Neville X Reader

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Your information:
House: Gryffindor
Blood status: pureblood
Happens in: 6th year
Warnings: none
Requested by: nobody


You smiled happily to yourself, you were on your way to Herbology, one of your favorite classes. Well it was your favorite just because you had it with Neville, you and Neville had been best friends since your first year.

At that time you fell for him as well, you hoped he would feel the same way about you, you were planning on inviting him to Slughorn's Christmas party.

This Herbology lesson was the last class before you would have your Christmas break, you smiled as you reached greenhouse #3. You saw Neville talking to professor Sprout and walked up to them, "I hope I'm not disturbing something?" You asked. Neville turned around to see you standing there, his face became bright as he saw you.

Madame Pomfrey had been keeping you in the hospital wing the past two weeks because of a fatal plant bite. You smiled at Neville as well and hugged him, "how are you?" Neville asked excitedly once the two of you pulled out of the hug.

"I'm all healed!" You exclaimed still smiling at him.

After the Class!


I said bye to Y/N because I had promised Dean I'd help him with some Herbology homework. I entered the library the thought of Y/N stuck on my mind while I looked around for Dean.

"Neville!" Dean almost screamed in my face waving a hand in front of it. I shook my head trying to rid of the thoughts that were invading my mind.

I smiled at Dean a apologizing look on my face. "Sorry I was lost in though" I told him honestly as we sat down at one of the tables in the far back corner of the library.

After we had sat there for what felt like only one minute Dean sighed heavily. "Neville if you're just going to be thinking about Y/N then just leave" he said. I looked at Dean with horror filling my facial expression, "h - how - how'd you k - know?" I asked stammering.

"Oh Neville it's obvious!" Dean exclaimed and my whole face became red.


You were walking to the library just trying to think of what you'd say and how you'd word this. If Neville wouldn't want to go with you to Slughorn's Christmas party then you could always act like it was meant to be only friends.


All too soon you reached the library doors and you opened one up as slowly as you possibly could. You knew he was going to be here helping Dean to study, Seamus had told you.

You took a deep breath and walked in looking around for Neville's face or hair. After looking for a second or two you saw him, you smiled in his direction and walked over.

When you got over Neville smiled at you, "hey, um could we maybe talk?" You asked Neville your face feeling slightly warm. "Sure, what's up?" Neville asked you smiling, you looked at Dean, and then back at Neville.

"In private please?" You asked, thankfully Dean got the message and packed his things and left you and Neville alone. You sat down where Dean had been sitting just a couple of seconds before and you took another deep breath.

"Nev, I was wondering if, we'll if you'd like to go to Slughorn's Christmas party with me? As a date?" You asked quietly. You didn't dare look at Neville's reaction to your request.

After a minute of silence you felt Neville's hand on top of yours, you blushed a little and looked up at him. "I'd love to go with you as a date" Neville said and smiled shyly at you, you smiled brightly in his direction and kissed him on the cheek before leaving him alone.

10 years later

You walked in the door of your and your husband's house, you were exhausted after a long work day. You were a wand maker and it was really stressful at the current time, all the kids that were starting Hogwarts.

"And that my dear Alice and Frank is how your mom and I got together" you heard Neville's voice come from the living room. He apparently had been telling Alice your five year old and Frank your three year old how he and you got together.

You walked into the living room and smiled at your little family. "Mommy!" Alice and Frank called as they ran in your direction and hugged you.

"Hello kids" you said smiling down at them and kissing their heads, "hey love" you said and sat down beside Neville. Neville kisses your head and the stood abruptly up, "dinner is almost ready" he said and smiled at you.

"Thank you" you said your tired body needing to be sitting or laying down.

That night

You lay in Neville's arms just cuddling, "love? Are you still awake?" You asked quietly, "yes, what's up?" He asked and you smiled a little. "You know how we have been talking about adding to the family?" you asked and Neville shot up.

"Are you?" He asked and you smiled before nodding, "I found out at work" you told him and he jumped up and down from excitement.

A/N = I am so sorry it's short!

WC: 899

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