Harry X Snape!Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 6th year
Warnings: small mention of smut
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 19/10/2020


I sat in the great hall besides my boyfriend of four years now, the two of us have been dating in secret this whole time. Both of us had been too afraid of what my dad, Severus Snape the defense against the dark arts teacher, would say if he found out.

Harry has been a bit out of it recently and i was getting worried about him, I had asked Hermione but she hadn't noticed anything weird. I looked at the staff table to see my dad staring daggers into Harry because he was sitting next to me.

"Hey, Mione, can I talk to you, in private?" I asked and she nodded standing up and I  followed suit. Once both of us were out of the great hall Hermione nodded.

"I know what this is about and Harry actually told me what was going on, I promised him I wouldn't tell you though" she said. I looked astonished, "what? He's not, he's not cheating?" I asked tears welling in my eyes as I thought about the worst option.

"What no, no, no! He loves you so much! He just doesn't want you in any danger" she said. I gave her a look and she sighed giving up on keeping this a secret from me.

"He-who-must-not-be-named has been getting into his head recently, he's just trying to protect you from him" Hermione said. I stopped for a second just staring out into the world my mind going blank.

"I need to talk to him" I said determined to have him give my dad a second change at teaching him legitimacy. Hermione and I walked back into the Great hall and I saw Harry was still sitting talking to Ron.

"Can we talk?" I whispered into his ear as I approached him, he looked a bit confused when you continued your way up to the staff table. "Dad, I'm going to sleep early, can we talk tomorrow morning?" I asked my dad as I approached him and the rest of the staff.

"Sure, good night honey" he said and I nodded walking back out, I noticed Harry had left and I knew where he had gone. I was hurrying to the abounded classroom we usually met up in when talking or just meeting. When I was pulled behind the statue of the one eye'd witch and I gasped.

Before I realized I was sitting in a very cramped space that was so dark I couldn't see anything. "Lumps" I heard Harry's voice say and I smiled.

"You wanted to talk?" Harry asked you and you noticed he was worried about something. "Hermione told me, Harry please, give dad another chance, he's not as bad as he makes it be" I said giving him puppy eyes.

"No, absolutely not!" He exclaimed a bit too loudly, "Harry please, you know I worry about you" I said and he still shook his head. "Can't you just help me? You're great at legitimacy" he tried to reason.

"I'm not nearly good enough" I said and gave him big puppy eyes, he sighed, "fine, but if he doesn't say he'll do it the first time I ask I won't ask again" Harry gave in. I signed in relief and smiled a little at him, "I'll do the talking then" I said and Harry nodded.

We both emerged from the secret passageway and Harry took my hand in nervousness and I smiled at him before knocking on my dad's office door. "Y/N I thought you were going to bed early" dad said in a sweet tone but then he turned to Harry.

"Potter?" He asked with a sneer, "can we talk to you?" I asked before a fight and house points loosing could take place. "Yes, come on in" he said eyeing Harry suspiciously.

"Dad, um, Voldemort has gotten back into Harry's mind, could you please just help him out?" I asked giving dad the puppy dog eyes. "No, not after last time" he said sternly, "come on, you remember the agreement, you'll help me then" Harry said attempting to drag me out.

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