Fred X Potter!Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: your 5th year Fred's 7th
Warnings: your Harry's twin, mention of Umbridge's detention
Requested by: nobody
Posted on: 13/11/2020
A/N = okay so I'm going to try something for this chapter!


"Ginny" I said as I entered the burrow with Fred and George, the twins and I had always been closer than me and the rest of the Weasley's, except for Ginny, Ginny was my all time best friend. The two of us were almost closer than Harry and I.

"Yes" she called down to me, I smiled at the twins and left them alone and confused in the entry of the burrow. I hurried up to her bedroom that the two of us shared, "I need to tell you something" I said as I closed the door to the room.

"Okay" Ginny said a bit curious but confused, I sat down on the bed that the two of us shared and took a deep breath. "I, I like Fred" I said in a whispered so just in case if the twins had their expandable ears they couldn't hear me.

Ginny screeched from excitement and I chuckled, then my face fell, "he doesn't like me though" I said sadly and Ginny laughed at me. "What?" I asked frowning, "of course he likes you too" Ginny said and I shook my head, "Gin, he sees me as a sister" I said and she shook her head.

"I am positive that he does like you back" Ginny said and you shook your head, "kids dinner" Molly called from downstairs, Ginny and I went out of the room to be met with Ron, Harry and Hermione walking down the stairs from Ron's room.

"I was looking for you earlier, where were you?" Harry asked, he had always been overprotective over me. I smiled lovingly at my twin brother and then grinned, "I was out with Fred and George" I said and Harry's eyes became wide.

"What did they make you do this time?" He asked and I chuckled, "nothing, why do you always think they make me do something?" I asked him. "Because they're already trying to get everyone to taste their sweets" Harry exclaimed and I chuckled.

"Harry!" You exclaimed, "what?" He asked defensively and I chuckled again, "I helped come up with some of their things" I said a smile on my face as we got downstairs and into the kitchen.

Time skip till a month into the school

Ginny had been trying to get Fred and I together with a lot of things, she even tried one of their sweets, that didn't go as she had planned. I had been stuck in the hospital wing for a week afterwards not enjoying myself.

Currently though, I was sat in detention for standing up for a first year who had been being tormented by Malfoy and his goons. He had been quick to put me in detention with Umbridge, I frowned as I felt the cut from the blood quill get deeper.

I didn't let her see that it was hurting me though, keeping my Y/H/L Y/H/C hair in front of the side she could see my face on and keeping all winces so quiet that not even a loudspeaker charm could let her hear me. Finally after almost five hours of writing lines she let me go, I walked slowly out of her office until I was sure she couldn't hear me.

Once I was sure I sprung into run feeling the tears - from the burning sensation on the back of my hand - come to live. After running for only three minutes I collided with a hard chest, I quickly stood up not looking the person in the eyes and just hurrying to apologize before attempting to continue running.

To my dismay the person I had ran into grabbed my wrist and pulled me into their chest in a firm, strong hug and I instantly realized who it was. Fred.

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