All For One (CH.51)

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Y/N's Pov

After we heard Tenya call us, we all turned around to look at him, and with just a moment, it was clear to see how angry he was. "So, you're really going?" He asked in really low tone of voice, to which Eijiro answered.

"Yes, we are." But this only seemed to anger him even more, and after some seconds of him trying to hold back his tears and frustration, he broke and screamed at us.

"Why? WHY YOU THREE OF ALL PEOPLE?! WHY WOULD YOU GO AND MAKE THE SAME MISTAKE I MADE?!!!" Due to our positions, I was the closest one to him, and as he was screaming, he also approached us, so right now I was just infront of him.

Despite his angry look, and the little distance between both of us, I didn't move back or even flinched, and once he stopped talking, I said. "It's something we have to do." But this really, really angered him, and so, he threw a punch directly at my face.

I watched it slowly approach me, and just moments before it landed, I managed to copy Eijiro's quirk, which also allowed me to use Tetsutetsu's, and activated both, it was mostly out of reflex, but it's not like I tried to stop it.

Hitting me with this combination seemed to injure his hand, but before neither of us did anything else, the rest of them came to separated us. "Okay, you two, stop!" Exclaimed Momo, and then Izuku continued with.

"Iida, you misunderstood us. We're not okay with breaking the rules, and we'll try to not break them." This statement seemed to confuse Tenya, and then Shoto backed Izuku up, and explained a bit more.

"Our plan is just to go there and retrieve Bakugo, without fighting." Tenya seemed to understand this, and so, Eijiro now addressed me.

"And, Y/N, we know that these past few days have been stressing, but try to stay calm, we're all friends, and Iida is just trying to protect us, okay." I nodded at this, mainly because I was a bit frustrated, but I still believed that I just acted normally.

Now that we had calmed down a bit, we started looking at the overall situation more calmly, and that's when Tenya spoke up. "I'm coming with you guys then." This surprised all of us, and before we asked him why, he finished explaining. "But It's just to protect you, okay? If I believe that the situation is getting too dangerous, I'm getting all of you out of there!" We nodded at this, and we could move on.

We started walking through the streets, and once we arrived at the train station, Momo got out a little gadget, an used it to locate that tracker that she had placed. "Okay, so first we'll have to get to Kamino." Looking at the map, it was in an urban area, a bit away from the center of Kamino, but it would still be dangerous if a fight happened there, which I didn't like at all.

We boarded a train that took us directly to Kamino's main railway station, and during the whole way there, none of us said anything. The tension was extremely thick, but I didn't mind it. My mind was really blank and the little part that was still working had too much to think about, so I wasn't in the mood to talk with anyone.

It took quite some time, but we finally arrived. I first expected that we would go directly towards the tracker, but just after walking out of the train, and getting into what seemed to be Kamino's shopping district, Momo stopped us and said. "Hey, Guys!" We turned to look at her, all of us confused, and she then explained. "I think we should get some disguises, just so we aren't recognized!" While pointing out at a very strange store.

Since none of us had any objections, and it seemed like a rational thing to do, we entered and got suited up. Momo was the one who chose most of our clothing, and they were...interesting, to say the least. Iida and Izuku looked like some kind of gangsters, Shoto and Eijiro just had some weird clothing, and Momo picked an eccentric dress and hair. I was hoping that I could skip this part, but just as I tried to leave, Momo stopped me. "C'mon, Y/N! If we all don't do it, this will be pointless." And then dragged me all the way towards a changing room.

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