Young!Remus X Reader

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Your information:
house: not a Hogwarts student
blood status: Pureblood
happens in: Christmas after Hogwarts graduation
more information: you are James' cousin
warnings: none
requested by: nobody
posted on: 09/01/2021


I knocked on the door. I was stood outside of James' and Lily's, James' fiancé, house, I was here to surprise James, I haven't seen him for years. Lily and I had talked this through over letters, I came while James was out picking his friends up for Christmas and I would surprise him when he got home.

My parents made me move to Iceland just before our first year at school so instead of going with James to Hogwarts I ended up going to a tiny wizarding school in Iceland.

Lily answered the door and smiled "you must be Y/N James' cousin?" Lily asked and I nodded "yes that's me, it's so nice to finally meet you" I said and Lily and I hugged each other, "it's nice to meet you too, ohh while I remember you will have to share a room with one of James' friends since we don't have enough rooms. I hope that's okay with you" Lily said and I nodded "of course" I said smiling at her as she led me up the stairs to the room I would be sleeping in.

"When you're done settling in just come downstairs okay? I was just about to start decorating" Lily said and I nodded, "yeah, okay" I told her. I saw she had made a makeshift bed beside a comfortable looking bed, I decided that James' friend could have the more comfortable bed so I put my bag onto the makeshift one and decided to change cloths after the long drive and the flight.

After I put some jeans and a comfortable red Christmas hoodie on I made my way downstairs and saw Lily almost with her whole head inside one of the boxes, "a extendable charm" she explained when she heard me in there. I smiled and nodded when she came back out of the box, "what are you looking for anyway?" I asked and she sighed, "the Christmas tree decorations, James just parked the car outside, I can hear him out there with his friends" Lily explained and I nodded becoming excited to see James again.

James and I had been like the siblings the other didn't have when we were younger but had almost completely lost touch when I moved although when we would write to each other we would be talking like we had been meeting every day.

The four boys walked into the house, "Prongs did you get Lily new set of a travel cloak and boots?" we heard someone ask, who I assumed was, James. We heard a gasp and then James came running into the living room but froze as soon as he saw me, "Y/N?" he asked and I nodded, James was quick to almost throw me onto the couch behind me when he pulled me into a hug.

I smiled at him and hugged him back, "Remmy, you'll have to share your normal room with Y/N" Lily called to someone out in the hallway, we heard a grunt of approval and then James pulled out of the hug looking at me with question. "Are you staying?" he asked and I nodded, "surprise" I chuckled at him and he hugged me again, "I've missed you, so much" James whispered into my ear, "I've missed you too jerk" I told him and we both laughed. Our mom's had been sisters so we had some weird nicknames for each other, he was jerk and I was mrs. stupid, the only reason I got that nickname was because I couldn't answer his question on which house he had been sorted into when we were both in our first year.

Then I looked past James to see three boys there, one was fairly chubby and short with blond hair, one had black, wavy, shoulder length hair and he seemed to play qudditch because of the muscles showing through a tight leather jacket. The last boy had a book in his hands, he had scars over his whole face and he was extremely handsome, he had light brown almost golden hair and his eyes were like honey shining in the morning sun.

I quickly averted my gaze to the floor when I realized I had been staring, "Y/N, that's Peter" James said pointing at the chubby boy, "that's Sirius" he said pointing at the boy with the black shoulder length hair, "and lastly, Remus" he said pointing at the handsome one. "Boy's this is my cousin Y/N" James said, "you're sharing with Remus" Lily whispered in my ear when the boys had started talking about something else.

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