Going Back Home (CH.54)

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Y/N's Pov

After I used my Thunderous Purgatory on All For One, I blacked out again, but fortunately this time I knew that I was alive. This time, unlike the previous one, I still felt pain, it was the only thing I could feel, but it was so vividly that it could only mean that I was still alive.
I also had made a little system to track the time, which literally consisted of just counting how many seconds passed, but there were several flaws to it. Like for starters, my counting wasn't precise, I could probably practice improving it, but right now, it was the first time I did this. Secondly, I'm not entirely sure about how does time flow in my subconscious, so it probably went faster or slower than in the actual world, but this was my only option.

By this standards, it had been roughly six to twelve hours since I blacked out. There was some clear room for improvement on my precision, but I could assume that by now I should be at a hospital recovering, which was relieving.

At this point the only thing I could do was wait, since I didn't even feel the pain anymore, because I already had accustomed to it, so I hardly felt it, when I suddenly felt something fall on me, waking the pain again, and making it way worse than before. "What the hell was that?" I said (thought?) to myself, wondering what happened to me.

Whatever it was, since it was that close to me, I could faintly feel it, and so, I tried to make out what it was. By the size, I could feel that it was probably someone around my age, and that was as much as I could discern, which was as much as I could feel.

There wasn't anything else I could do, but just as I was about to try to forget this, I barely heard. "C'mon, Y/NN! Please come back!" 'Itsu!' Now I knew what this was, and more important than that, I knew that she had woken up.

I was extremely relieved by this, and so much in fact, that I completely forgot about all the pain that I was feeling, when I heard something worse than all of this, her sobs. "PLEASE! COME BACK!!!" All the peace that I had gotten disappeared, and now I had to wake up as soon as possible.

"COME ON! THINK!!!" No matter how much I concentrated, or where I looked, nothing changed, and I couldn't come up with a solution, when I remembered a similar situation to this one that I had read about. According to the author of the diary from which I got my breathings, he once got trapped inside a dream as well, and that time, in order to escape, he killed himself. This situation was a bit different from his, since I had just blacked out and wasn't dreaming, but I at least had to try.

I looked at my waist, searching for my sword, and fortunately it was there. I then grabbed it and placed it on my neck, but I couldn't gather the strength to cut myself. "Okay, breath and calm down. I've never done this, but it's just what's logic to do, think about it, worst outcome, I don't wake up and nothing changes, so I'll still have time to wake up, best outcome, I wake up and I can see Itsu again. Just relax, breath, and Do It!" And without even giving myself time to think about it again, I pressed the sword with all my strength.

However, this didn't seem to work, since I didn't feel any difference at the moment, but as I tried to open my eyes again, I felt them really heavy and the more I opened them, the more pain I felt across my body and my mind became numb.

After a little bit I managed to fully open them, and I realized that it actually worked. Looking around I could see the landscape of a hospital, something I had already seen multiple times, but what was weird was that I no longer felt Itsuka's weight on me, so I looked around to see if she was here. "Itsu?" I faintly asked, and what I wasn't expecting was to receive an answer.

"Y-Y/NN?" I heard. I looked towards the origin of the sound and realized that Itsuka was leaving when she heard me. I tried to sit on the bed, so I could properly talk with her. It wasn't that hard, but I still didn't like it.

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