Fat!Minerva McGonagall X Fat!reader

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I hope you'll like this! It was a bit hard to write and I've been a bit busy so I'm sorry this is getting posted so late! I try to post as soon or soon after I get a request!

Your information...

House = Gryffindor
Blood status = half blood
Requested by: @justabatbat


You smiled at the necklace you had found for your girlfriend Minerva, it was her birthday and you were very excited for it. You just hoped that the chain on the necklace wouldn't be too small for her.

You sighed as you walked into your office at Hogwarts getting ready for the evening at hand. Once you closed the door to your office you started the shower, you got undressed and let the water hit your chubby figure. You knew you weren't necessary chubby but more fat but you liked to imagine yourself chubby instead.

You smiled at the clothes you had picked out for Minerva and put them on after you had cleaned yourself well in the shower. You did a high pony tail (if possible) in your H/L H/C hair and started the walk to Minerva's office.

You were both professors at Hogwarts so it was easy for you two to just share a office through the nights. Although in the day you would prefer to be at your own office's to grade papers and plan your lessons. You knocked on Minerva's door and waited for a come in to be heard from the other side of the door.

Once you heard her call you inside you opened the door up and smiled at her chubby figure. You would never let her say she was fat even though she did say it a lot of times, you would always correct her and say she was just chubby.

Neither of you were insecure but you both felt uncomfortable in wearing very tight dresses even though you were both fairly young. "Hello love" you said as you approached Minerva, "hey" she said and pecked your lips. You smiled and kissed her lips again, "happy birthday" you said handing her the gift you got her.

"What but, you didn't have to!" she said happily and smiling brightly at the package in her hands. "Open it" you pushed her excitement filling the air as she tore the wrapping paper off.

She saw the box and smiled, "Y/N you didn't" she said and opened the box, "oh my merlin you did!" She screamed. You chuckled a bit "yes I did, you wanted it so badly so I thought it would be perfect for you" you said blushing a little.

You and Minerva had only been dating for about a year and half but you were very comfortable with each other even though you both blushed from time to time. "Thank you" Minerva said and smiled sweetly at you, you smiled back at her and pulled her into a hug. "You're welcome" you said and pulled away from the hug taking her hand and pulling her with you out of the school.

"Where are we going?" she asked as you pulled her down to Hogsmeade, "it's a surprise" you said while pulling her through Hogsmeade. You pulled her past the shrieking shack and into the forest that was there by.

When you pulled her into a clearing she stopped, "is that, a picnic?" she asked as you lead her to the blanket that was on the ground. "Yes it is, now come on and sit down with me?" you questioned her, she smiled brightly at you and sat down beside you.

"Happy birthday beautiful" you said kissing her lightly on the lips and starting to unpack the picnic basket. "Thank you love" she said as she picked up a cookie you had taken out of the basket. "Of course, come on now, let's eat" you said and cut a slice of chocolate cake for her and handed her a glass of milk.

She smiled at you and took the glass, "thank you for making this is the best birthday so far" Minerva said as she took a bite of her chocolate cake. You smiled at her and nodded, "it's my duty to make you smile, I'm your girlfriend after all" you said and she smiled.

"I love you" she said and kissed you lightly on the lips "I love you too" you said back to her, you both smiled at each other as you ate the cake. Once you were both finished with the cake and cookies and everything you had brought you both laid down in the grass.

Minerva was using your boobs as a pillow while looking up at the sky and the clouds that moved peacefully around. You took your eyes off of the sky and moving clouds and looked down at your georgus clouds.

You kissed her lightly on the head and looked back up, soon it was starting to get dark so you and Minerva helped each other to pack everything in the basket again. Once everything was in the basket you picked it up with one hand and took Minerva's hand in your other one.

You two walked up to the castle hand in hand just talking and enjoying each other's company. Once you two reached the castle you were both absolutely out of breath having walked up the hill. You smiled and her and she smiled back at you, "that was some good exercise" she said and you laughed. "Yes that it was" you said and Minerva laughed too.

"My office or your office?" you asked her as you two made your way into the castle, "your office" she said and you smiled. "My office it is" you said, you had a slightly bigger bed so it was a bit more comfortable for you two to cuddle there.

You two often ended up cuddling till you fell asleep and then you would sleep together through the whole night. You smiled to yourself as you two reached your office and both of you walked inside.

Once you were both inside the office you closed the door and started to put your pajamas on. You two had done some dirty things so it wasn't a shy thing for you to put them on in front of her.

"Do you want to borrow some?" you asked Minerva while lifting your pajama dress up slightly. "Yes please" she said and you went into your drawers and took one out before throwing it to her. "There you go" you said and continued to put your pajamas on and get into the bed.

You got in the bed before Minerva so you just waited for her to come and cuddle with you. Once she reached the bed you smiled and she got in, "happy birthday again" you said and kissed her lightly in her forehead. "Thank you" she said and smiled, soon sleep took over the two of you as you were fast asleep in each other's arms.

Word count: 1175

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