Luna X Fem!Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: half-blood
Happens in: 3rd year
Warnings: girlxgirl (do not hate the person that requested this!! I myself is a part of the LGBTQ+ community and don't have anything against anyone in that community! If you don't like it don't read it!)                           
Requested by: Lilysimp
Posted on: 28/12/2020


I looked inside the stores window at the beautiful dresses they had there, the Yule ball was happening in two weeks time, Harry had asked me a week ago.


I sat in the Gryffindor common room just thinking about Luna my crush and one of my closer friends, she was already going with Neville. Luna and I had both come out as Pansexual the week before Neville asked her to the dance. I had hoped I would have managed the courage to ask her to the dance although Neville had been quicker to do it.

I looked in the direction of the fat lady portrait as I heard Hermione mumble something to Harry and push him into the common room lightly. I smiled as I saw Harry approach me, Harry and I had always been fairly good friends, although that was all he was to me, a friend.

"Hey Y/N" he said as he sat down and rubbed the back of his neck, "hey" I said back smiling at him and Harry chuckled embarrassed for some weird reason. "I was wondering, if maybe, I don't know, you would go to the Yule ball with me, as friends? Please, I'm a champion I can't show up without a date" Harry exclaimed in desperation.

I laughed a little at him but nodded, "sure Harry, I can't go with the person I wanted to either way" I told him and he sighed in relief while I chuckled at him.

Flashback over

I looked at the dress and went into the store, it was a red flowy long dress I made the decisions that Harry might like it. I payed the witch that was at the register and went back out into the cold December air.

All too soon I found myself in Ginny and mines dorm room getting dressed with her for the dance. (This is what you wore! Feel free to change it👇👇👇)

After Ginny and I had been getting ready for hours on end we were finally ready to go, we left the dorm and went downstairs to see Hermione and the boys standing down there talking

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After Ginny and I had been getting ready for hours on end we were finally ready to go, we left the dorm and went downstairs to see Hermione and the boys standing down there talking. When Harry saw the two of us he froze to the spot, "wow, the two of you look gorgeous" Harry admired when Ginny and I were closer to him.

We smiled and thanked him before Seamus, Ginny's date, came down from the guys dorm room smiling at the group we had formed in front of the fire. "Hey" he said before complementing Ginny on her dress choices, we all smiled and laughed while we walked down to the great hall.

Neville was meeting Luna over there, I looked up the stairs trying to see if Luna was coming or not, and there she was, she had a beautiful yellow long dress on with a lot of weird flowers to represent her personality. I smiled and nudged Neville in his side to point her out, Neville looked at Luna and he almost lost his face.

Luna came over to all of us and smiled as she said hi to everyone, I found myself constantly stealing glances over to my right where Luna stood talking cheerily with everyone. I inwardly sighed, she was so happy and cheerful, it was almost scary to see her this happy all the time, yet it always made you smile when she did.

All too soon everyone except for the triwizard champions and their dates were going into the great hall, the champions and their dates would have to make a grand entrance and start the first dance up. Harry seemed nervous about something and I nudged his shoulder, "you can step as often as you'd like on my toes" I whispered to him as we stood in line outside of the great hall.

Harry chuckled quietly to me but smiled a thankful smile before everyone had to go inside and we were starting the first dance.

Soon professor McGonagall and professor Dumbledore came and started to dance while they both laughed at something, after that other teachers and students filed onto the dance floor and started to dance. After that first dance Harry and I went to sit down, i laughed a bit with Ron - who looked almost hilarious - and Harry while constantly stealing a glance or two at Luna.

I was pulled out of my thoughts about Luna by Ron waving his hand in front of my face and I almost jumped out of my seat, "merlin Ron, you scared the crap out of me" I exclaimed at him. Both boys chuckled, "I just asked if you wanted me to grab you something to drink" Ron said and I smiled thankfully and nodded "oh yes please" I told him and he nodded before standing up to get us something to drink.

"You want to be with Luna don't you?" Harry asked me while I looked at Luna, she seemed to be looking in my direction as well and I smiled in hope she'd see it "yeah" I answered honestly before giving Harry an apologetic look. "Go ask her to dance" Harry urged me to go but I shook my head, "she came with Neville" I said trying to reason with him.

"I don't care, she obviously wants to be with you as well, now go ask her" Harry said almost pushing me out of my seat. I sighed but nodded becoming confident in myself, I approached Luna and Neville and smiled at them.

"Would you mind if I stole your lady for a second?" I asked Neville and he chuckled before shaking his head in a 'no' motion "no go ahead" Neville said smiling at us. I lead Luna out to the courtyard and smiled at her, "I was wondering if we'll maybe, I don't know" I said rubbing my neck nervously, "I was wondering if you would maybe go on a date with me?" I asked almost too quickly for her to understand.

Luna seemed to beam with happiness and she pulled me closer to her pressing her lips onto mine, the kiss sent butterflies all through my body. My stomach did a couple of turns and I felt my whole face heat up, when we pulled apart we were both smiling brightly, both our lipsticks were messed up on each other's lips and we almost looked a mess.

"I've liked you for a long time Y/N" Luna suddenly said while our foreheads rested together, "I've liked you too for a very long time" I told her back before we pressed our lips back together. "Be mine?" I suddenly asked Luna without realizing I had but she smiled and nodded, "of course" she said before pecking my lips and took my hand in hers making us start walking together.

We walked the whole night away as we smiled and laughed and talked about everything.

WC: 1210

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