Young!Sirius X Potter!Reader

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Your information:
house: Gryffindor
blood status: Pureblood
happens in: 6th year
your animagus form: a mare
warnings: being cheated on
requested by: nobody
posted on: 09/01/2021


I sat in the common room just talking with Moony about the upcoming moon when the portrait opened up and in came my handsome boyfriend seeming to be day dreaming about something. "Pads, what's got you all dreamy?" Moony asked him, nobody knew that Sirius and I were dating, we had been keeping it a secret for four years because we both knew that James, my twin, would try to kill him if he knew.

"Isn't she beautiful?" Sirius asked and Remus chuckled, "what now your in love with someone?" he asked Sirius and he nodded, "well, who is it Pads?" Remus asked him and he sighed dreamily "Karen Vane" Sirius said. I felt the tears prick at my eyes but I ignored it and continued to stay strong until Vane came into the common room.

"Siri, baby" she called and I felt a single tear fall from my eyes, that was the nickname I had for him, Sirius turned around and looked at her, he had a dreamy look on his face and he quickly stood up and kissed her. I excused myself and went out of the common room, I hurried into the ROR  (room of requirement) I cried, I cried a lot when I got there, I fell onto the bed that was there and I continued to cry, he was cheating, why? I couldn't get that thought out of my mind, we had been talking about telling James.

After I had gotten myself together I hurried to dinner only to see Sirius and Vane being all lovy dovy and James and Remus just frowning over all the PDA. I walked over and took Sirius up by his collar and dragged him out of the great hall, "we're over, don't even try to talk to me" I told him walking away from him, he didn't even seem upset about what I just told him which probably hurt more than anything.

I went to the common room knowing everyone would be at dinner, when I got there I sat down on the couch in front of the fire and put my face into my hands, I always did that when I was upset. I heard the door into the common room open up and I saw Remus come inn by himself, he noticed just how upset I was so he came and sat down beside me, neither one of us saying anything, Remus stroked my back in a calming motion.

When I had stopped crying again Remus asked me the dreaded question, "what happened?" he asked and I told him everything, everything from how Sirius and I started dating those four years ago, to the way we kept it a secret all this time, to the way he was now cheating on me, to the way it was killing me. After I finished talking Remus seemed shocked but he stroked my back calmly, Remus and I had always been very close, both enjoying to learn everything and both enjoying to read, we would often read to each other.

We had been sitting on the couch when James, Peter, Sirius and Vane came into the common room, I excused myself and went up to my dorm.

For months I ignored the four boys and kept to myself seeing that those four had been my only friends except for Lily, she and I were kind of close but she had other friends who she was closer to so we didn't really spend a lot of time together. "Y/N?" I heard James' voice call me throughout the whole library, madame Pince shushed him but he ignored her until he found me sitting by myself in the corner.

"Why have you been ignoring me and the boys? Monny missis you on the full moons, we have noticed and it's getting harder to keep him inside the forest" James said and I sighed, "I just need some time James, please don't ask me about it" I told him and he sighed. "Fine, but you know I want you to talk to me when there is something like this going on" James said and I nodded, "I know, if you really want to know go ask Moony" I told him and he nodded before leaving.

I sighed knowing just how mad James would be when he found out about how Sirius had treated me. James was always very over protective over me, that was one of the reasons Sirius and I never told anyone we were dating, I sighed packing my school work into my bag and leaving the library, I had given up on trying to study.

When I entered the common room I wasn't expecting to see James towering over Sirius and Vane in front of the fire, I also wasn't expecting to almost see the fear and regret radiating off of Sirius when he apparently realized what he had done. Sirius looked behind himself to see me standing there and he was quick to stand up and attempt to talk to me but I walked past him and into the girls dorm.

A week later I still hadn't really talked to the boys, currently Remus and I sat on Remus' bed, the fool moon had been yesterday and the other three boys had left for Hogsmeade and had left Remus so here we were, me reading Remus' book to him as we cuddled under his cover because of the cold. The door opened into the boys dorm and in came the other three boys, "this is my time to leave, I'll see you later Remmy" I told Remus, although just when I was about to be out of the room Sirius grabbed my arm and James gave him a stern look but he ignored him.

"Please talk to me, let me explain, please" Sirius begged, I never thought I would hear the Sirius Black begging a girl to listen to him, I sighed but nodded and walked back into the room and sat back down on Remus' bed. "Wait is something going on between you two?" Sirius asked before he explained, "no, you have five minutes" I told him and he sighed, "it was a love potion, I didn't know what I was doing until James screamed at me the other day, I swear" Sirius said and I looked at the other three boys in there.

Remus nodded without thinking while James didn't seem to want to nod but he did none the less and Peter was just looking for some of his candy not paying any attention to us, "fine" I sighed. Sirius smiled brighter than I had ever seen him smile before "take me back will you?" Sirius asked and I lifted one eyebrow but nodded none the less and he jumped up a bit from joy before smashing his lips onto mine.

The kiss was soft and sweet, yet it was full of passion and love and need, when we pulled away James took Sirius collar and gave him a cold stare, "you hurt her again black and I swear I will kill you" James told him and Sirius nodded before dragging me up and out of the dorm.

A moth later we were all getting ready for the full moon, I was glad I was going to be getting my hooves out again, it felt like it had been forever since the last time I joined them out on a full moon. We all waited until we saw Remus go into the whomping willow and then Peter went and froze the tree so all of us could go into the trree.

That night we all enjoyed our self's more than normally, even Remus seemed to enjoy everything more than usually.

WC: 1327

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