes. "It's not the same Y/N, I lost my other half" he said and shook his head.

You sighed and pulled him into sideways hug, "it'll be alright, I'm here for you and so is the rest of the family" you said. You hated that he only saw you as a sister but you didn't think about that right now.

"If you want I can stay over" you said smiling at him and he nodded, "yes please" he said as a few stray tears made their way down his cheeks. "You remind me of him" he said pulling out of the hug and looking at you.

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