The "Date" (CH.13)

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Y/N's Pov

Me and Itsuka stayed there, just snuggling and enjoying of each others company, for almost another half an hour, we didn't even say anything, we just got comfortable, and relaxed, but that came to an end when Itsuka's mother came up and greeted us "Hello you lovebirds, breakfast is ready" We both looked towards her, I myself was a bit embarrassed, and I think Itsuka was as well because her face was red, and I think mine was a bit as well.

"We will be down in a minute" Said Itsuka.

"Very well" Said her mother, I relaxed a bit, but then she said something that tensed me up again "Oh, and just so you know, when I came in before you two were still snuggling with each other, it was a very cute sight" I suddenly felt my face get warmer and Itsuka's face was completely red now, her mother just chuckled and said "Well, just don't take too long you two." And with that she left the room, me and Itsuka just stared at each other, we stayed there for some seconds, until Itsuka let out a giggle, I then started chuckling with her, and in some seconds we were laughing, after we stopped , I just looked at her, and admired how gorgeous she was, for some seconds I couldn't get my eyes of her, I felt it was the perfect moment to do something, however I didn't knew what I wanted to do, sometimes I do really curse my condition.

"You know, we should head down now" She said, she seemed to be nervous as well, her cheeks had some little red spots and the way at how she didn't looked at me directly made her look cute.

"Yeah, we should" I said with a smile, she shot her gaze towards me and after some seconds she gave a warm smile, even if I liked her smile, I was confused by her reaction "What is it Itsuka?"

"It's just that, yesterday you still had those 'tired' eyes, and now, you seem as lively as ever, and I'm just happy to have you fully back" She said.

"If it makes you happy, I'm as well" I said, her smile did made me happy, but we had to get going "Well, we should get going now" I got up and extended my hand towards her, and she grabbed it and standed up with me, however, she did with a pout on her face, this made me chuckle and got her to also laugh a bit, we then gathered all the things I used during the night and put them away, we then made our way downstairs, there her mother was waiting for us with the breakfast.

"Hey you lovebirds, finally decided to accompany me instead of snuggling with each other?" She asked with a grin, I just stood there a bit embarrassed and I also felt my face get warmer, and Itsuka just said.

"MOM! Not know!" She yelled-whispered, this got  a chuckle from me, and it catched the attention of her mother.

"Oh, Y/N you seem more... lively today" She said.

I just rubbed the back of my neck and answered "Yeah, yesterday and the U.S.J were rough for me" I then turned to Itsuka, and with a smile finished with "But all I needed was a good night of sleep"

"I see you both got a good rest then, anyways, let's eat before it gets cold." We then sat down and started eating, while we were eating I got to know more about Itsuka's family, her family actually owns a dojo were they give martial arts lessons, and also his father was out of the city due to a competition he had to attend to, after we finished eating I helped cleaning and washing the dishes, despite both, Itsuka and her mother, trying to stop me, after we finished I was making my way to the door to leave.

"Well, see you on monday Itsuka" I was about to leave, when she called my attention.

"Hey, Y/N" I turned back to her, and I saw her being a little nervous "Do you, want to, I don't know, just hang out for today?" I was a bit surprised by this, but I just smiled and said.

"Yeah, that would be nice." She seemed to lit up, and immediately said.

"Great, I will go up for a back and I'm back, ok?" I just nodded, and she went up to prepare "I won't take more than 5 minutes" And she just dashed upstairs, I chuckled and leaned against a wall to wait for her, then her mother tried to make some little conversation with me.

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